"Trust Me, Babe, It Does Wonders."

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Tempest was content being as bare as could fucking be. She was nice and comfy, but that bitch doppelgänger told her to fucking move.

Fucking whiney ass, cock gobblin', wank off whore.

Totally unashamed of her nudity, how could she not be with this God given body that she more than willing to share, the shifter walked back upstairs with her hips swaying sensually with each step.

Elena's eyes shot upwards, her face bright red with embarrassment and her brothers just didn't care, used to her shameless behaviour.

The blonde...

Caroline trailed after Tempest, shaking any... thoughts she might have and also making sure to not stare at the redhead's, uh, spectacular, gorgeous, derriere. Those dimples...

The blonde newborn leant against the wall across the hall to the tiger's door as she shut it. Something told the young blue eyed vampire that her, quickly becoming, favourite Salvatore was going out. And she wanted in.

The door swung open and there she stood in a pair of red converse and a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, an old rock band t-shirt and a red leather jacket.

"Why am I not surprised you own a leather jacket?"

"I have four, sweetheart," Tempest smirked, "And you're not a Salvatore if you don't have a leather jacket," she tilted her head to the left and called out, "Am I right, Stefan?"

From the kitchen below, they both heard a blank voice that held only a touch of annoyance, "Fuck you."

"I'm flattered, baby brother, but I'm pretty sure that's considered incest."

Caroline let out a single burst of laughter before shoving her palm to her mouth. From the living area, Damon's light chuckles echoed through the house.

"Don't want to make your girlfriend jealous either, yeah?" The shifter's face lit up with her big brother's quick jab.

The blonde hugged Tempest, clinging to her tightly, "Thank you so much," she whispered.

"Huh?" Was the Tiger's smart reply.

The newborn pulled back with her hands still on the redhead's shoulders, "I just really needed someone to have a laugh with."

This made the hybrid chuckle darkly and with an evil grin, "Oh, honey, I can do more than make you laugh," she leant in real close, their faces an inch apart and slowly licked her lips, "I can make you scream."

Caroline's reaction was almost instantaneous. Her cheeks flushing a bright red and her eyes blowing wide with the Tiger's... words...

Tempest could tell she was thinking about it.

Damon's amused snort snapped the blonde out of her stupor, "Tempest! As funny as it is, stop making Vampire Barbie question her sexuality!"

The still blushing newborn quickly looked away, avoiding the shifter's heavy and pleased gaze and took a step back.

"Bloody hell, Dae, you always ruin my fun," she muttered.

"I know. Go find another toy."

The redhead sighed dramatically, "Alright, honey, come on," she looked her arm around the blonde's, "Let's go get something to eat."

"But didn't you, like, just eat?"

Tempest looked at her like she had just asked the stupidest question, which to her, she did, "I'm still hungry."

Caroline blinked and shook her head, still a little dazed, "Oh, okay."


The top of her car was down as the two sped through town, Marina and the Diamonds streaming out of the radio while the wind tousled their long hair.

With Caroline's directions, the two pulled up in front of the Mystic Grill. Not a very creative name for a bar by the way.

They strutted in like they owned the place. Well, Tempest did. But if she did own this crap shack of a pub, she's damn sure she wouldn't've named it the Mystic Grill.

The blonde led the red haired Salvatore to a booth in the back, where they sat down, facing each other, when Caroline realised something, "Where the hell did you get a lollipop from? Why do you have it?"

The shifter smirked, sucking on the red sweet between her lips and pulled it out to wave it around a little, "Why don't you have one?"

The newborn's face pretty face twisted into a confused frown, "What?"

Before Tempest could say anything a blond, blue eyed, wet dream came up to their table. She immediately spied the pink dusting on Caroline's cheeks and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Hey, Care," the cutie pie greeted, before he turned to the Tiger, "Hello..?"

A big smile slapped on her face, "Salvatore. Tempest Salvatore."

The blond snickered, "Donovan. Matt Donovan," he then nodded at her, "Salvatore as in..?"

"Damon and Stefan? The Dynamic Dumbasses?" Tempest smirked, "Yeah, I'm the Sister."

"The Sister, huh?"


He nodded again and looked back to a quiet Caroline, who'd been watching the whole exchange closely.

"Can I getchya anything?"

The redhead knew he was asking the both of them, but his eyes were on the blonde alone. This shifter drifted off far into her thoughts that she didn't even realise that the newborn had ordered for her as well and that Matt had walked off.

Tempest pointed her lollipop after him and his sexy ass, "So what's the story there?"

The young vampire shook her head, blonde hair flying, "I don't want him in the middle of all this supernatural crap."

"I get it. He's a looker."

The shifter's smirk widened at the newborn's threatening growl, "Stay away from him."

"Don't worry, honey. He's not my type. Yes, I like blue eyed blonds," Tempest winked at Caroline, "bu Cutie Pie, is a bit too young for me. Besides, I like some stubble. Trust me, babe, it does wonders when their face brush up against the thighs. Oof," she shivered with anticipation, her eyes slightly glazed as she donned a far off look.

Caroline gasped with excitement, "We're talking sex..."


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