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 Anissa's body lay still in my arms as I realised she had passed out

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Anissa's body lay still in my arms as I realised she had passed out. She had just been in a wild fight so I knew that if I took her to the nurses office, once she was up she'd get in trouble then get suspended.

I decided to save her the trouble of interrogation from the principal and decided I'd bring her to my house, we'd get in trouble for truancy but I didn't care . The nearest uber was two minutes away so when it was outside, I carried her light body out to the car.

My house was a good twenty minutes away from school so the drive there was quick. I thanked the concerned uber driver before carrying Anissa into my empty house and kicking the door closed.

I set her down on the couch, she winced a little as she began to wake up.

"Anissa?" I rubbed her forehead to check if she was overheating.

"Gekyume? Where am I, what happened?" Her voice was so soft and high, she sounded so innocent, the same way she did when I met her.

"You beat up Tiana, I pulled you off her, taking you out of class and you passed out.." I explain vaguely, hoping to jog her memory a little.

She didn't seem surprised which suggested that she remembered the events.

"Can you tell me what happened?" She nodded to my question, gesturing me to sit beside her.

I didn't expect such a petite girl to be such a good fighter so I sat ready to hear her story.

"There's so much more I need to tell you...as to why I was acting like that-"

"It's okay, you don't have to if you don't want to." She had told me about the comment Tiana made and I understood her annoyance, but I didn't think she was as short tempered as to beat her up so quickly.

We talked some more and I got to know all the basic stuff about her. She yawned rubbing her eyes like a little kid.

"You tired?"

"Mhm.." She looked so cute with her bun become wonky and loose while her lipgloss half gone.

"You can sleep in my room if you want.." I blurted out. I didn't realise how forward that could have sounded but what was said was said.

The guest rooms were loaded with boxes of old keepsakes we never managed to arrange.

She didn't reply and instead played with her nails.

"You can sleep in there until you feel better then I can get you an uber home." I elaborated, hoping to make myself seem less creepy.

"Sounds like a plan." She finally responded.

We got off of the couch and I lead her upstairs to my room. Luckily it was clean and my bed was made, I wasn't the type to reside in mess anyways, my mom hated that.

"You have stuffed animals?" She pointed to my small collection and picked up one of my favourites that lay on my bed.

"Uh yeah..this is Snorlax, he was my dad's.." I explained, setting him down near my window.

She looked around a little more before getting in my bed and tucking herself in, I pretended to occupy myself rearranging stuff on my desk as she did so.

Once she was comfortable, I began to head out. I took one last look at her.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." She remarked, I guess I stared too long. I guess I couldn't get over the fact that there was a girl as beautiful as her laying in my bed.

A small chuckle left my lips before I headed out, closing the door behind me. It was still pretty early and my mom didn't get home from the studio until around five o'clock.

My uncle John (Cunningham) worked together at my dad's record label 'Bad Vibes Forever' which was one of the most successful labels about today.

My mom's skills as a DJ helped her a lot in the music industry and she had many roles in the company. Her favourite one was promotion as she use to love promoting the parties she'd DJ at.

Feeling around my pockets I realised I had left my phone in my room, so sped back up the stairs to go and get it.

Upon entering my room, I heard light sobs emerging from beneath the comforter.

"Anissa? Anissa are you okay?"

It was dumb of me to ask because she clearly wasn't okay.

"No...no I'm not okay Gekyume.." The distraught girl managed to reply.

Not knowing what to do I stepped closer to my bed, hoping we could probably sit and talk about what was bothering her.

"Well what can I do to help you?" The question left my lips in hesitation and her response came in almost a whisper.

"Can you just lay here with me? Please don't leave..."

My heart ached at her plea, she sounded so hurt. I had no idea who this girl was, we had barely knew each other a week but I've messed up an item of her clothing, invited her to a party that's caused half of the school to hate on her, bought her to my house and here she was in my bed crying.

I had not a clue what I was doing but knew this was the weirdest start to a friendship.

"Sure I can Anissa."

Kicking off my shoes and taking my hoodie off to be comfortable, I climbed in my bed beside her, ensuring that there was a reasonable distance between us both. Enough not to make anything awkward.

Her quiet sniffles subsided and in no time there was complete silence, signalling that she was asleep.

As I tried to get up, she rolled over to my side of the bed and threw her arm across my torso. My heart fluttered at the sudden moment as I still tried to break free from her grip and head out.

On my second attempt, I made it far enough to get out of the bed before she let out a wince at the lack of my body heat.

"Okay, okay Anissa, I'll stay."

There I lay with her lying on my chest with my arms around her. What a weird start to a friendship.

the calm before the stormS. muahahaha.

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