Special Chapter. Diary

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December 5

• My dreams are getting weirder and weirder
• I had a dream about a bunch of people that I don't know
• In the dream, it says that they're my friends but I don't really know them(?)
• Except for one that looks exactly like Haechan
•(Seriously? Why are you in my dream though?)
• But the dream says he's not him, he has a different name
• I can't remember the name too, but I know I called him something different
• Anyway, I don't really recognize the others
• But one of them looked familiar, he's the guy I've been dreaming about in the past months
• The one who first appeared in that strange hospital dream I had back in April
• Yeah, that guy
• I don't know why I'm dreaming of him
• I don't think I've actually seen him before, but he just keeps appearing
• Anyway, another weird thing about this particular dream is that those people that were my friends in the dream, they called me a different name
• And guess what?
• It was the same name that the hospital-dream-guy called me
• It's suuuuuper weird
• I wonder what these dreams mean
• It's kinda exciting too
• I kinda wanna meet these people in real life
• They say that if you see a person you don't know in your dream, chances are you've seen them already, you just weren't aware
• I wonder what'll happen in my dreams tonight
• I hope it's something good
• I also hope I can control it, like they do in lucid dreaming

• My dreams are getting weirder and weirder• I had a dream about a bunch of people that I don't know• In the dream, it says that they're my friends but I don't really know them(?)• Except for one that looks exactly like Haechan•(Seriously? Why are...

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December 6

• I just got the letter from East Seoul University
• It said that I was accepted!
• I'm so stoked!
• Can't wait for the new school year!
• My two bestfriends have been accepted too, so I really can't wait to spend another 4 years with them
• Honestly, I can't wait to graduate and get to uni
• It's gonna be such a thrill to meet new people(!)
• As well as the old, and yes I meant Lee Haechan, which I heard will also be going in the same school haha
• Sometimes, I can't help but think that he's following me
• He practically told me that he applied there the day after I told him that I applied
• Well it's not that I'm complaining, after all some familiar faces would definitely be a nice combination to the new environment
• Anyway, aside from that, something weird happened today
• So I went to The Ice Cream Parlor, and I thought I saw somebody familiar
• It's gonna sound weird (it already sounds weird in my head) but I think he looked like the guy in my dream
• Ahaha that sounded like a line from a princess-fairytale story
• I totally meant that this guy I saw in TICP looked like the guy that has been appearing in my dreams, aka Mr. Hospital Guy
• I didn't get a good look (I forgot my glasses at home)
• He was sitting at the far back and he was busy with his phone, but I caught a glimpse of his face while I was ordering
• And I suddenly felt this feeling of déjà vu, like I've seen him before
• Not just in the dream, but like in real life
• Wow, now I'm feeling really weird just thinking about that incident
• Anyway, like I said, I didn't get a good look at his face
• But he really seemed familiar to me
• I wonder if I'd actually met him already..

 Hospital Guy• I didn't get a good look (I forgot my glasses at home)• He was sitting at the far back and he was busy with his phone, but I caught a glimpse of his face while I was ordering• And I suddenly felt this feeling of déjà vu, like I've s...

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December 7

• I dreamed that I was in a cemetery
• I was a child with short black hair
• I don't remember much but all I know was that I was standing in front of a tomb
• I couldn't remember the name on the tomb but I knew it was a name of a girl
• A man was beside me and the tomb, which I didn't notice earlier
• He was surprised to see me
• I knew the man in this dream
• He's the same man, as always
• The one at the hospital, at the sea, on that bench at the park, as well as from two nights ago (and The Ice Cream Parlor)
• He's a bit older this time though
• I don't know why he's been appearing in my dreams
• It's really weird, and a bit creepy
• But the man doesn't seem dangerous
• In fact, he feels familiar to me
• In the dream at least
• Anyway, he talked to me
• He asked me my name and how old I was
• In the dream, I said I was 6
• Or was it 5? I can't remember
• Then I said that my name was Areum
• Which I now recall!
• The name of the person on the tomb was the same as my name in the dream
• "Areum"
• I wonder what that means...
• Not the name, I know what the name means
• I meant to say I wonder what the dream means
• Because it's just really strange to dream about the same person over and over again
• And the fact that this person had to do with "me" as someone else because in each dream, I wasn't me
• I was someone else

• Not the name, I know what the name means• I meant to say I wonder what the dream means• Because it's just really strange to dream about the same person over and over again• And the fact that this person had to do with "me" as someone else becaus...

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December 10

• I had a less nicer dream last night
• It felt so sad because in that dream, I was dying
• I was a very old woman in a hospital bed
• There was one younger woman beside me, and she was crying so much
• I don't know where it came from but in the dream it says that I'm dying of old age
• It was just so sad and lonely
• I even woke up crying because of it
• I feel sad going to bed, I really don't wanna dream of dying

• I had a less nicer dream last night• It felt so sad because in that dream, I was dying• I was a very old woman in a hospital bed• There was one younger woman beside me, and she was crying so much• I don't know where it came from but in the dream...

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