"Are You Really My Big Brother?"

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twenty five

It was how Elijah found his younger brother in the boarding house lounge room that had him concerned.

He was sitting in front of the cold fireplace, on the edge of the sofa, hunched over an empty tumbler as if he was studying the quality of the bourbon that no longer filled it. His face was wearing a look that revealed all the many, many years they had lived... survived... existed.

This Klaus did not look like the Klaus he knew.

"Brother..." the Noble Mikaelson, who currently was wearing a borrowed T-shirt and pyjama bottoms, none of the Originals being brave enough to set foot in the mansion, took a few cautious steps the Hybrid's way.

Said hybrid tipped his head to the side only slightly, his eyes now closed. To any other, he hadn't moved at all. But Elijah Mikaelson was not any other and to him, it was the proof he needed to know that Klaus was listening.

"Please get some rest. You will not be able to help us save your mate if you're exhausted and falling asleep on your feet," The older brother put a hand on his younger, wilting brother's shoulder, hoping to steady him and put his point across.

"I feel responsible for her being taken, Elijah. If I had kept a close eye on her, if I had not permitted Mother to throw that stupid ball, my mate would still be by my side!" Klaus's voice grew louder with every word as he stood, batting Elijah's hand and throwing the small glass at a wall with brutal force, it shattering on impact.

The Noble Mikaelson's eyes fell to the shards of glass on the carpeted floor whilst the younger Mikaelson looked out the east window as the sun set, running a hand through his short, blond hair.

"We will find her Niklaus, I swear it. She will be by your side-"

"I don't care if she is or not. Tempest might never love me, brother, but as long as she is happy and safe...I would be content." Klaus murmured, his gaze falling to the floor.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, a certain icy eyed Salvatore was listening from the balcony above.


Damon entered his room and sat on his bed, remembering back to when he had first met his little sister.

The little fourteen year old thing was so shy, hiding behind her long red hair, peeking out at him with those pretty gold eyes, shining with caution and awe.

He remembered the first words she spoke to him with that gravelly voice, "Are you really my big brother?"

He remembered the first time he had held her when she cried about her mother, clinging onto him tightly, her face buried in his shoulder as she admitted to killing her by accident and losing her uncle to a coven of witches.

He remembered the first time he punched his brother in face for making her cry about her station in life, their father not being married to her mother.

He remembered finding a tiny tiger cub on his bed, curled up and fast asleep with its head nuzzling his pillow, then hours later as the sun rose, changing back into his sister with the breaking of her bones. Thank God she wasn't awake.

He remembered scaring away many, many suitors who wanted to court Tempest. Wanting to keep his sister innocent and away from any man who just didn't deserve her. Because they didn't! No one deserved her!

And he remembered how she acted around Katherine. Skittish and aggressive. Not wanting anything to do with her.

The Salvatore shook his head and rubbed his forehead. None of this, absolutely none of this would have happened if he had just listened to her. And now it's happening again.

Because he didn't listen to her!

Katherine screwed them over and she knew.

Elena had screwed them over and she knew.

Why the hell didn't he do anything this time?


Luna froze, mid step in her stride towards the kitchen in the muggle household that Harry had insisted they buy. He had wanted their kids to grow up in the non magical world so they weren't ignorant like the many purebloods that were.

"Lu?" Harry called from the kitchen, the sizzling of bacon in the pan not even registering in the white haired witch's ears as her silvery eyes glazed over, mind falling blank.

The emerald eyed wizard dropped the pan and sprinted over to his wife, concern written all over his face, "Lu?"

She let out a long, drawn out breath and met his gaze a flutter of her eyes, a small frown creasing her brow, "Teddy's going to have a bit of trouble soon, Harry. A struggle-"

"I thought you said everything was gonna be alright," The wizard rushed out, his hands grabbing her shoulders not tightly, but not gently either.

Luna smiled and cupped his cheeks, the panicked expression on his face fading only slightly at her cool touch, "Everything will be okay, my love. He'll be fine. The nargles say so."


Rebekah laid on Tempest's bed, tears tracking down her face as she hugged one of the redhead's pillow, the scent of the tiger shifter calming her only slightly. Her first real friend that her brothers couldn't actually kill, could very well be killed by her mother instead.

The tiger shifter had been so bitchy when they first met, but nothing a good party with lots of alcohol can't fix. And a lot of making out...don't tell Klaus.

The door opened with a creak and there was Caroline, with a depressed smile, "Hey."

"What do you want?" The Original growled half heartedly, hiding half her scowling face in the pillow.

Instead of reacting like a hurt and pouting child, that Rebekah had hoped she would, the younger vampire just scoffed quietly and came in, sitting next to the Mikaelson. They looked at each other, one glanced at the tear stains and the other almost glared.

Caroline smiled sadly again and drew the Original into a tight hug. It made the younger blonde tear up when she felt Rebekah tense up. The Mikaelson's body began to tremble and soon soft sobs were muffled into the newborn's neck.

The girl stroked the other's hair, "She'll be okay, Bekah. She'll be okay..."

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