Chapter Three: We Have To Go

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Levi has been out checking the perimeter for about an hour now and it was getting dark, he'd need to call it a day and return to Eren. His horse was exhausted from constantly running so he decided to let it rest by walking the way home, it'll take longer but his was fine with it if it meant making sure his horse was in top condition. The sky above him was steadily turning into different shades of purple from the fading pinks and oranges, while the colours were changing the stars started to glow brighter and brighter. The air around the man was cold enough that if you let out your breath you'd see it linger until it dispersed.

While he listened to the crunching of frozen grass and snow underneath the horse's hooves he could hear the faint sounds of wire and the shouting of men and women. Levi looked behind him but he didn't see anything, though this was true he could hear the noises coming closer. He grabbed the reins on the horse and hit them on it's side for it to start running, and he kept going until he came across a big enough tree that he could quickly hide the saddle and reins from the horse. The horse ran up to the tree, stopping due to being pulled back by the reins, and the man atop the horse jumped off and spent no time in stripping the saddle off along with the reins and throwing them into the tree. Levi had found this tree during one of his patrols and figured it might come in handy if an event like this were to occur.

The shouting were getting louder and everything was going alright, all Levi needed to do now was hide himself. But before he could the shouting had come to a halt and he could see a light from behind him. He was lucky he was on the other side of the tree from the group. He listened in to their conversation, a feminine voice broke out. It seemed to be the one in charge of the group.

" Split up, Jefferson. You go with Emily and continue the path looking for Eren Jaeger. Amanda and Kevin, you two go back and check that we didn't miss anything. I'll stay here with Micheal."

" Rodger!" All of them said in sync.

This situation just turned in a better direction for the raven as he wouldn't have to take on six people at the same time. He just has to take these two out and then go after the ones after Eren. The man collected himself and quietly grabbed hold of his blades, pulling them out from the scabbards with little to no sound. The light was getting closer to the tree, they were searching the area, so when they got close enough Levi moved in for the kill.

" Micheal look out!" Shouted the woman, but it was too late.

Levi's movements were too quick for the man with her and he met his fate in one swift movement of the raven's blade. He didn't waste any time in pinning the woman to the ground and throwing her weapons away from her and covering her mouth with his hand.

" I recognize you, Emilia Sutter. Ranking: Squad Lieutenant First Class." The woman widened her eyes but soon glared at the man above her again, " I have a few questions for you and I want you to answer them. Unless you want all of your limbs broken then I suggest you answer truthfully." Levi removed his hand from her mouth and held one of her arms in a position so he could break it when he saw fit.

" A-Alright!  What do you want to know?"

" First of all I know that you're one of the Commander's favorite pets, so what is he planning when we go back?"

" I don't know... !" Levi added more pressure to her arm and she answered from the panic, " I really don't know! He doesn't share any of that information with me or anybody! The only one who knows of those plans is this blond kid who's always by his side!"

" Armin Arlert..." Levi hissed under his breath and continued his interrogation, " What of Historia? He better not have her."

" She's safe, Erwin doesn't know of her whereabouts."

" And you do?" The woman looked away but looked back over to Levi and nodded slowly, " I do. I hid her from him, I don't want her to go through what I do with him... I'll tell you this right now and you can decide on whether or not I'm telling the truth. I volunteered to do this search mission so I could help you guys get inside without being detected, my team knows of my plan and they want to help too."

" What about your friend Micheal?"

" What do you mean 'what about him?' You killed him."

Levi got off of the women and walked over to the man named Micheal. The raven crouched down and felt for his pulse, it was there. The man intentionally faked his murder by covering his blade with a dark liquid to be mistaken as blood, and when his blade struck, Levi only cut a certain part of the body to make the man unconscious temporarily.

" I used a technique I learned that tricks the body into an unconscious paralysis, and the blood was just liquor. I used the darkness to my advantage, however there was a risk and that was if he moved any closer to me he would've actually been killed." Levi picked up the man and threw him over his horse.

Together, Levi and Emilia rode to the man's home and quickly went into the house.

Eren was sitting in front of the fireplace since he had finished cooking and dinner was on the table. He held his legs close to his chest, waiting for his lover to return to him. He didn't have to worry much longer as he heard a horse outside, so he quickly stood up and rushed to the door. As he made his way for the door Levi had opened it and walked inside, unaware of his lover's presence he was taken aback when Eren threw himself onto him with open arms.

" Levi! Thank God you're alright!" The teen planted a kiss on the raven's cheek and placed his forehead against Levi's.

" See? What did I tell you? I came home for dinner, but Eren we have to go back. After dinner we're leaving, we're not waiting anymore. Your friends can't wait anymore."

It was at this point that Emilia and her group came into the house from behind Levi. Eren reached for his knife behind him before Levi grasped his arm to stop him.

" Levi they're with the Corps.! Stand back, I'll end this quickly!"

" They're with us, Eren. I asked specific questions that would trap them so I could easily tell if they were lying. None of them did. So put your knife away and listen to what they're going to do for us later tonight, at the table."

Eren huffed, put his knife away, and walked towards the kitchen to get extra plates and cups for the unexpected visitors.

As they sat at they at the table they went over what would happen later that night and how Eren could save his friends and possibly the Commander as well. To them, their plan seemed flawless, but they weren't aware that the Survey Corps. was one step ahead of them already.

AN: Here's chapter three, I was debating on having Levi captured or him killing off the group that was after him, so I did this. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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