Chapter Fourteen: Don't Do It!

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That night, Eren, Levi, and the rest of the brunette's friends spent their night as if it were a party. Everyone had a mug of beer, they danced, talked, and some extended their relationships with others. It was obvious to everyone that Jean was interested in Armin; upon knowing Eren and Levi, gender in a relationship was no obstacle now. The brunette and the raven smiled when they saw and realized that.

The two mentioned sat together at a table in the corner of the dining hall, by themselves, watching everyone having fun. Multiple times the two were invited to join in with them, however, they only wanted to be with one another.

Eren sat with his head resting on Levi's shoulder, with the raven's arm wrapped around him. They shared small talk and what their next move would be, but many times, Levi mentioned him going alone to face Erwin. The brunette was concerned about this because not only did his Captain keep mentioning the subject, he seemed to have already made up his mind to go through with it.

" Levi, I'll say this again. I don't want you going on your own to "take care of" Commander Erwin. I mean it!"

" ... Eren, I'll have to do it if it means knocking out the king on the board. If the king doesn't lead his pawns in the battle field, how is he to expect those pawns to follow him under his command?"

" I know what you're getting at, but at least take me or Mikasa with you."

" I can't risk taking anyone with me, Eren. Erwin's improves his fighting abilities the last time I faced him off, so if I bring someone with me, he'll use them as a hostage. If you come with me, you'll just be giving yourself to him."

" Alright then, what I have to turn myself in? What then? You gonna come with me no matter what I say?"

" Of course I will! I'm not letting you get near that man! Don't you get it yet, Eren?! He wants you, and he'll stop at nothing to make sure he has you!"

" Well then I'm coming with you no matter what you say then, since you just said you'd do that with me!"

Levi stood up and looked down at Eren. He didn't think he'd get angry at the spark that gave him such warm happiness. The room that was filled with happy and heartwarming banter ceased when they heard their Captain and friend arguing.

Eren continued speaking, not looking up at Levi at this point.

" You know Levi, I can't believe you right now. We promised we'd take him out together before we came here, don't you remember? We made that promise after we escaped the first time." The raven was silent. " Apparently you don't remember. I'm sorry, Levi, but I think this will jog your memory!"

Out of the blue, Eren punched Levi in the face, hard. It sent the man to floor, with an agonizing pain on his cheek and in his heart. The raven sat up, using his arms to prop himself up, and looked up to Eren, spitting out blood to the side.

" Alright then, Eren. If that's your choice of actions, then you force me no other choice." Levi stood up slowly, wiping the blood that was dripping from his mouth the the back of his hand. " Disgusting." He hissed. " Not that you had much of a choice. It should be kicking in right about now."

" What are you talking about... Wh-what? What did you d-do to me, Le-vi?!"

" I drugged your drink with the sedative the nurse was desperately looking for. I knew you'd continue to try and stop me from confronting Erwin, so I had no choice. I'm sorry, Eren. You must be heartbroken and scared for what I'm doing, using this drug on you again after all this time. But I have to do this, for your sake."

" N-no, Levi! Please! D-don't do it!!! I'm begging you!!!"

Levi was already walking out of the dining hall, his back turned to Eren.

Eren's friends rushed up to him, while the stronger ones were drugged as well, they couldn't move to catch their Captain.

Eren lay on the floor, hands curled into fists, and his back hunched over. His whole body shook.

How many times already has he cried since coming back here? He'd lost count.

While the brunette was in the dining hall, Levi stood outside the door waiting for something. He didn't know what he was waiting for, but he could only guess that he was waiting for Eren. However, he remembered that he'd drugged him, so the brunette wouldn't be able to move for a while; he was on his own.

He walked away from the door and headed for no particular destination, but maybe he could find Erwin while he was wandering around the base.

Eventually, Eren and the select few were able to move, and as soon as he could, Eren immediately broke into a run. He ran as fast as his legs would allow him, and all the while he could hear his friends calling for him to come back. He pressed on, looking for Levi.

While these two were looking for a different person, Erwin was also walking the halls, looking for Eren himself. He knew that they had retrieved Armin from his grasp, but he didn't mind. In fact, he hoped they would take him back as a part of his plan.

Eren continued running the halls, looking every which way, hoping to find Levi. As he was running, he bumped into someone. He was knocked back onto the floor and rubbed his hip before looking up and growing more and more terrified.

Levi simply walked on his own in the hallways, but stopped in his steps. He thought about what he was doing and clicked his tongue. How could he be so selfish at a time like this? He made up his mind and turned back around to head back to the dining hall, hoping to see Eren and apologize for his actions.

Meanwhile, Eren remained on the floor, backing away from the person he bumped into slowly. The man before him bent down and offered his hand to help the brunette up from the floor.

" Well now, I didn't expect to find you this easily. I must admit, it is quite strange that Levi is not here to accompany you. You know how dangerous it is here now that you are back, Eren."

" ... Stay away from me, you bastard!"

" Now is that any way to speak to your Commanding Officer?"

Eren quickly dodged being grabbed by his Commander and took off running. He didn't know where he was going, but he needed to get away from Erwin. Just when he thought he lost the Commander, Eren let out a loud shriek of pain. He had been shot at in the leg. The brunette fell to the floor yet again, injuring his shoulder trying to cushion his fall. He curled up and put pressure onto his bullet wound, though he could feel himself healing due to his Titan abilities, it wouldn't heal fast enough.

" Just give up Eren. You lost this game as soon as you had entered this building. I must say, that distraction from before did catch me off guard. Transforming and sending my elites for you, however, they should be returning very shortly."

" You're not the Commander everyone looks up to, no, you're another personality!"

" Looks like you figured it out, Eren! Yes, I am not the Commander you all know me as. I am the personality, the parasite, that took over him. Your Commander was weak, and he needed to be taught a lesson. So here I am, I appeared inside of him because he desired power."

" You're wrong!"

" What did I tell you about talking that way to your Commanding Officer?"

Erwin walked up to Eren and stepped on his bullet wound in his leg, causing Eren to loudly cry out in pain.

As Levi was coming close to the dining hall, he heard a gun shot and a masculine scream. One thing clicked into his mind, and he broke into a run, chasing the sounds he could hear.

" Damn it! I'm such an idiot! I knew he'd come after me once he could move! Damn it!!!"

AN: Here's chapter fourteen. I finished this while I am outside right now, freezing my ass off because two people didn't finish painting their parking spots at school. It's a thing we do for the seniors so yeah. Anyway, I'd love to hear any ideas you guys might want to suggest and if not then I'll surprise you. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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