Chapter 13. A Day at the Book Fair

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- August 23, 2018 -


"Mr. Kyungsoo, good afternoon!"

I heard Mark's voice greeting someone. When I turned around, he was talking to a man in a white button-down shirt and black pants.

"Hello, good afternoon. Mark Lee, right? Minseok and Yeoreum's nephew?" The man greeted back.

"Yes, yes it's me. These are my friends, Elizabeth and Donghyuck. Guys, this is Mr. Kyungsoo, one of my aunt and uncle's close friends."

"Good afternoon," Donghyuck and I bowed down as we greeted him politely.

Mr. Kyungsoo smiled at us, highlighting his rather heart-shaped lips.

"Good afternoon as well. I'm Do Kyungsoo, Minseok and Yeoreum's friend from college."

"Wow." I exclaimed, my eyes widening.

Aside from Dr. Hyemi and my parents, I've never encountered people who knew their friends for such a long time. And it proved to be amazing when Mr. Kyungsoo told us how many years he's been friends with Mark's aunt and uncle.

"It's been twenty years, I guess?"

"What? No way!" Donghyuck exclaimed in surprise too.

"I'm just visiting the old record store. I used to work here back in college." Mr. Kyungsoo explained while smiling.

"Whoa, really?" Mark almost chuckled in surprise.

"Yes. This is quite an old store, I remember how it used to look different back in my time."

"That must've been so cool."

I nodded as I listened to Mark and Mr. Kyungsoo converse. We were at a record store in the city, checking out some new albums while waiting for Renjun, Jeno, and Jaemin to arrive.

In the past few days I've been going in and out of the hospital. Dr. Hyemi required me to rest at home, if I'm not in her office for my check-ups.

After Jaemin's birthday last week, the boys have been teaching me how to ride their bikes, skateboards, and hoverboards, resulting in me getting very exhausted. Dr. Hyemi was very unimpressed despite the fact that I've somehow gotten over my bike phobia. She wanted me to rest a lot so I can gain my energy back, especially since classes will start again soon.

In fact, we will actually be going back to school next week, and perhaps that's the reason why she finally allowed me to go out again. Thus, me being in the record store with Mark and Donghyuck at the moment.

While I listened to Mark talk, I noticed Mr. Kyungsoo's eyes focusing on a girl at the next aisle of CDs and DVDs. The girl seemed to be an employee, since she was assisting a woman.

Just then, the door opened and the familiar voice of Jaemin echoed inside the store.


"Hi, angel!" Jeno followed with his eye smile.

"Hey, guys!" Donghyuck greeted back as they did their fist bumps and handshakes.

"Mr. Kyungsoo, these are my other friends, Renjun, Jeno, and Jaemin." Mark introduced them to Mr. Kyungsoo. "We'll be going now, too."

"Bye, Mr. Kyungsoo!" Donghyuck and I bid our goodbyes.

Mr. Kyungsoo smiled at us and said, "it was nice meeting you all. Do tell your aunt and uncle I said hi."

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