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enjoy a short one— vote and say sum cute in the comments :) ________________________________

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a.nissa19 before my top got ruined 💀
view all 109 comments
onlyiyoni i miss you stink.
a6donis damn ma you still fine 🤤
gekyume let me get you a new one 😓
yamanswcw ew persistent pussy 🤮
15 minutes ago.

The day was passing and Anissa was managing to make it through without snapping on anyone since her altercation with Tiana in the morning.

Secretly scrolling on her phone in class like most people, Anissa posted a cute selfie from her first day at school.

Comments from her old friends in Toronto started rolling in, making her miss them and one from Gekyume made her blush. However there was one hating ass comment that stuck out to her like a sore thumb. It aggravated her.

Tapping on the profile, she saw that it was none other than Tiana. She was probably still mad that Anissa tried to 'have sex with him'.

Different sides of Anissa would be more sensitive than others, and the side viewing the comment was feeling way too much. Her blood boiled and her eyes were shut tight as she tried to fight herself off, mentally begging herself not to act out.

She found herself walking up to her history teacher's desk, avoiding everyone's confused glares.

"May I-"

"May you what?" The teacher interrupted her rudely, making Anissa's patience run thin.

"May I be excused?" Her voice came out in almost a low growl through her gritted white teeth.

Her teacher scoffed before Anissa decided she didn't need a shrivelled old woman to give her permission to go and beat a bitch ass.

Remembering that she saw Tiana walk into the class beside her, her feet sped as she made her way there.

I  bust the door open and scanned the classroom for her

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I bust the door open and scanned the classroom for her. The anger within me settled a little when my eyes met with Gekyume's kind brown ones. His small smile made my heart warm and almost made me resort back to myself.

My sweet thoughts where interrupted by none other than her.

"Can somebody tell persistent pussy over there that this isn't her class?" Tiana exclaimed, giggling with her entourage and smirking at who seemed to be her boyfriend. Xavier.

"I'm here for your keyboard warrior ass." I retorted before storming up to her and ignoring the teacher's instructions to leave.

"Oh she mad mad?" One of her friends with stiff ole' weave commented.

A chuckle left Xavier's mouth, which then sent me off into sicko mode.

"Run up, bitch!"

My fist charged at her face, leaving her and her friends in shock. I knew she couldn't fight when she tried pulling my hair, joke was on her as it was in a bun again today.

Mercilessly, I kept pounding and pounding, wondering why her friends weren't jumping in, especially with all that shit they were talking.

This side of me had no intentions of stopping and if she didn't I knew she could kill her. The situation wasn't even that deep for her to do that. It's just that back home we didn't take talking shit very lightly.

Everyone's cheers and roars sounded muffled to me, but then again when I was in this state nothing was clear or made much sense. All I could ever see was red.

That was until a pair of strong arms slid around my waist, pulling me off the leaking Tiana and dragging me out to the hallway.

"Hey..hey calm down Anissa- Anissa calm down!"

One thing I hated when I was in this state was anybody telling me to calm down. If it was that easy I would've done it already.

"Move Gekyume, get out of my way.." His grip on my shoulders grew stronger as he tried to calm me down.

I managed to push myself out of his grip but he quickly caught me and hugged me from behind, holding my arms down.

Tears ran freely down my cheeks as my normal self fought to come back. I hated when I lost control, and he was the last person I wanted to see me like this.

"Come on Anissa...don't let Tiana get the best of you.." He whispered in my ear. His voice was so calm that it engulfed and erased my anger almost immediately.

He loosened his grip but was still hugging me. A sharp headache struck me, a sign that she was leaving. I weeped lightly as rested his chin on my shoulder, before me body went completely limp.


be positive.

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