Chapter Six: Don't Look At Me Like That

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As the two males made their way to the first room to check they came across Conny Springer. Eren was so relieved to see him as he walked up to him and embraced him tightly.

" Eren? What are you doing here? Everyone thought you left."

" I know, and I did, but we came back to save the scouts from the Commander."

" Commander Erwin?"

" Listen, we'll tell you the rest once we have everyone else. This is going to take a lot of effort as Erwin hates it when things don't go his way." Levi intervened.

The two teenagers nodded and followed after their Captain. As they were searching rooms Conny spoke up.

" I've been looking for everyone since I got moved here but it's like they're scattered about here at HQ, but I do remember where they took Mikasa and Jean."

" They're together?" Eren asked.

" I can only guess, knowing Jean he'd make sure they were together."

" I guess you're right about that."

" I found Sasha!" Levi shouted quietly, motioning for Eren and Conny to catch up.

Conny ran for the room, Eren following after him, and was met with Sasha tied to a chair. Eren stayed with Levi outside the door and allowed Conny to free the girl of her restraints, after which they started checking the rooms more intently. After about ten minutes the Captain and his lover had gathered Conny, Sasha, Reiner, and Bertholdt.

" We still need Mikasa, Jean, Ymir, and Historia." Commented Sasha.

" We'll find them." Conny reassured.

" Could you at least tell us the basics as to what's going on?" Reiner protested.

Levi sighed harshly and gave Reiner the brief explanation he wanted, " The Commander has gone rogue, and the scouts needs a new Commander. There you go. Now let's go find the rest of this group."

Once Levi turned on his heel to go looking, Eren looked at his friends, " Guys, take it easy on him. He's doing all that he can and he's stressed out as it already is."

" We'd like to for your sake but we can't forget what he did to you." Reiner retorted.

" And I'm saying he's making amends by doing all that he can to save us all. I asked him, pleaded to him, that we come back and he's done that. What more do you want?" With that being said Eren left the group to go after Levi.

Reiner was still skeptical about Levi but if Eren said that he's changed then he'd have to believe him until proven otherwise.

The group had been wandering around Headquarters for what seemed like hours and there have been no signs of the rest. Conny was with the Captain leading them to where Mikasa and Jean could be, all the while Eren was in the back keeping his distance. He couldn't stop thinking about what he had seen when he and Levi had arrived. The brunette's childhood friend being ravaged by the Commander of the Survey Corps, and he didn't put up a fight. That's what set the teen on edge. That and what Armin had told him before he left.

As Eren was pondering the recent events he was knocked out with a swift hit to his nape and was dragged into the shadows away from the group.

Levi followed Conny as they made another turn into another hallway. As the Captain was motioning for everyone to go before him he realized that Eren wasn't among them. He looked down the hall and waited for a bit before being called for by the group. He turned to face them with a terrified expression.

" Where's Eren?"

Everyone looked every direction in search of the teen but to no prevail did any of them spot him.

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