"That Was So Badass."

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now I know that went I first published this story, a lot of people we're shipping Caroline and Tempest.
But, guys, this is a Tempest x Niklaus fanfic.
Okay? Okay.


Tempest raised an eyebrow at the pretty, perky blonde bouncing on her feet with a wide smile on her face as she stared at the redhead. The shifter could practically see the sparkles in the newborn's blue eyes and it was kinda creeping her out.

Damn, what did this chick know?

"I'm Caroline," she gushed before her hand shot out, grabbing Tempest's wrists and basically yanked the tiger hybrid into the Boarding House, "and can I just tell you, I feel so much safer with you here. Damon's told us all about you."

"Unlikely," the red haired Salvatore mumbled, she then spoke slowly as she stumbled along in the baby vamp's grip, "Sweetie, we've only just met and Damon-"

"I don't care. But I do know that you can kick both your brothers' asses, should they do something again," the girl wiggled her...mighty fine...ass with excitement, filled with so much energy the shifter had no idea where the hell it was coming from.

Yes, Tempest could have torn this girl's arm off at the beginning, but the golden eyed tiger was still shocked with the blonde's proverbial 'balls.'


"Again?" Annoyance tickled the back of Tempest's neck. But she smirked instead, now amused, "Which one?"

Caroline..? snickered and came to a stop in the main room. It took the shifter less than three seconds to flutter her gaze over the obvious teenagers in the room before she was swept up into a tight hug.

"Damon," the redhead smiled lightly, burying her face into her blue eyed brother's shoulder. He smelled of bourbon and leather, but most importantly, home. The shifter breathed in, squeezed him tightly then took a step back. She grinned, "How long has it been since I've seen you?"

And the black haired vamp shrugged, a soft, fond smile replacing his usual smirk, it was a look that the others in the room had never seen before.

"I dunno, Temp," he pulled her into yet another hug, this one tighter, pressing his cheek to her red hair, "But too long."

The clearing of a throat interrupted the two and that was when Tempest caught sight of the doppelgänger. The tiger could tell she was human, but she did want to scare her.

Before anyone could blink, the shifter had the girl by the throat against the wall, he feet hanging a few inches above the ground. Her hybrid face shocked them all except Damon.

The whites of the Tiger's eyes turned coal black and her golden pupils bled liquid silver. Veins spread down her cheeks as her hand tightened a fraction. Her mouth widened, revealing her dangerously pointed canines, top and bottom. Her face was pulled into a vicious scowl as a faint, but threatening growl rumbled from her chest.

Truly a creature to fear.

Damon walked over to the bar as everyone tensed, not knowing what to do.

"I just want you to know, Elena, I am not here to protect you. I could care less for a carbon copy of the skanky bitch that I hate very much. And I know, deep in my mind, you are the exact same. At least Katherine was honest," Tempest tilted her head to the side, "Well after she ripped the lives of my family apart, she was."

Suddenly, Stefan was in the room, "Alright, let her down. You've made your point, she gets."

The shifter closed her eyes and breathed out a deep sigh before opening them again, her face back to normal. The redhead dropped the girl, who collapsed to the floor, gasping and coughing, struggling to breathe.

The blonde newborn turned to look at Tempest, awestruck, "That was so badass."

"Caroline!" The chocolate skinned girl, sitting on the couch next to the young werewolf hybrid, chastised, her mouth open in shock, "Elena's our friend!"

The baby vamp shrugged, "Still badass."

Tempest smirked at her then turned to look at her baby brother, "Stefan."

The youngest Salvatore stared blankly at her with a raised eyebrow, his posture showing that he couldn't give two shits. Damon leant against the bar with a tumbler of bourbon in his hand, watching the two carefully and ready to maybe, perhaps, pull them apart.

And of course, the others watched as well. Not a word was said.

Until the red haired tiger stepped forward and slammed her fist into his stupid jaw, throwing his head to the side. Stefan didn't move for a few seconds before he stood up straight to look her in the eyes. The vamp then spat a mouthful of blood out onto the floor.

"I'm not cleaning that up," Damon's voice was filled silent amusement while he sipped his drink. Tyler smirked at the oldest Salvatore, also amused.

The brother and sister looked each other in the eye, gold clashing with green. And again, Tempest decked him, this time making him fall heavily to the floor.

"Alright, alright," Stefan grumbled, getting up to face his sister again.

"You're an asshole, you know that? I heard from Bex not too long ago that Niklaus gave you back your memories from Chicago. But I still hear nothing from you? Do you not remember what the fuck I did to help you? Or did you just choose to forget that?"

Tempest narrowed her sharp gaze and growled, "I guess it doesn't matter to you, Saint Stefan. Not at all."

One more time, the shifter pulled back her arm and punched her brother in the face.

The tiger hybrid stepped over the groaning body that was Stefan and kissed her older brother on the cheek, "I'll show myself to my room, Dae. Good to see you again."

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