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a short one.


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"Get..get off...me!" I finally managed to blurt out, kneeing him where the sun didn't shine, hard.

Thankfully my nails were naturally long and I began scratching on his face, successfully leaving a long scratch mark under his eye before spitting at him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I belted. My handed landed hard on his face before roughly pushing him away from me, gaining the courage I lacked before.

The look on his face was a struggle to read, it wasn't one of remorse nor was it one of anger anymore, he appeared expressionless. Almost numb

"Ayo Xay you good?" An unfamiliar voice questioned not too far from us. Finally, someone to help.

Xavier glared his hazel eyes at me, implanting feelings of fear within, practically warning me not to say anything.

"Man, this bitch mad at me 'cause I ain't lettin' her fuck.." He responded with no hesitation.

"She all slappin' me and shit just 'cause I said I don't wanna go home with her." The lie slipped smoothly from his mouth.

My throat and chest were tight from the frustration building up inside me, I wanted to defend myself and react but I couldn't. A huge lump formed in my throat, I wanted to cry and scream but I couldn't.

The beat of my heart was racing while my cheeks flushed hot. I gulped as the feeling of pins and needles tiptoed through me. This whole rush of emotion and physical feelings, yet I was completely still. I was having an anxiety attack.

If only it were more obvious, the one time I didn't hyperventilate- if only I could bring myself to say all that was on my mind.

By the time I had regained mental stability, a small crowd of around eight to ten people had gathered by the house entrance.

"Man these hoes weird, leave her there's plenty baddies inside." Xavier's friend commentated.

Giggles and sniggers erupted from the small number of people, burning a deep hole of embarrassment in my chest, having me look stupid.

"Isn't she that new girl?"

"Aw you desperate? I could take you home with me baby!" Another drunk fellow chimes in.

My already boiling blood sizzled beneath my skin as I stomped away from the house party and to the next street, ordering my Uber from there.

What a mess of a party that was, I regretted ever even going.

I climbed into my room through the window which I rarely even did, but this was exceptional as I wasn't ready for my mom to bombard me with questions.

My medicine cabinet awaited me with all that I needed to take. The pills slid down my throat with difficulty as I took them dry, sobbing quietly.

After getting myself together and changing into my pyjamas, my phone buzzed with multiple texts.

Gekyume 🤓🖤
Where are you?

Anissaaaaa wya.

A smile crept onto my face, he was concerned. Did he care? I let the messages sit there unopened in my notification centre, unbothered for anymore questions from him about my whereabouts.

Time passed as I lay flat on my bed with my phone beside me, contemplating what had happened tonight. Did I look like that much of an easy target? What if I was drunk and he actually took advantage of me?

Once again my phone buzzed, I sighed in annoyance knowing it was Gekyume again. This time was different though, my phone stayed in a vibrating state as messages began piling in.

Why Xavier claiming you tried to fuck him?

Anissa? Answer me.

Where are you?
They're saying you ran away crying.

Are you ignoring me because it's true?
Are you okay?

My heart skipped multiple beats as I opened the chat and left him on read, staring his texts in disbelief. When did I try to fuck this 'Xavier' guy? He was the one who started everything, who almost sexually assaulted me when I caught an attitude.

Tears invaded my eyes and I sniffed and weeped, letting them run down my cheeks and hit my screen.


How on earth am I going to get him to believe me?


What do you think will happen next? Stay tuned. Vote, comment and show love :)

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