Chapter Eight: Historia?!

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Reiner looked away from his Captain and friend, as he was still weary about his superior officer. He cleared his throat and spoke up for the group to hear him.

" You guys 'bout done? We still need to find Jean and Ymir, and now we need to get Historia back from Armin."

" You're right." Eren sniffed once more and stood up with the help of his lover, " I don't know about Ymir though, she'll probably still be badly injured to even move. But we should definitely focus on getting the other two. Levi, do you think you could go with Mikasa to investigate a bit?

" What is it you want us to find?"

" I want to see what Erwin might be planning. Meaning, why he's doing all of this. He must have some documents with those written down. Possibly some references from books, something, anything."

" Right then. Mikasa let's go."

" Sir."

Levi and Mikasa jogged off in the hallway to go investigate their Commander's office. The remaining members in the group looked over to Eren, their leader for the time being, with questioning eyes.

Conny was the first to ask his question, " What are you thinking sending the best of the group off?!"

" It's because they're the best that I sent them. They can handle themselves if they caught in a bad situation."

Reiner spoke up again to share what's been on his mind, " Look, Eren, we'll help you with your plan but you should know that we still don't trust the Captain. You must know why at this point."

" Reiner, I know you don't trust Levi, but trust me on this he didn't do it on his own volition! He was ordered to do it by the Commander! That's why we have to stop him, Reiner!"

Everyone's eyes went wide when they heard what Eren had told them. Sasha opened her mouth to speak.

" You mean... He didn't want to do that?"

" No. He was threatened that we'd all be killed along with him, and he didn't want that... Especially after what happened to his squad... Anyway, I need to know if you guys are with me or not. If you don't trust the Captain still, then leave this place while you can, if you do then come with me. I'll leave it to you."

The brunette turned on his heel and started to walk the direction his childhood friend. He kept thinking about what else the Commander was doing to his friend, and after experiencing his fair share of the man's hidden nature, he couldn't stand thinking about it. What made that sight so unbearable was the fact that Armin was clinging onto Erwin while the man was ravaging him, but Eren knew that he had to save him. He had to save them both. But if it were to come down to making a choice between the two, the brunette already knew who he'd save.

While he was walking, Eren heard the sound of someone running from behind him. He figured it might be his friends that made up his mind, but when he turned around, the person ran right into him. Making him take a few steps to both catch the person and steady himself.

" ! Easy! Wait... What the?! Historia?!"

" Thank God, it's you Eren!"

" I thought Armin took you with him?"

" He did, he did Eren, but I managed to escape."

" Why did you do it?"

" What do you mean "why?" Because the same thing was happening again. They weren't going to help you because of what happened, and I couldn't stand imagining you by yourself trying to help them, me, Armin, and the Commander. I had to come back to you! It's the least I could do."

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