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A feeling like this had never really visited me before

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A feeling like this had never really visited me before. The only females I had ever been in a bed with was my mom, Siah and Joyri, and that was only because we were watching movies.

This time it was different.

We both lay holding each other for dear life, I had no idea what kind of protective instinct I was starting to build up and I had her locked against my body with my arms chained around her waist as it rose and fell, matching the rhythm of her breathing.

Hours had gone by since we had fallen asleep, and although I was now awake, I remained in the same position trying not to wake her up.

She looked so peaceful asleep, not the same distraught girl I took care of earlier.

A soft whimper escaped her as she began stirring in her sleep. Her arm and face left my chest as she turned and faced her back to me.

I know she didn't mean it but she was rubbing all up on me- her ass was soft and plump to. She stirred some more which built up the friction between her cushions and my growing member.


With all that whimpering and rubbing I couldn't help but get turned on.

Get a grip Gekyume.

Without wanting the situation to escalate and cross our newfound friendship barrier, I removed myself from behind her and sat up.

My phone vibrated and the screen lit up, showcasing a ton of messages.

you left school? with her ?💀💀

bruh your ass is mine when i see you.

wherever you are, get back home by 6, we having a family gathering at yours.

I rolled my eyes at the second text, all that shit she was talking would lead us to having a fight, a play one of course.

However the last text caught me by surprise. The family here, all while Anissa was still in my bed and it was literally five minutes until until six o'clock. Could this day get any worse?

"Anissa? Anissa.." I shook her gently trying to wake her up.

As if on queue, I heard the house door unlock and multiple footsteps and voices entering at different paces and pitches.

A familiar rhythm of footsteps began coming up the stairs, or should I say trudging up the stairs.

"I don't know auntie, I told him to be back by si-"

She barged the door open, letting her jaw drop instantly.

Anissa sat rubbing her eyes in confusion as to why a shocked Jahsiah stood at the door scowling at her with her hand resting on her hip.

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