Chapter Fifteen: Come Find Me, Levi

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Eren remained on the floor, writhing and hurting, as Erwin continued to abuse his already weak body. Many times the brunette attempted to fight back, but doing so only resulted in getting hit or kicked by his Commander. Only, it wasn't his Commander, or it was but an entirely different entity took over him.

" I must know, Eren. Where did all your spunk go? Surely you must be aching to teach me my lesson, now aren't you?"

Gritting his teeth as though they might break, Eren glared at his Commander.

" Ah, so I see that it hasn't completely diminished. That's fine, in fact, that's how I like them. Along with a hint of submissiveness."

" You're sick!"

" Am I? Let's compare the two of us, shall we?"

" I loathe the fact that you even try to compare us! We're nothing alike!"

" Is that so? Well, let me prove you wrong then. After the long period of time you spent with Captain Levi, you grew to love pain as it gave you immense amounts of pleasure. Well, I, too, love the pain. So there's one similarity, shall I continue?"

" Fuck you!"

" Well now, I guess you really do need a good lesson. You just can't seem to learn how to speak to your superiors."

Leaning towards the brunette with a horrifying aura, Erwin grabbed ahold of the brunette's shirt and pulled him up to meet his gaze. Every time he looked at those brilliant minty-emerald green eyes, the man felt a shudder go up his spine from thinking about taking his eyes again.

" I could be mistaken, but it seems as though your eyes have returned to their brilliant nature. I must have them, as the ones you gave me last time are dull."

Upon hearing this, Eren's eyes went wide as saucers in terror. He remembered the pain of his eyes being taken out, and even though his identity took over for him back then, he still felt that pain. He heard the terrified voice of his identity telling him to run, but as much as he wanted to, his leg was still healing. He could go now, but Erwin would catch him easily.

Meanwhile, Levi was still running towards the direction he heard the yelling and shouts of pain. However, since they had long since stopped, it made it difficult for the raven to find where the person in question was.

Running as fast as his legs could carry him, Levi continued his search for Eren. Unbeknownst to the raven, the brunette he was searching for was already gone from the location he was at.

The brunette didn't know what was going on nor where he was being taken to, as he had been knocked unconscious.

After an hours worth of searching, Levi finally found the location of the screams and shouts. On the floor lay small puddles and droplets, dark and thick, soaking into the stone flooring. As the raven continued to search the area, he found a gun and underneath it a folded piece of paper.

He unfolded it and began to read the contents inside.

Captain Levi,

I have full possession of Scouting Cadet Eren Jaeger, and I ask that you come find us at the place you met him two times before. If you have no recollection to where I mean, allow me to give you a riddle. This building stands tall as royalty and is surrounded by black knights, and during the lunar hours, is looked down upon by those that fade at dawn's arrival. Come find me, Levi.

~ Erwin Smith

Levi grit his teeth and wrinkled the paper in his hold from the sheer thought of his Commanding Officer laying his hands on his lover. The raven took in deep breaths and leaned against the wall behind him, pinching the bridge of his nose in deep thought.

" ... Alright, building, royalty, surrounded by black knights, and through the night is looked down upon by... by the stars. Yes, building and royalty, a royal mansion. Black knights... surrounded... trees... it's surrounded by trees... !"

Upon realizing where the man and his lover were, Levi started his trek towards the mansion in the forest.

It was the same mansion that he chased Eren into, and the same mansion he apologized and cried in front of Eren. That place never occurred to him since then.

Levi gradually started to run for an exit, and continued to run once he was outside. Eventually, his surroundings overran his mind, so he slowed down and came to a stop.

He was in the forest, nearby where the mansion was located, and looked around him. The ground was layered with snow, cold and glistening, and so were the trees surrounding him. The air, chilly and gentle, hugged him lightly. And from the sky were frozen rain droplets, falling gracefully.

Levi could see his own breath in the air and he was suddenly reminded of Eren as he continued to take in the beautiful landscape before him. He thought of how much he'd give just to see Eren finally enjoying everything around him, to see him smile, to see him happy.

With this, Levi continued his pursuit for Eren and Erwin through the cold snow.

Eren, however, wasn't able to enjoy the serenity that his lover had. For he was chained to a bed, staring at the nightstand table and what sat on a plate atop of it. His eyes were wide, his lips pressed tightly together, and his breathing steadily increasing.

" I want you to eat this, Eren." Said Erwin.

The brunette continued to stare at the dark substance, not formulating a response.

" That's an order. If you don't follow it, I'll force you." Erwin scowled.

Eren flinched and looked over to his former Commander with horror in his eyes. He gulped and opened his mouth to speak.

" Sir, what is that?"

" What do you think it is?" A twisted smirk rose to Erwin's mouth as he continued to explain. " It's a human heart; still beating."

" ... How is that even possible? Y-you'd have to of killed the person!"

" No, no. The person whose heart belongs to him is still alive, just in a bit of agony. However, he has some documents that cause me of high treason and first degree murder. So I'm ordering you to eat his heart, and do it as the true monster you are."

Eren flinched yet again, this time with a different reason. He thought that people looked up him as their savior against the Titans, just as they did with Levi. However, it hurt him deeply if one called him a monster because of his powers. So, as to prove Erwin wrong, he was going to refuse his order on the hope that Levi would come to him soon.

" I refuse to listen to you! I hope that man delivers those documents to the government and that you are deemed guilty of those charges!"

With this, Erwin walked up to the brunette and took the heart into his grasp. Then, suddenly, he plunged the heart into the brunette's mouth, catching the teen by surprise.

" You either eat it or you watch me ravage Levi right before you when he gets here! Better choose wisely, Jaeger!"

Eren ceases his assaults and froze in horror yet again. He never wanted to see that happen again, not with Levi, not with anyone. He tightly shut his eyes, as he felt tears beginning to well up in them, and took a hold of the heart that was partially in his mouth.

AN: OHHH!!! Cliffhanger!!! Once again, sorry I didn't put this up on its respective day, but it's October so I'm doing Goretober again this year. So my schedule might get a bit busy, cuz I have that, schoolwork, AR, and these updates. Don't worry, I'll get everything done in no time. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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