Chapter Twenty-Three: Levi!!!

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Eren and Levi continued to argue about what everyone else thought a ridiculous matter, only concerning life and death, that no one noticed Reiner and Bertholdt leave the group.

The argument only escalated, and was hurting both lovers, but was soon stopped by Armin.

" Guys! Stop! You love each other, right? No one wants anyone to die, right? What Eren said is true, death is inevitable, especially today. Someone is going to die today, and we need to be prepared for it, no matter who it is."

" Thank you Armin, and sorry about that." Eren starched the back of his neck.

He then looked over to Levi and lowered his gaze to the ground.

" And I'm sorry, Levi. I need to control my emotions a bit better, don't I?"

" That's for damn sure... Just never say that you'll die just to protect me again... I'm stronger than you, you know..."

" Yeah."

They both chuckled and slowly embraced each other. They could tell that the rest of the group was getting used to seeing these two happy together, as seeing them together made them happy for both of them.

Eventually, the group had gone inside to the dining hall and sat at a table. They could hear the screams and shouts of men and women outside fighting, as this was a revolution beginning. What none of them knew though, was that one death will lead to a quick end of this revolution.

As they were drinking and talking, Armin spoke up with concern.

" Where are Reiner and Bertholdt?"

Everyone looked around the room, then Jean spoke up with a calm demeanor.

" When you gotta go, you gotta go."

" This is serious, Jean! They've been with us the entire time! Now they're just suddenly gone?"

" Hey, I wasn't the last person who talked with them, okay?"

" I was, but I have no idea where they could've gone."

With the mystery becoming concern and anxiety, everyone stood and left the dining hall.

They decided to stay together as a safety precaution, and walked down the halls and outside calling for Reiner and Bertholdt.

After about half an hour, they stopped at the doorway leading to the dining hall. They searched the area around them as the two in question couldn't have gone too far, and without them knowing they were close by.

" Did we miss a spot that they are most likely to go? In a crisis of all times?" Eren asked, tired of searching in general.

" No, we checked all the places we remember hanging out with them at, or just two of them would go." Connie chirped in.

" Right then. I'm done searching, for anything or anyone, if they decide to come back they'll know we'll be in the dining hall." Eren said plainly.

Levi followed after Eren into the hall, and soon after, everyone else did as well. The brunette crossed his arms on the table, after sitting down, and laid his head atop of them, burying his face into them out of exhaustion. He felt Levi rubbing circles on his back, and as such, he nearly fell asleep. However, what brought him back from near unconsciousness was the screaming from outside becoming louder.

Eren slowly rose his head and looked around, alert. He then turned to Levi.

" What's going on?"

" I don't know, but I'm going to check it out. You and the rest stay back."

Eren simply nodded without any second thoughts and started gathering the group into the back of the dining hall.

Levi crept up to the door, blade in hand, and took in a deep breath before letting it go. His eyes closed, he opened them quickly as he opened the door. What he saw behind it were two males, and those two males were Reiner and Bertholdt.

" Reiner? Bertholdt? Where were you two? We were looking for you!"

" I must apologize, Captain. However, we found something. We thought you should hang onto it." Reiner spoke with an almost chilling calmness.

The brunette watched what was going on, and when he saw what Reiner was about to hand Levi, he broke into a run towards his lover.

" Levi!!!"

However, it was too late. Reiner had successfully handed Levi a stick of dynamite right before Eren could do anything.

The explosive went off and the hall was filled with black smoke, and the walls were splattered with red blood. When the smoke began to dissipate, Eren looked around for Levi, hoping to find him alive though he knew the thought was absurd.

As he looked, his eyes landed on a body in the room. His eyes began to widen, his body to shake, his heart to race, and his breathing to unevenness. He ran to the body and when he was close, fell and crawled the rest of the way. He brought Levi into his arms and swept away the raven's hair from his face in rapid succession. His sobs were cutting off his ability to breathe properly, and his tears were making it difficult for him to see anything.

" ... L-Levi.... Levi!!! Wake up! Please!!!"

He received no response.

" ... You can't be dead... you can't..."

As he wept, Eren then heard a voice in his head.

" I can save what's left of him."

" ... How?"

" I can move his conscious into yours. He can live inside of you, however, I will cease to exist."

" I don't want to be left alone... and I don't want him to leave me..."

" ... I'll see what I can do, but I can't guarantee my existence to remain."

" Thank you, for everything."

His personality thanked him as well and without Eren's knowing, ceased to exist upon replacing him for Levi.

Eren closed Levi's eyes and gently kissed his eyelids before crossing the raven's arms onto his chest, as they do at funerals. He stood up and wiped his tears before walking out of the dining hall, looking for Reiner and Bertholdt.

" It's your turn, Reiner. Bertholdt."

AN: Two more chapters of this!!! So, let's see how much hate and sadness I get from this chapter XD Seriously though, did you guys ever think it might've been Levi who'd die? No? Well I did it! Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!!


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