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double update because i love y'all and why not, this chapter is short anyways .

"Shit, whachu mean gone? Gone where!?" Mykel was now up and was scrambling to put some suitable clothes on, ready to go out and find him

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"Shit, whachu mean gone? Gone where!?" Mykel was now up and was scrambling to put some suitable clothes on, ready to go out and find him.

"Ah shit.." Nahmir slapped his forehead and got up too.

TJ left their room to alert Junior and then to inform the girls.

"Gone where?!" Jahsiah pinched between her eyebrows, obviously knackered from the stress and drama this night had already bought her.

Everyone was frantically panicking and scrambling around but Anissa remained calm. In situations like this one it was important to remain calm so you could think.

So she sat and thought, despite all the commotion around her.

"I know where he could be." She announced, getting everyone else to be silent.

"There's only one place he knows the way to in this whole city, let me go and get him." She went to find her shoes and jacket.

"I'm coming with you-" TJ followed her.

"No, let me go on my-"

"It's my little cousin out there, I'm supposed to protect him, and it's 3am in the winter time, you're not going alone."

Anissa could no longer argue with him so she let him come.

TJ drove as close to the park as possible before Anissa told him they had to stop.

"We gotta walk from here."

"There literally just trees here, what is this the woods? Why would Gekyume come here?"

"Just follow me, and stop when I tell you to."

They hopped out the parked car and sped walked through the abandoned park until they made it to the hidden bridge.

There sat Gekyume with his head down, and hands shoved in his jacket pockets.

TJ opened his mouth to call out to him but Anissa covered it with her hand just in time.

"Wait here." She instructed him before stepping out onto the bridge.

His dreads were tied back in the high pineapple ponytail so now that his head was down, they covered his face too.

"Gekyume?" Anissa sat on the other side of the bench, leaving a wide space between them.

He remained silent.

She took this as a sign that he was mad at her and stayed silent for a few more seconds before she couldn't anymore.

"Gekyume, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you in a situation like that.."

She sobbed, letting out tears she had been holding in since they left the party.

Her puffy, watery eyes followed him as he got up like he was about to leave, only to sit back down right next to her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"It wasn't your fault." Gekyume's voice was raspy and didn't go past a certain volume.

"I shouldn't have snapped you like that.." The pair sat in silence, soaking in the melancholy vibe.

"Why didn't you tell me X was your dad?" She questioned.

Anissa never used to be on social media much and never had the largest following so she barely kept up with the modern day. On top of her mom always shielding stuff from her and keeping her blind to many problems.

Her mom would mostly play music in the house, which would mainly be stuff from around 2016 and onwards. So she was never really in control of what she heard and knew her mom had never played an 'Xxxtentacion' before.

She also knew some of his songs briefly from the old school mix she'd play frequently.

"Because I didn't want you to look at me differently.."

"Differently? Why would I look at you differently?"

"Because my dad was falsely accused of being a woman beater! That tarnished his reputation and some people, once they find out who I am,  give me shit about it. I didn't want you to push me away.." Gekyume briefly explained.

Anissa drew small pattern on the back of his hand trying to calm him down, it was partially working.

"My dad and your ex's dad...Drake, didn't exactly see eye to eye at all-"

"Which is why is made it so shocking that he was my ex." Anissa did the maths.

Gekyume nodded in agreement before intertwining his hand with hers.

"But it's okay, we're still gonna have a great time while we're hear, ya lil ex isn't gonna ruin all the things I had planned for you this week.

Anissa blushed at the thought of  him planning stuff for her.


"Hm." His focus remained on the almost frozen lake, enjoying the serenity between the two.

"Thank you for everything you do for me.." She let out quickly feeling embarrassed.

She seemed too cute to him when she was like this, all flustered, hot and embarrassed.

"No, don't thank me, you deserve it all." He responded.

"No Geko, you've done so much for me- too much even. Staying at your house, meeting your family, basically going on holiday and-"

Gekyume crashed his lips onto hers, not hesitating once and siezing the moment he had longed for for ages.

Anissa froze but soon melted to the command of his touch, feeling any sort of anxiety and negativity leave her body, replaced with butterflies and a warm, fuzzy feeling she hadn't felt for anyone since her ex.

His tongue slid across her bottom lip, seeking permission to deepen the kiss. Of course she accepted, welcoming him openly.

After was seemed to be ages, the two parted, gazing deeply into each other's souls that hid behind their ocean eyes.

"What does that mean..." Anissa barely whispered.

"It means that you Anissa Byers, you're mine.

What's their ship name? Geknissa? Gekyissa? Idk make one.

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