Chapter Two: Come Back Safely

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The sun had risen to it's peak and the day of their operations would come to pass in a days time. Captain Levi Ackerman and Scouting Cadet Eren Jaeger were finishing in preparations for their mission the following day, as they needed to make sure everything was accounted for in order for their plan to work successfully. They had begun their preparations the day after they escaped and since then they have decided to commence the operation after the sun sets on this day. As Eren was finishing up with checking everything he looked over to his lover and saw him getting ready to leave for one last perimeter check.

" Levi, I know we have to be sure no other threats are out there but don't you think you could stay for tonight?"

Levi looked over to the teen and wore a smirk of amusement, " What? Missing me already?"

Eren blushed profusely and turned his face away. He could hear Levi chuckling and walking over to him, after which he felt him ruffling up his brown locks.

" Don't be like that you brat, and besides I'm doing these patrols to make sure that no one is out there to get you. Think of me as your security guard." The man smiled lightly and chuckled once more.

" I know, but... I'm just worried that you'll be caught. I'm always on the edge of my seat by the time you come home."

Home. This was a word that most people overlooked, seeing as home could be anywhere. Not for Eren. He was born and raised in Shiganshina District and that's where his home was, so to put it plainly he was never home. Well, not until Levi became a part of his life. With him, anywhere was home enough for the teen. Levi stopped his playing around and stared directly at his lover holding his head in place.

" Hey, I'm right here aren't I? Look at me Eren, look." The teen did so and he continued, " I've always come home to open arms, and I will tonight too. Nothing will happen to me, I promise."

" Now you're promising something you can't keep."

" I can keep this one, because I want to come home being held in your arms. You're important to me Eren, and nothing will stop me from saving you or coming home to you."

The brunette didn't realize it at first but these words might be the last he'd hear from his lover, though this wasn't for certain. Eren let out his breath and held his Captain's hands with his and leaned forward, making their foreheads touch and nuzzling their noses. This was the kind of love Eren wanted back when he had confessed. Though now he wanted to know how Levi would've reacted if the man wasn't ordered to accept it, so he thought about asking his Captain now so he'd have the answer before anything bad happened between the two.

" Levi?"

" Yes Eren?"

" This just came into my head and I wanted to ask how you would've reacted to my confession if you weren't ordered to accept it and... and do those things... If the Scouting Regiment wasn't messed up how would you have taken it?"

Levi had to think about it for a bit but he gave his lover his best answer.

" Well... I certainly wouldn't have left the way I did that's for sure, no, I'd stay and figure out why you asked me. If your answer was good enough I'd have thought about it and tell you my answer the next day or two. Half of that answer was the me I am now, but rest assured that most of my answer is what I thought of doing if I wasn't ordered to do things differently."

" Is that why you waited outside the door that night?"

" Yes, like I said before, I stayed outside the door waiting for you to come out so I could apologize and hopefully tell you of my situation... But there was a part of me that was afraid, afraid that Erwin would hear about that and kill you anyway. I didn't want that so I kept silent and it looks like I really got into the role during those days."

" Don't talk like that Levi, you were forced to do that. You didn't have a choice because if you refused then me, my friends, and... and you would've been dead. You played the right hand but Erwin isn't going to back out of the game just yet. Whatever cards he's got left he's going to make the most out of them."

" That's true, knowing him he'll play any gamble if he knows he'll w- !"

Then it hit him. Levi could use that flaw against his Commander and bring him down, all he needed now was a plan on how he was going to use his cards against Erwin. With this start he'd think of something as he was on patrol, and with the patrol in his thoughts he quickly smiled and lightly kissed Eren on the lips before hopping onto his horse.

" Levi, I know we can beat him... It's just that-"

" Just keep the thought of winning in your heart and mind, easy girl, I'll be back home before dark. I promise."

Just as Levi was about to go off on his horse to start his patrol, Eren halted him one final time and leaned up towards his Captain.

" Just one more?" The brunette chuckled and got what he asked for.

" This is goodbye for now, Eren."

Eren stepped away and started waving to Levi when the man kicked the sides of his horse and used his reins to speed off on his horse.

" Be safe."

Eren spoke quietly to himself before he turned around and left for the place the two of them called home.

AN: Alrighty, here's chapter two. I don't think the beginning makes any sense but I tried to fix that towards the end so idk. I'm really tempted to update Despondent Beauty right now since I'm listening to the music that inspired me to write it in the first place, but I'll wait till Thursday. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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