"You Killed My Son."

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thirty four

Tristan's paws thudded heavily against the ground as he sped through the thick jungle of the Amazon, following the trail of the smoking remains of villages and the blackened corpses that littered each and every one.

He could feel anger, shame or guilt, but he felt none because the Alpha had done the exact same when he found out what he now he had become and that his niece was now gone from his reach.

Twice he could have gone after her, comforted her, soothed her, so she could be the person she was supposed to be.

Not the savage creature everyone thought her as.

A mindless beast is what they believe she becomes, so a mindless beast is what she gives them, unknowingly accepting everyone's view and moulding herself for them.

It was only now that Michael had let him go after her.


Because Tempest had just met her soulmate, a new turned Alpha that could very nearly destroy the world just to find her.

The mating bond between them had not been completed, hadn't settled so it was fragile and could snap at any time. Which would be painful and can result in death.

Tristan could feel he was close, so close until he let out a rough roar of frustration.

It seems Tempest had realised he was onto her and had subconsciously discovered the power that comes with being a Tiger.

Shifting through the flames.

He skidded to a halt and soon stood on both feet, naked as the day he was born.

"Michael!!" Tristan bellowed at the stars, ignoring the ashes floating up into the cloudless sky, "Where is she!?"

The oldest Archangel appeared several feet away, the announcement of his arrival being only the sound of his wings.

The Tiger spun around and rushed forward, grabbing him by his collar and slamming his against the closest tree, almost splintering the thing. He leant in close, their faces an inch apart.

"Where is my baby girl?" Tristan whispered his face an image of the rage and ferocity of a tiger pacing in its cage.

Michael swallowed, feeling the slightest bit of fear trickle down his spine, "She's in Egypt. Do I need to-"

"No," the redhead dropped the archangel back onto his feet and turned towards the closest burning flames, "I've got it."

Tristan shifted again then launched himself into the fire, disappearing into it.


The anger was indescribable.

Burning and festering, writhing and trembling with a vicious need to destroy everything else in its path. An eternal, gaping black hole, swallowing the happiness and glee and replacing it with the rage and hatred.

Tempest felt nothing else.

Only the scorching, red hot wrath for the death of her best friend.

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