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if you're triggered by sexual abuse or attempts of it, please don't read this chapter.

After bitching about it a little more, Jahsiah pulled up at Anissa's house and I shot her a text saying we were outside in the black Jaguar

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After bitching about it a little more, Jahsiah pulled up at Anissa's house and I shot her a text saying we were outside in the black Jaguar.

Not a minute later, her petite self appeared from behind her house door. Hesitantly, she began walking towards the car, taking slow small steps, causing an impatient Siah to honk her horn.

"Siah stop it!" I hissed with gritted teeth, still smiling at Anissa.

Her curly dyed red hair crowded around her face, making it look even smaller, she was still cute.

"Hi.." She flipped her hair to the side and she stood in front of me with a small side smile.

Everything about her was so simple I was almost mesmerized. Her crop thrasher  top hugged her upper body nicely as an oversized denim jacket hung loosely around her shoulders.

"Ready to go?" I held the door open for her, showcasing my gentleman skills before getting in after her. I ignored Siah's rolling eyes and told her to get on and to the party.

My description of the gathering was surely and understatement as I could tell when we arrived. The concoction of weed, alcohol, sex and cigarettes warmly welcomed our nostrils as we made our was past the gyrating bodies, searching for Mykel and Joyri.

"Yumeeeee, Siah!" An already tipsy Joyri danced towards us with some red cups in her hands, handing them to us. Her lipgloss was smudged onto her chin and around her mouth which hinted that someone had at least tried to suck her face off.

That disappointed me a little. I always wondered why she entertained them fuckboys, after all I'd always want to look after her she was my little sister.

"Who's drinks are these Joy?" Jahsiah raised an eyebrow eyeing our cups.

"Well they're yours now.." Slurred an intoxicated Joyri as she grabbed Jahsiah by the hand and lead her to dance, bending over already.

Anissa still seemed a little uncomfortable, I had no clue how I was supposed to make up for my mistake if she would barely even talk to me.

"Hey I'm gonna go get you a drink okay?" I tapped her before leaving, ignoring her please for 'just water'. She needed to loosen up, big time.

My body tingled as the base from the the beat journey through the floor and up into my body, invading my ears and flooding my mind, flushing out all the mess that was going on up there

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My body tingled as the base from the the beat journey through the floor and up into my body, invading my ears and flooding my mind, flushing out all the mess that was going on up there.

Parties weren't supposed to be my remedy. Back home, I went to too many and almost got myself addicted. This of course increased my moms protection over me, but over time she became lenient again.

Gekyume had been gone for a while now, I was beginning to think he had ditched me. Searching through the high, drunk and grinding teens didn't make the situation easier as I saw about five different dread heads.

I kept my head above the crowd, trying to search for him, or at least Mykel and them two other girls that don't like me. I wouldn't let myself sit by myself at a party, it would invite old habits back into my life.

My eyes continued scanning the room until it was blocked by a tall male figure before me.

"Ayo lemme holla at you ma, you looking good." The drunkard towered over me, dragging out the 'oo' in good .

He bit his bottom lip, revealing his top set of gold grills. I guessed I was supposed to find this incredibly attractive and throw myself at him.

"Thank you.." I said politely before attempting to step around him.

"Names Xavier, what's your name shorty?" He licked his lip this time. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive, but I wasn't interested in having a boo at that very moment.

"Anissa." A blunt reply left my mouth as I dodged and around him, heading for the door needing some fresh air.

Heading outside, I opened up the zip to my jacket, accepting the wind's cold November invite.

Where are you, I'm outside.

I texted Gekyume, hoping for a fast reply but losing hope once I realised he was in a loud ass party with blaring speakers and probably wasn't going to check his phone.

"Ayo ma!" A familiar voice exclaimed from not too far behind me. His footsteps were fast approaching and still my back remained turned from him.

"It's rude to walk away from someone when they're talking to you." He slid his hands around my waist and turned me to face him. His left eyebrow arched high while he looked me up and down, still licking his lips.

"You need some Vaseline? I'm sure it's more moisturising than your saliva." I snapped at him which was probably unnecessary but his presence began to hinder me.

In an instant his nostrils flared and his lustful eyes were now filled with rage and offence.

"You think you slick and funny huh? Let's see if find this funny."

I one swift movement, one hand was wrapped and gripping on my neck while and other hand roamed around and in between my thighs. Fighting to breathe was one concern while getting free was another.

I froze in disbelief and denial of what what happening as hand travelled up my thigh and began cupping and rubbing my private parts. He let go of my neck, finally letting me breathe before burying his face in it, sucking on it roughly. My hands were pinned to my side, not letting me fight back.

"You gon' be all mine tonight shorty, you hear me? Mine."

I heard him loud and clear and I squirmed in disgust and anger.

His. Just like the last time.


What's Anissa's fate?
Thank you for reading, vote and comment and I'll love you.

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