"It Was Just That One Time!!"

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In all honesty, Teddy blamed his aunt Hermione. Because she was the one who showed him how to do the spell. Learning to charm a galleon to glow gold whenever his best friend got shit faced.

Yeah, not the best idea. Considering he always usually found her amongst the ruins of burning pubs and slaughtered customers and servers alike. Bloodied body parts and smoking wood wasn't how he liked to start his day.

Actually, maybe it wasn't, since last time she got piss drunk, she completely destroyed an entire town. His best friend can get handsy when she's wasted. But the guy did try to get in her pants...

Lesson one?

Don't piss off a Tiger Hybrid with anger issues when she's drunk.

Lesson two?

Let the woman do what she wants, when she wants, when she wants to do it.

Sending a quick goodbye to his godfather, the metamorphmagus focused on the giant spark of magic that he knew was his best friend and apparated away to find himself standing in front of a huge building.

The Salvatore Boarding House.

The alert, 'Constant Vigilance!!' wizard pursed his lips and tipped his head in appreciation at the old structure. At least, it was old to him.

So was Tempest, but he would never admit that to her face if he wanted to keep his balls.

Teddy's wavy, longish hair turned a docile blue as he trudged up to the door, actually happy to see his favourite Tiger hybrid who had been gone for a few years.

A hard knock and a few seconds later, a man with startling blue eyes and ink black hair stood in the doorway with a raised eyebrow, "And you are?"

Not even bothering to answer, the wizard strode past him and into the house like he owned the place. Teddy should've learned something while hanging out with Tempest. Behind him, the man, obviously a vampire by the smell of it, muttered a 'what the hell' and sped after him.

He spotted his best friend lying on the couch with her head in a blond vampire's lap, her red hair splayed and being sifted through by the vamp's fingers. She looked unconscious. Looked it.

"So let me guess-" Before he could continue, the blue-eyed vamp ran at him, but with a quick flick of Teddy's fingers and he was pinned to a wall.

"Ugh. A witch." The vamp groaned.

Teddy smirked, "As I was about to say," he pointed to the black haired one, "you must be number one. And that makes you," he pointed at the green-eyed vamp, "brother number two."


"Teddy!!" Tempest squealed. She rolled out of Stefan's lap and hit the floor with a drunken oof.

The blue haired wizard raised an unimpressed eyebrow and with another wave of his hand, the Tiger rose to her feet, "How are you doing, darling?"

Damon groaned louder, "A British witch."

Tempest laughed, her gravelly voice slightly slurred and stumbled over to him, "Perfectly, Wolfie. You wanna let Dae down?"

Teddy rolled his eyes but gave her half a smile, looked at the blue-eyed vamp and dropped him to the floor, "You're Damon?"

"And?" He spat, glaring at the witch. He couldn't tell what the colour of his eyes were, they kept changing like a fucking pin wheel.

The blue-haired witch faced the blond vamp, "You're Stefan?"

"Yes?" The blond Salvatore dragged out, slightly worried.

Tempest wrapped her arms around Teddy and squeezed him gently, "How's Victoire?"

He smiled lightly, amused by Temp's childish behaviour towards him, "She's perfect."

"Why are you here, Teddy Bear?" The Tiger shifter slurred and the metamorphmagus rose an eyebrow, then took the coin from his jacket pocket and held it up in front of her face.

"Last time you got drunk, you levelled a small town, sweetheart."

Damon and Stefan looked at her with blank faces. She shrugged at them like it was perfectly normal, "He was mean to me," Tempest pouted at the wizard.

Teddy smirked and rolled his eyes, before he turned to the two vampires, "I'm Teddy Lupin, Tempest's best friend."

"How the hell did you get here so fast?" Damon muttered, his eyes narrowed. Even though this guy was his sister's self called best friend, didn't mean he wasn't a threat.

The blue hair of the man changed to a deep shade of red, his emotions flipping like a switch. To anger, "Were you dropped on your head as baby or were you just born stupid. I'm a dam witch, how else would I have gotten here, you dumb son of a bitch?"

"Teddy!" Tempest scolded slightly, swatting his chest, "Don't be rude."

"He started it."

"I don't care, I'm finishing it," The Tiger Hybrid huffed, leaning her head against her best friend's shoulder, throwing her arms around his neck and yawned, "Now take me to bed!"

Teddy rolled his multicolored eyes, but the Salvatore brothers widened theirs.

"Uh uh. No way. You are not sleeping with my sister. You get the couch or the floor," Damon's words were bordering a growl.

Teddy slung his arms under the redhead's legs, sweeping her up to cradle her like a child, "You do know I have a girl waiting for me at home. I'm only here to make sure this bloodthirsty Tiger hybrid doesn't commit any mass murders."

Tempest huffed and crossed her arms as the metamorphmagus hugged her to his body, "It was just that one time!"

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