Chapter Twenty-One: It's Nothing, Eren

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The group entered an alleyway with a cart pulled over to the side, abandoned. Levi walked up to it and pulled the cover off to reveal maneuver gear, so he took only a blade.

" Get what you need, there's plenty of equipment for all of you to use."

" When did you find the time to get all of this?" Eren asked as he walked up to his Captain.

" I never did; I only knew that this cart would be here. It pays off walking around town when you're out for a drink, you never know what you might find."

After that, the raven went over to the other side of the alleyway and sat down by a barrel. At the time he didn't care about getting dirty, his thoughts occupied most of his head than the thought of getting dirty. The man just thought that if Hanji took charge as Commander then this whole mess would be cleared up, but needing Eren to die? The raven couldn't stand the thought.

As Levi was pondering to himself of how he and Eren could fix the Survey Corps, the brunette had been looking over to his lover time and time again, wondering if his Captain was alright. Once he finished preparing, the brunette walked over to Levi, crouching down in front of him when he was close.

" Levi?"

" Hm?"

" You alright? If not, talk to me. I can't help you unless you tell me what's on your mind."

Eren moved closer and eventually sat next to the raven. The brunette brought his knees up to his chest and held them there with his arms wrapped around them. He noticed that his lover wasn't responding, which worried him a bit.

" What's wrong?"

" ... It's nothing, Eren... Everything's fine..."

" No it's not! I know it isn't! You've been acting weird after talking with Hanji..." Then a thought clicked into Eren's head, " She said something about me, didn't she?"

Saying this caught the raven's attention, " No! She didn't!" He grew desperate in keeping his conversation a secret from Eren, but he knew he'd crack, as lying to his lover pained him so.

" Quit lying to me!" Eren stood up as he spoke, " When you lie to me, it feels like I'm losing you! I don't want that! Like I said before; when we came back, I remained calm and collected so I wouldn't have to worry you, but damn it! You're worrying me!"

With that being said, Eren turned and walked further down the alleyway. Levi saw that the group with them had stopped what they were doing to see and listen to what was going on. Levi remained on the ground, sitting, and rested his forehead against his hands of which held the blade. He sighed before getting up and walking in the direction the brunette went.

As he walked, he could feel the air getting colder but he could hear soft sobbing in the distance. As he drew closer to the origin to the sound, he saw a figure curled up in a ball. He knew right away that this was Eren. He slowed down and when he was close to the brunette, he stopped.

" I'm sorry, Eren. I shouldn't have lied to you. I know that you've gone some rough times because of people lying to you, and, well, so have I. So I should've known better... Can you forgive me?"

The brunette looked up at his lover after wiping away his tears and nodded. Levi sighed with relief and walked closer to Eren, extending his hand to help him up. As soon as Eren stood up, he launched himself onto Levi and held him tightly in his arms.

" I'm sorry too, Levi... I know you're only protecting me from everyone's words about me... so thank you, for that and for sticking with me..."

" And me too."

The raven heard Eren giggle and felt him give one last squeeze before letting go of him. Levi used his fingers to wipe away any tears left on Eren's face and kissed his forehead.

" Let's head back to the others, they'll worry about you." Levi spoke with care.

" And you too, silly."

" I doubt that, Eren."

" You're they're Captain, of course they'll worry about you."

" Whatever you say, brat." The raven gently flicked Eren's forehead and wore a soft smile.

They both laughed a bit before heading back to the others, hand in hand.

Once they got back, they saw that everyone was wearing maneuver gear and that they were ready to go. With this, Levi cleared his throat and displayed his small smile to the group, his smile he reserved for Eren.

" We're going back. We need Hanji to take charge as Commander, but we all know that it won't be that easy taking the Survey Corps back. We'll need to be prepared to fight, and yes, kill if need be. Keep in mind that what we're doing is for the sake of whatever is left of humanity. We're heroes, whether we accept that or not."

Everyone agreed with their Captain and started heading back for Headquarters. As they made their way there, Eren walked with Armin.

" How are you feeling, Armin?"

" I'm not sure how I feel, to be honest. I'm still trying to control this new personality, but he's so strong."

" You're stronger. Remember, he's only an image in your head. Erwin put that thing in your head in a hurry, so it's not fully developed like mine. You can still get rid of it."

" Right... I'll keep trying then."

" That's it... You know, I envy you..."

" How so?"

" You're much stronger than any of us, believe it or not, so stay that way." Eren lightly punched the blonde's shoulder as he smiled and ran up to Levi.

Without Armin knowing, the personality inside of the blonde disappeared, for good.

AN: Here's chapter twenty-one. Oh boy! Eren somehow got rid of Armin's dangerous personality! Whoop whoop! Things will start escalating in the next chapter, if these past chapters haven't been sufficient for you. I'll tell you one thing, someone will die, but who??!! Hehe! I'll see you in the next chapter!!!


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