Chapter Four: Plan's Too Risky

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The group of eight were on their horses heading towards Headquarters, but they needed to visit someone before they began their operation. Both the raven and the brunette asked if they could see Historia since Emilia knew of her whereabouts. As they were riding to see her again, Eren couldn't stop thinking about the plan they were going to follow from this group that showed up out of nowhere.

" That's too risky, there has to be another way!"

" Eren any other way will kill you both, just follow through with this plan. If you don't then we'll turn you in to Erwin."

" You're playing dirty, and if anything I hate it's people who do that and don't open their eyes to other choices! Your plan is well thought out, I'll say that much, but it's too much of a gamble."

Emilia wasn't one to argue against her subordinates but the brunette was pushing her to her limit. Eren knew that Levi thought the same way but he agreed to the plan anyway.

The brunette rode close to the back of the group trying to gather his thoughts and come up with a better plan for when they got there. For now, he just wanted to see Historia. He wanted to thank her for sticking with him through all that he put her through, and frankly he just wanted to see that she was safe. He guessed Levi picked up his behavior as he slowed his horse to ride next to him.

" Look. I know you don't agree with this plan, I don't either, but right now it's all we can do."

" If you don't agree then why didn't you kill them when they found you? Why team up with them, for all we know they could be playing with us and we wouldn't even know it."

" They could be, and trust me, I was going to kill them but..."

" But what?"

" I don't know, something inside of me just froze when I was gathering information from her. And frankly I didn't want to have to clean my blades from killing that Michael guy."

" Haa~ You're such a clean freak Levi. I sometimes wonder why you joined the Survey Corps."

The two of them laughed a bit at the jokes implied and continued to have their lively chat until they reached a building that was lit with faint torches.

When everyone got inside they went up the stairs and into a room to their right. When they walked inside the room, Eren's eyes widened as he was sure he was mistaken for what he saw. Levi was the one who brought him to the reality of it.

" It's empty."

Eren grit his teeth and drew his blade, leaving one hand to pull Levi behind him and then grabbing the other blade.

" You bastards! I knew there was something wrong with this whole set up!" Eren turned to Levi, " Get out of here, now! I'll hold them off!"

" You know I can't do that Eren, they're trying to get either one of us! If I leave you hear I'd be breaking my promise to you!"

" Then break it for now, but remember that it isn't completely broken unless I die. That was what you said." The teen's grip on his blades tightened as he turned to face the group in front of him, " Now go!"

Levi grit his teeth and ran out of the room. Someone was chasing after him so he pulled out a blade and started using his ODM gear to gather speed, and once he was fast enough he swept past his chaser and slashed him in the chest. This time there were no tricks, just fair murder. Levi landed on the stairs and continued to run for the exit.

Eren had managed to put down three members and all that was left in the room were two more. He assumed that Levi had gotten rid of the one chasing him, so he didn't have to worry too much. Emilia stood there, blades unsheathed, with a smile on her face.

" I'm getting tired of seeing that smile, you remind me too much of the Commander. I'll cut it into a frown instead!"

" You know, Erwin misses you a lot. He imagines all his pets as you at night, but I don't mind though. I think it hurts the blond one though."

' Armin! ' The thought of his childhood friend flooded his mind, but he shook it off as he charged after the leader. However he'd need to take care of Michael first, as he had blocked his attack towards Emilia. The teen parried the man's attack and slashed his blade right into the man's knee, making him immobile and an easy target.

" I see you're good with those blades, though I've never seen those moves before. It's not like I can't beat you though, you can be sure of that."

" I'd like to see you try!" Eren plunged the blade into the man's back and kept pushing it in until it pierced through his chest, " You had a bodyguard this entire fight so I'm sure you're afraid."

" ! What did you just say?!"

" You heard me didn't you? Or are you deaf too?" The woman came charging at Eren, but it only made him smile and let out a slight chuckle, " Checkmate." Eren revealed his hand in which he had clamped shut to show a cut, and shortly after a flash of yellow and green had sparked and he transformed into his Titan form.

Levi turned his horse around to look back and saw Eren in his Titan form.

" You damn idiot!"

He ran back for the building to retrieve the teen. When he got there he saw the dead corpses of four people of where the room they were in, but no sign of Eren. As he was looking around a hand had covered his mouth and another dragged him into the shadows. He kept fighting to loosen his captors hold on him but when they threw him against the wall he saw a pair of minty, emerald eyes.

" Sh! I had to do it Levi, but I thought of a plan. With this the Survey Corps. is surely going to send most of the elites to this location. With that we can sneak inside and start our mission. But we'll have to go right now."

Eren released his lover and Levi nodded his head in agreement. The two of them hurriedly got on their horses and headed for Headquarters. With this diversion, the duo had the upper hand. The Survey Corps. wouldn't be prepared this time.

AN: Here's chapter four, I hope this makes some sense and I'm kinda proud of the action scenes. Even though it wasn't much. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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