"Why Are You Naked?"

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Temper growled lightly who ever had just woken her, lip curling ever so slightly. The shifter was warm and happy, the reason being so was because the redhead was wrapped up in her brother's arms, his embrace strong and comforting.

An amused huff of breath tickled her ear, making it flick away annoyance.

Wait, what?

It took her a second or two to realize she had four legs.

The Tiger huffed, though it did sound more like a grumble then a groan. Shifting in her sleep meant ripping up her favourite pajamas.

And shit, she fucking hated shopping.

Her irritated grumble was answered with a deep, sleepy chuckle that vibrated from Damon's chest, who pressed against her back.

Sighing, Tempest pawed at her face while her tail swiped up and hit her brother in the face, receiving grunt in return. Then with a jaw breaking yawn that bared her dangerously sharp teeth, the large, gorgeous Tiger dropped down from her bed and slowly stalked towards the door.

There stood a very startled doppelgänger who was frozen with shock and terror.


She had absolutely no idea on what to think. She had just found out that the Salvatore's had a sister. One that was a hybrid, just like the one who was trying to kill her. Why the hell would they bring her here and why did they let her attack her?

Elena had walked carefully up the stairs, not wanting to wake the redhead and had just opened the redhead's door to find her boyfriend's brother snuggled up with a huge, purring cat.

The brunette gulped, completely forgetting about inviting Tempest out for breakfast for a do over.

"Uh..." her voice was answered by a low growl that made Elena freeze in fear.

Damon turned his head slowly and huffed with amusement, a shit eating grin spread across his otherwise sleepy face. She had so many thoughts in this animal would react to the vampire but it instead just grumbled a little.

The doppelgänger had to stifle a laugh when it's tail slapped him in the face. But again she froze when the cat, Tiger, monster, rubbed its face with its massive paws and yawned, those huge teeth glinted in the light, on display, making Elena tremble. It made her want to run and scream.

The vampire untangled himself from the sheets and sat up. The brunette had to turn her head so he couldn't see the blush burning her cheeks after seeing he wasn't wearing a shirt.

But he saw.

The large animal made an unimpressed sound and Elena had to dodge the Tiger, eyeing it warily as it stalked out of the room.


Caroline was so excited.

From Damon had told her, and what tiny things Stefan had added, she thought that she and Tempest would get along famously.

Elena was starting to grate on her nerves with her continuous 'woe is me' crap and Bonnie was being nothing but a goddamn lapdog, Tyler's a boy and he can't do small talk. And the blonde really wanted to keep Matt out of this so she couldn't and wouldn't go to him.

A new face, particularly a new girl and especially a Salvatore, was exactly what the vampire doctor ordered.

Her musings were cut short when a huge tiger padded down the steps of the boarding house, heading straight for the kitchen.

"What the fu-" Caroline was stunned, her jaw somewhere on the floor. Shaking her head, the newborn slowly followed it, wanting to know why, exactly, a massive, wild animal was here.

In the kitchen, Stefan had, for some reason, cooked up a storm. Plates of eggs and bacon, mushrooms and sausages, fried tomatoes and pancakes lined the bench.

The blonde had never seen the young Salvatore do this. He only ever cooked for Elena and sometimes her if she was over early enough.

Sitting at the bench the newborn watched the Tiger devour everything, much to the bemusement of Stefan who just stood there with his arms crossed with a look of boredom on his face.

Staring quiet, Caroline then trailed after it as the big cat moved towards the living room and jumped onto the couch to stare at her with very familiar golden eyes. She smiled sheepishly and almost squealed when the Tiger tipped its head to the side.

Taking a chance, the blonde moved slowly, the animal's gaze on her, to sit next to it.

The sleek feline sighed and sprawled itself across Caroline's lap. A look of awe never left her face and her hand moved with a mind of it's own to stroke the Tiger's fur. In response, it purred gently.

The oldest Salvatore then decided to stomp down the stairs with his usual arrogant smirk on his face as Elena followed, whining like a toddler deprived of its toy, "Where did she go, Damon? You said your sister was here to help us and then she just disappears?"

"This may surprise you, but I don't control Tempest. No one can. And she can come and go as she damn well pleases. Besides, she's still here. If I know my sister, and I do, she's hiding right under your nose."

That's when Damon turned to Caroline. He shook his head with another smirk, this one soft and amused, "Blondie, huh?"

The Tiger lifted its head and seemed to grin at him before its bones began to crack loudly, them breaking and shaping themselves.

A now, very nude Tempest was lying across the newborn's legs, "I need entertainment, brother dear."

Before Da,on could retort anything, the blonde opened her mouth and blurted, "Uhm. You're naked."

Tempest glanced up at her with her gold eyes, still in her lap, "I am."

"Why are you naked?"

"I thought you were smart."

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