"I Love My Teddy Bear."

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The oldest Salvatore was grinding his teeth with a ruthless scowl on his face as he paced up and down the lounge room, his nerves skyrocketing.

Under his breath, Stefan muttered, "Will this stop? You're wearing a hole in the carpet."

Damon did stop, but he swivelled his blue eyes around to glare at him, "And why the hell should I?! Our sister is in that house full of those..." he struggled to come up with any lingering words.

"Tempest will be fine, Damon. She knows how to handle herself," his younger brother was sitting on the couch with his elbows propped up on his knees.

"That's another thing!!" The raven haired vampire snapped, "When the hell did you suddenly care about Tempest? You hate our sister. I had loved Katherine just as much as you did, Stefan, but you still blame Temp for outing her."

The blond Salvatore clenched his jaw and opened his mouth to snap back but Damon beat him-

"That evil bitch took us away from her. Compelled us to treat Tempest like she was nothing but shit. I know you didn't like Temp since the day Daddy dearest brought her home and you just loved the fact she was a bastard," He ranted, "You loved to throw it in her face, every chance you got. So please explain why you only care now-"

"Cause she almost died because of me tonight!!"

The older Salvatore stopped and looked at his brother with a dangerous, narrowed gaze, "She's almost died a lot of times because of you!! Why the hell is tonight any different?!!"

"It was Klaus-"

Damon sped over and dragged him to his feet, clutching his brother's shirt, "It was Mikael at one point!! Because of you!!!"

Stefan stared into his brother's eyes, his lips trembling slightly, "Klaus threatened me and Tempest threw herself at him. He... he had her by the throat and-" The blond shook his head, and pushing the older Salvatore away, "She's done it so many times and I hate myself for not doing anything. Especially tonight."

The two stared at each other for a moment until Damon took in a breath, "Fuck up....one more time..."

He let the threat hang in the air.


Tempest sat opposite a big burly man with a sly, drunken smirk on her face. His face was as red as her hair, swaying in his seat as he held onto the tiny shot glass in his massive hand like a lifeline.

Her favourite bottle of whiskey stood proudly next to dozens of similar little glasses.

The Tiger had tossed that dress and scrambled through the leftover clothes in her car and thrown on a pair of ripped denim shorts and a ratty Gun and Roses singlet. No shoes. Obviously.

Her original purpose was to get a buzz on and chow down on some greasy food. But this guy in front of her, who looks five seconds away from hitting the ground, touched her ass.

Now any other time, Tempest woulda ripped his fucking arm off and beat him to death with it.

But... she wanted to have some fun. And drinking games were fun.

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