Chapter Twelve: Get It Together, Eren

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It took them a while, but Eren and his friends were able to get Armin to the infirmary and checked out after making sure who was on whose side. It seemed as though the nurse that took care of Eren once or twice before, Julia Gardener, was against what Commander Erwin was doing and agreed to help with anything that she could.

Eren sat on the bed that Armin lay in, watching as he breathed slowly, and held the blonde's hand tightly. He just hoped that his best friend would come back to him.

Everyone else was either still in the infirmary or in the dining hall. With the thought of the dining hall in his mind, Eren decided to tell Levi what was happening. The brunette stood up from the blonde's bed and went over to the raven, where he stood leaning against the wall with his arms crossed thinking about something.

" Hey, Levi."

" Hey, Eren."

Eren cleared his throat and proceeded in asking the raven, " Can you come with me to the dining hall?"

" Sure. I was thinking of telling you what Mikasa and I found in the Commander's office."

" And I have information I want to share with you too."

Levi nodded and followed the brunette out of the infirmary and into the dining hall. Once they were inside the hall, Eren asked his friends who remained in the hall to join the others in the infirmary so he and the raven could speak in private. They walked out the hall and closed the door, leaving the Titan Shifter and his Captain alone in the hall. Eren turned on his heel to face his Captain and began to speak.

" There's something I want to tell you about that I've been meaning to tell you for a while."

" Okay?"

" ... So you remember when I got injured somehow, and no one knows how I got my injuries? Even before that, back to the day of the celebratory dance for the fall of the Female Titan. Something inside of me changed. I have these episodes, so to speak, where I feel like I'm asleep but when I wake up I'm somewhere else or did something."

" Your split personality?"

" ! How?"

" He showed himself to me a few times before, the first time was when I was starting to go against Commander Erwin's command, the second time was after we brought you back and I was giving myself to him, and the third time was when Erwin took you away and gouged your eyes out. The first time he pushed me to keep hurting you, but then the second time we gave me useful hints and warnings, and the third time he told me he'd save you from the Commander, and do you know, he did. So I don't know what to make of him."

Eren didn't know the other him had made contact with Levi, because every time the other Eren appeared, it was like the real Eren was cut off from everything around him.

' So he could bear all the pain and suffering I would've gone through. So he could protect me from everything.' Eren thought.

The brunette smiled lightly before looking up to Levi again.

" He's on our side. I talked with him before Armin showed up, and now that I bring Armin up. You need to know that the personality that I have, he also has one, but it's much more dangerous."

" How do you know?"

" One, I've known him since we were little kids, and two, my personality can sense if others have identities like himself. So he knows that Armin has an identity, but like I said before, his is much more dangerous than mine was before."

" ... Do I have an identity? One that took over when I hurt you over and over?"

" No. I asked mine that same question, and he didn't sense anything. ! I forgot to ask if the Commander had one!"

The two males looked at each other with wide eyes at the realization, but the brunette soon sighed in irritation with himself before he felt himself lose his light.

Levi watched as Eren fell to his knees and rushed over to him. When he was sure that it was nothing too bad, the raven ran off to fetch his lover a glass of water. When he came back, he heard Eren mumbling things he knew his Eren would never say.

" ... He'll die... he needs to die... he should be slaughtered... he should be!-"

Before he could say anything else, Levi dumped the water atop his head, bringing the real Eren back.

" ... What, why am I soaked? Levi? What's with that look in your eyes?"

Eren was confused by what had happened. Had the other Eren tried to take the light? If so, what did he do or say to make Levi look the way he did? Not knowing what happened, the brunette lowered his head and simply stared at the floor.

" Get it together, Eren. You have to control your identity, or something will happen that will make you regret your existence. That's something I don't want you to think about. I don't want you to think that you're worthless or anything of the sort. I want you to be a fighter and live. That's an order."

" Hehe, using your rank on me now?"

" Because I'm dead serious about you... and I want you to live with me when this is all over..."

The last bit of what his Captain said was almost so quiet that the brunette almost didn't catch what he said. Eren looked up to Levi and smiled brightly, the light in his eyes finally returning to their glory. Levi smiled at that thought and helped Eren onto his feet before sweeping the teen in his arms, bridal style, and twirling in circles. All the while sharing smiles and laughs.

Inside Eren, he could feel his injuries mending back to their original and rightful places, as he had finally found his new reason to live. And that reason was...


AN: Here's chapter twelve, and oh boy. I got this done in my free period at school, and I'm tempted to go finish writing a different chapter to a different story but I don't have much time left in my class. I'll do it during lunch or on the bus ride home. So, who'd you like that fact that the cause of all this is something psychological? I kind of like the idea I came up with. What do you guys think? Do you think Erwin has an identity? We might find out in the next chapter! So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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