Chapter Sixteen: Blood Red And Raw

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Eren had taken ahold of the heart that remained partially in his mouth, and pulled it out. Shivers ran up his spine as he swallowed whatever blood remained in his mouth, and suddenly, he felt an existence within him become ravenous. No, I'm not eating it! Shut up! That existence was his identity, slowly becoming a beast, just as Erwin wanted. Stop! Erwin wants this! You're giving in to his command! Stop!

The brunette continued to fight with his identity against the idea of devouring the heart that remained in his grasp. Meanwhile, Levi had finally approached the mansion and came up to the door quietly.

He opened it, if only an inch, before he had to move back to the side. Damn bastard's getting cheeky, setting up childish traps, and giving me the upper hand. Levi has quickly taken the parts he'd need from the first trap and went inside. He knew that first trap wasn't meant to kill him, no, only to alert Erwin that the raven was in the building. And surely enough, he had heard it.

" Seems as though your knight in shining armor is here, Eren Jaeger. Let's wrap this up now, shall we? Wouldn't want the people to know what's going on in the military, so eat the man's heart."

" I won't do it! You know of my identity, so you must know how ravenous he is now that I've had this thing in my mouth! He wants this devoured so badly, but I promised him I'd protect him just as he has with me!"

" How foolish. No one can talk with their identity, no one. You've become delusional from all the trauma I've put you through."

" You're wrong! I have talked with him, and his sole purpose is to protect me, not to hurt me. And he's been hurt many times over."

" ... Just eat the damn heart, Eren!"

Erwin then took hold of Eren's head and the heart before attempting to forcefully feed him the organ. The tears in Eren's eyes began to fall down his cheeks as he thought of how foolish he was. How foolish he he was when he thought he could protect Levi from everything when they came back. He thought of giving himself to Erwin as a last ditch attempt to end all of this, but how grave that mistake would've been.

Eventually, Eren had given up and pushed the Commander away from him before taking the heart into his grasp yet again. He closed his eyes and slowly drew the heart towards his mouth, opening his mouth hesitantly as he drew the heart closer to him. The voice inside his head grew louder, and louder, begging for the anticipated blood red, and raw piece of flesh. Just as he was about to retreat from the action he was about to preform, the door to the room came flying open. Eren's eyes were wide as saucers when he saw who was standing in the doorway.

" Levi!" He called out.

" Sorry I took so long, Eren."

" My, my. How ever did you get past all those traps I laid out for you?" Erwin asked.

" You must know that I can get past anything, Erwin, especially if I'm after something that belongs to me."

Levi walked into the room, and started to corner their Commanding Officer. When he looked back to his lover, he saw what was in his hands and grew terrified.

" Eren? Whose heart is that?"

" I don't know, Levi. The Commander said it belonged to someone who had charges against him, and he wanted me to... to eat the heart... to kill whoever this belonged to."

" Eren, listen to me, that heart belongs to -"

" Eren Jaeger, if you don't eat the heart, I'll ensure it that you die!"

Eren looked down to the heart in his grasp, and looked back to Levi, of whom was shaking his head side to side rapidly.

" Don't do it, Eren! Don't listen to him! I'll take care of Erwin while you get out of here with that thing!"

" Why do you want me to take the heart?!"

" I'd explain if this bastard wouldn't cut me off, so I guess I'll tell you once we get out of here. Now go!"

" Eren Jaeger! You must eat that heart, that man will deliver the documents very shortly! The people must not know what is going on within the military, or humanity has no hope! Eat the heart! Now!"

Eren, stuck in a crossfire, thought about what Erwin told him and what Levi desperately tries to explain. His lover seemed to have something to do with the heart, but he couldn't imagine that he'd help the Commander behind his back. When he remembered what Erwin told him, he shivered. He didn't want that man to touch his lover that way again, ever. As he was sorting his thoughts, Eren heard Levi call to him again.

" Eren! Don't do it! Please! This is a choice you're close to regretting if you choose to eat it! Erwin is messing with your head! That heart belongs -"

" Eren, eat the heart now! Or I'll fuck your precious Levi until he begs for mercy! Do you want that to happen?! If not, then eat it!"

Eren tightly closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before letting it go and looking up to Levi with an apologetic face.

" I'm sorry, Levi. I don't want you to get hurt by him again, so I'll have to do this. I wish there was another way out."

" There is! You can still run out of here while I have him pinned! Just run, damn it! Get out of here, please!"

" I can't, Levi. I'm sorry."

" Eren! No!"

Levi pushed away from Erwin, only to be caught by the wrist by the man. He desperately fought back as he tried to get to his lover. He cried his name, and cursed the man holding onto him. All the while, Eren brought the heart to his mouth, and bit down.

Levi gasped, and fell to the floor, holding onto his chest where his heart would've been.

" ... Damn you... Erwin... I'll k-kill you..." Was all he managed to say before he collapsed onto the floor.

" ... Levi!!!"

AN: Here's chapter sixteen. I wanted to make a big plot twist, so I think this the one I wanted. Next chapter is going to be action packed and possibly a death will occur, but who? I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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