Chapter Nineteen: Executed... No!

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Levi had woken up with a jolt. He was shivering immensely but when he looked up he realized where he was. He was in the courtroom. The very courtroom he had saved Eren from the government alongside Erwin.

" Levi Ackerman. You are here today under charges of high treason. We will need you to agree to the terms of being held a trial, do you accept?"

" ... Yessir..."

" Thank you. Now then, we will begin this trial with the concern of Scouting Cadet Eren Jaeger." Levi flinched ya the mention of his lovers name. " Since the capture of the Female Titan, Eren Jaeger has shown many signs of mental instability, as reported by his childhood friends. Were you aware of this before they were, or not?"

" No sir. However, if I may, he came to me one night for support. His friends would not give that support to him by some means that I'm still not aware of, so he turned to me. As his Captain, I gave him what he wanted."

" By that, you mean abusing him since that night and keeping him locked in the dungeons. Not only have you committed high treason, the matter we will arrive on soon enough, but you have also sexually abused a soldier that ranks below your own. How do you plan to explain that?"

" ... I... What I say won't change your opinion on the matter but hear me out, please, sir."

" Go on."

" ... Commander Erwin ordered me to commit those actions by placing a threat upon me and my subordinates. I only did what I thought I had to do in order to protect everyone, including myself, sir."

" If this is true then where is Commander Erwin Smith?"

" ... He's dead, your honor."

" Dead?! How?!"

" By my hand. I killed him in order to stop what he started."

" What on Earth could he have started?! Why, is the order of arrest upon Eren Jaeger false?! Did he not murder Commander Erwin?! Speak now!"

" No sir. It was me. He simply found me in the act and tried to stop me."

" Then explain why he had transformed!"

" A Titan was closing in, so he transformed to protect me."

" Why?! Why would he protect a murderer?!"

" Because I'm his lover."

The courtroom went silent from the arising protests. Levi sat on the stone floor, just as Eren had when they had first discovered his ability to transform into a Titan, with his hair covering his tear stricken eyes. If he ever saw Eren before anything terrible happened, the raven knew that he'd jump onto the brunette with open arms and embrace him tightly, all the while apologize. He'd apologize for everything that had happened to them.

" This is an outrage! A superior falling for his subordinate?! Outright heresy!!! Never mind the charge of high treason!!! You are here by sentenced to death for high treason, murder, and heresy! Take him away!"

Without a word, Levi let the soldiers carry him out of the room. Before they left, the judge said one last thing.

" I'll have you watch them hang Eren Jaeger for his charges of high treason!"

Levi, who was silent and emotionless, finally awoke from his trance.

" No! You can't! You can't make me watch that happen!!! You can't!!!"

He continued to shout his disapproval of the judge's choice as the soldiers pulled him to the dungeons.

Once they arrived, one of the three that came down unlocked the door to the cell. After which, the other two threw the raven into the cell, shutting the door closed before he could try anything else. Once the soldiers left, Levi sat down in the back of the cell, his back pressed against the stone brick wall. He simply looked at the ceiling, thinking what he could've done better than to give into the Commander's order.

As he was pondering this, he heard a sniffle from the other side of the cell. He quickly drew his attention to it but he immediately recognized who was there.

" ... Eren?"

" L-Levi?"

" Eren!"

Within a second, the brunette had leaned onto the raven and held him tightly. He had been crying not too long ago, but his tears had resumed what they started.

" Levi! I'm so scared! I-I don't want to die! I don't want us to die!!!"

Levi simply moved his hand to cradle Eren's head, and pulled the brunette against his chest. He allowed the teen to cry onto him, as he himself was unsure of what to do anymore. It was as if they had lost all hope. If this was to be their last day alive, Levi thought it best to tell Eren how he felt.

" Eren, listen to me. I'm not one to show my emotions, especially after I lost two childhood friends of my own, but hear me out. I told you before but I'll say it again; when you confessed to me, I never felt more happy than I did that night. I know I did awful things to you, but it was the only way to protect you from the Commander. The time I spent with you, have been the happiest moments of my life. You're everything to me, and I'd do anything to keep that smile on your face. In summary, I love you, I always will."

Levi's voice began to break towards the end of his statement, but he didn't care anymore. He just wanted to be with Eren right now, and lay down whatever he had left on the table.

" ... What are they going to do to us?" Eren asked between sobs.

" They'll execute you before my eyes, then they'll execute me."

" Execution... No! No!!!  If we're to die, I want to die with you!!!"

Levi's grasp on the brunette's head tightened a bit as he said that.

" ... Yeah, me too..."

Some time went by and as both males were about to fall into a dreadful slumber, they heard multiple footsteps and curses towards each other.

AN: Here's chapter nineteen. Idk how much longer this fanfic will last but I'd say probably another ten-ish chapters. Cuz I have this one, Regretful Past, Burning Love Can Hurt, and Despondent Beauty almost complete. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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