Chapter 21. Home

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August 29, 2018

Today, we were all complete. Jeno was present at school today! I felt so excited to see him this morning, and I was really happy when he greeted me 'good morning.'

I can't believe I got worried for nothing when he explained that he just went to an important family meeting. But anyway, maybe I just wasn't used to my friends being absent at school. They were always present, and I was the one that's always absent.

I'm just really glad he was at school today. Though, the boys kept teasing me at English class. They told Jeno how I was sad the whole day yesterday 'cause he wasn't there. I mean, I did miss him, but I wasn't exactly sad. I was just worried and I felt really empty that we were incomplete. That's legal right?


Hyuck and Injun just love getting me flustered. Jeno-yah was sporting that cute eye smile of his the whole time while Nana pretended to be jealous. But they made sure to remind me that it was all a joke 'cause a certain "someone" might actually get jealous for real.

Of course they're referring to Mark, and I had to glare at them so they would stop teasing me. Mark only giggled and scrunched up his nose at me. He looked really cute, my heart couldn't handle it.

Anyway, at lunch time, Injun had a copy of Inception in his phone, so we watched it while eating. We weren't able to finish it though, we only had an hour for lunch, but we watched half of the movie.

In Chemistry class, Nana kept making me laugh while Kim seonsaeng-nim was discussing up front. He said he wasn't able to make me laugh that much yesterday, so he's making up for it, which was really thoughtful of him, but he didn't have to. I did enjoy it though, listening to him make jokes. We had to suppress our laughter 'cause we were almost caught.

Then at break time, we hung out at the Music room, playing music as usual. Today was extra fun 'cause we were just playing around. Hyuck changed his voice to something funny and Injun joined him, and it was kinda annoying but we couldn't really stop laughing at them. They sounded so hilarious haha!

Last two periods passed by. We continued watching the movie when we went to the ice cream parlor after school. It was so cool, the movie!! One of the best I've seen so far. It was actually really good, I wish we had watched it on a large television. Injun's phone screen was so small for a great movie like that!!

Anyway, when we were finally done, we just talked about other movies while eating ice creams. I got brain freeze from the Chocolate milkshake I ordered, and my friends just laughed at my face! -_- But it was okay. I liked seeing their happy faces, especially Mark's. He looked so cute, I just wanna tear up. My heart really can't handle it :(

Speaking of him, he took me home again. Not that it was new, but he was the same as yesterday. He walked me to the door even though he didn't have to, then he had this warm smile on his face, I swear I'm gonna melt just by staring at it. He didn't say anything weird today, though I don't know if I should feel relieved or sad 'cause of that. Right now, I don't know what I'm feeling towards him.

I mean, I really like him so much, it hurts. Because what if he doesn't like me back? What if all these nice things he's doing for me was just because he feels pity that I'm sick and dying? What if they don't really mean anything to him? Sighhhhhhh...

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