Chapter Seventeen: I'll Kill You!!!

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" L-Levi? Levi?! .... Levi!!!"

Eren rushed over to his lover, discarding the heart he bit on the plate it originally rested upon. Erwin had dropped the Captain, of whom was in alarming question, like one would a piece of trash onto the walkway.

" I must thank you, Eren, for getting the biggest obstacle out of my way. It's a great enough deed that I might consider sparing you my lustful tendencies. I find that a bargain worth taking, however, if you choose otherwise, I may have to use forceful methods like before."

The brunette remained silent, aside from his overflowing tears and panicked gasps. The teenager patted his Captain's face to  get him to stir some reaction, he brushed the raven's hair out of the way multiple times, and looked over the man's body, frantically searching for any signs of life. Eventually, the panic was getting to Eren, so he called his lover's name once more.

" Levi! Please, wake up for me, please Levi! Please!!!" Eren took in the much needed air his lungs exhaled before resting his forehead against Levi's. " ... Please... please don't leave me... don't leave me alone here..."

" Spare your tears and lament. Stand tall, be proud! You saved the Survey Corps! Is that not something to be joyous about?"

" ... How can I be proud of killing the one person I loved?!"

" Loved? Surely you're joking! Don't you remember what this man has done to you? Don't you remember the pain he caused onto you? I liberated you from his sadistic lust, so the honorable thing to do is respect and obey me."

" Never, on my life, will I ever obey you! You and the Survey Corps are nothing more than fakes at this point! Once the people learn of this development, they'll be sure to bring this to the attention of the government!"

" And what exactly will they do with the Survey Corps? Have you forgotten what we do? We fight against the Titans to give the people caged behind these walls hope. Hope that we can exterminate all of those monsters in hope that humanity will continue to live. Without the Survey Corps, how long do you think we can last without fighting back?"

" Longer than with you commanding the Corps!" Eren spoke through clenched teeth.

Suddenly, the brunette felt something grab him by the shoulder. This action caused the teen to look down towards Levi in a blink of an eye, just in time to see his lover with his eyes barely open and breathing slowly.

" Levi! Can you hear me?!"

" ... Damn brat... I was trying... to tell you t-that was m-my heart... that b-bastard took it..."

" I don't understand, Levi, what's going on here?! What has the Survey Corps become?!"

" I-I..." Levi passed out before he could finish the sentence he had started.

Unbeknownst to Eren that the raven had indeed passed out, the brunette brought his lips to his lover, of whom he presumed deceased. Commander Erwin as well thought that the man once known as Humanity's Strongest, had fallen for his eternal rest. As such, the man began to laugh uncontrollably, as if he had lost his mind, which in truth, he had.

This sudden burst of laughter from the man only fueled the fiery rage that burned inside of the teenager.

" ... I'll kill you..." The brunette spoke in a hushed tone that Erwin had to silence himself to hear what his cadet had said.

" Pardon me, but would please repeat what it is that you had said?"

" ... I'll kill you, you bastard." Eren spoke in a higher volume, which only continued to rise as he repeated this simple sentence over and over. " I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you!!!"

Without any pretense, Eren had bitten down onto his hand, which in turn, transformed him into his Titan form.

This formation was different from the previous times he transformed, however. This time, his teeth were sharp, his mouth salivated more than the previous times, his growls and roar louder, his eyes glowed a bright green, his murderous aura intensified, his body structure hardened and stronger, and his goal clearer than ever before. Once he gained some control over himself, Eren looked down to find Erwin blown against a wall that used to exist. He then found Levi still lying on the floor, unaffected and untouched. The Titan Shifter carefully picked up the raven into his hands, and gently laid him down on a branch of a nearby tree.

Once he was sure that Levi was safe, he turned his attention to the man responsible. Erwin Smith. As much as he wanted to jeer at Erwin, Eren's Titan form didn't allow him to speak, so all that came out were growls and screeches. Before Eren did anything, he let out one last outcry. This one was different from all the rest though, as were his visible features. This shout may have been what few would've called "Humanity's Rage," and it was meant for all to hear. When this outcry echoed into silence, Eren spent no time in grabbing hold of his Commander. As he held him in his grasp, the Titan Shifter looked the man straight in his eyes.

" Go ahead! Kill me! If you do, I won't guarantee your safety! You or Levi's!" The man started to laugh manically.

Hearing this man laugh the way he did only stirred the raging flames burning inside of Eren all the more, as such, he squeezed the Commander with all his might. Before he knew it, the man once known as the Commander of the Survey Corps was no more.

The Titan Shifter lifted his hand over his head, tilting his head back, and dropped whatever was left of the Commander's corpse into his mouth. He did this to ensure that no one would ever be able to find his body, and so there would hardly be a funeral for the man.

Eren then remembered that Levi was still in a tree, so he carefully took him out of it and laid the man onto the bed of the mansion that was partially destroyed. After doing so, the teenager emerged from his Titan form and fell to the ground, falling unconscious.

AN: Here's chapter seventeen. I meant to finish this yesterday, but since I only got three hours of sleep for nothing yesterday, I fell asleep quick. But here it is. I think I'll keep writing more updates to more stories today, but when I have the time since we're going to this gigantic mall and then to my Uncle's house. So we'll see. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one.


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