Chapter Twenty: You're All Here!

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The Cadet and his Captain both got up in a hurry and backed away from the bars that held them in one spot, until their backs hit the wall behind them. Levi held his lover close to him, tightly, as he wasn't going to let anyone take him away from him. When the cursing stopped, the voices changed to that of simple conversation until the footsteps reached the bottom of the stairs. Finally, when the origin of the footsteps stopped in front of the cell that confined Eren and Levi, one of them called to them.

" Eren, Captain Levi? Are you guys here?"

At first Eren thought his ears were playing tricks on him, but when the voice continued asking for him and the Captain he knew that the voice was from Connie. As such, the brunette looked up from pressing his face into Levi's chest and called back.

" Connie! Connie, we're in here!"

Levi, upon realizing that the brunette's friends had come for them, helped Eren up and walked them over to the bars of the cell for them to be seen.

" Connie! We're over here! Look for my hand!" Eren exclaimed.

The brunette stuck his hand out from the bars and held it out there for his friends to find him and his Captain. Finally, Connie had found his friend and Captain and rushed over, motioning for someone to come over as well.

" Eren! Oh my god, you guys are okay!"

Levi, who had been quiet this entire time, decided to open his mouth.

" Connie, what's going on out there? Anything?"

" The Survey Corps is in a mess, sir. It's almost like anarchy. We can't trust anyone at this point; we need to fix this mess."

" We need a new Commander. Erwin is dead, and he always said that Hanji would take his place if he were to die, so we need to find her."

After he said this, the rest of the group had showed up. Eren looked from face to face, becoming more and more teary eyed. He was so happy to see that his friends were ready to help him and Levi. As he continued looking at them, his eyes landed on Mikasa, of whom remained in the back of the group.

" ... Mikasa, could you come here?" Eren asked hesitantly.

The ravenette slowly came up to her brother-like figure, keeping her head down, and held her arms close to her body. Eren noticed her behavior and remembered what he did a while back, and thinking about it now made him feel miserable. He felt around in his pockets and found what he was looking for. He pulled it out and looked from what he held in his hands to Mikasa and sighed, trying not to fall to his emotions. What he did next surprised the girl in front of him.

" It looks better on you, Mikasa... I shouldn't have taken this from you... I shouldn't have hurt you the way that I did... Can you forgive me?"

The girl said nothing, but she looked at what Eren had wrapped around her neck. The scarf. She held back her tears by clenching her eyes shut before speaking.

" ... I forgive you..." She said in a hushed tone.

The girl embraced Eren through the bars before Jean unlocked the door with a key.

Levi gently patted the brunette's shoulder as a way of saying that they could get out, and so they did. Once they did, Eren immediately embraced his sister with all his might, and soon after the group made yet another group hug.

" You're all here... you're all here..." was all that Eren could say.

Once everyone was done, they left the dungeon and headed for a bar, as Levi knew it was the one place Hanji would be if something bad happened.

Upon reaching the bar, Levi took ahold of Eren's hand before going inside, holding the door open for the brunette to pass through. The raven quickly found Hanji and walked over to her after telling Eren to go and talk with his friends, as he needed to do so for a while.

Levi sat down without addressing anything towards Hanji, but the woman didn't mind it.

" Have you heard what's going on, Hanji?" The raven started.

" Yes, and it's almost disappointing to say the least."

" Yeah. Did you hear about Commander Erwin?"

" He's dead, I know. Looks like I'm the new Commander now, huh? Well, not that I mind."

" Erwin was delusional, Hanji. He was transforming the Survey Corps into a zombie like army; messing with people's minds. Eren is a golden example of his work."

" What exactly is wrong with him?"

" You don't remember? Your the one who created that medication for him to take to repress it."

" Oh, so you know, huh?"

" Yes, and I want to know if you know anything about this."

" I know more than my fair share, but it's best to tell you all of that after this mess is sorted out. So, Eren is the key to fixing all of this, along with you."

" What?"

" Oh nothing, I'm just mumbling."

" Hanji, I swear to god! Tell me what you were about to say!"

" You won't like it, but I'll tell you since you'll threaten me with a beating. Eren has to die, that's all there is to it. Either him or you."

" ... No... No! There has to be another way!"

" Well it's not easy for someone to get rid of a split personality, but you can try. Other than that, he has to die."

" I thought I could come to you for answers, but it looks like I was wrong."

Levi stood up from the chair he was sitting on and left the brunette to her own devices. He walked up to Eren and the group and announced that it was time to leave, and with that, the raven left the bar with his subordinates close behind him.

AN: Here's chapter twenty. So, I've got nothing much to say so I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!!


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