"In Total Control Of Herself."

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thirty one

Tempest could feel her core being drained. Slowly and painfully, as the Original Witch wielded her life force to power the spell, letting her destroy her children. Nothing like when Teddy had used her to revive Gabe.

This wasn't a small heat in her chest...

She felt like she was being set on fire.

Her eyes watered, the warmth of the blazing flames encircling her was virtually unbearable. The redhead was floating a few feet from the ground, her hair and the same dress from the ball, now filthy and torn, shifting around her like she was submerged in water.

The Tiger could barely see, she could hardly breathe, but what she could sense... was Teddy in a trance beside Esther, ready to be slaughtered to rid the world of the Original Vampires. She could only just hear the Mikaelson boys, the Winchesters, what the hell were they doing here? and her brothers yelling and growling, taunting the witch.


It all happened so sudden.

She dropped to the ground with a heavy thud, hearing Esther cry out for her sisters to not leave her and finally seeing her once pretty face contort to one of anger and hate before she drove a knife into her best friend's chest.

Time seemed to slow down and Tempest could only watch as the light left his amber coloured eyes.


"Oh god," Damon muttered, his eyes widening in horror, Klaus's attention tearing away from his mate, who was still trapped in the circle of fire, to her brother instead.

"What?" The hybrid was breathless. Elijah and Kol turned to the Salvatore as well, while the Winchesters kept their eyes locked on the Mikaelson witch, their guns at the ready.

"Esther just killed Teddy." The older Salvatore gulped, while the youngest vampire there let out a shaky, drawn out sigh.

"And Red's not gonna take it well." Dean's face scrunched up in frustration, jaw clenched before steadying his gun and firing a witch killing bullet.

Straight between Esther's eyes before she could even think about disappearing.

As the Original Witch collapsed like a puppet whose strings had just been cut, the Tiger Hybrid was freed from her circle, letting the shifter crawl over to Teddy and hold him close.


"Be careful, boys. I know what's gonna happen next," Damon murmured before biting his lip, "and you're not gonna like it."

Klaus was focused on his mate once again and was struggling to hold himself back from speeding over to her, "What do you mean?"

"She's in a different frame of mind, Niklaus. You try anything, anything at all, she will see you as a threat and rip you limb from limb," Sam said slowly, "the Tiger in her is becoming feral after seeing someone she knows as family, killed. Someone she failed to protect."

"Tiger shifters are actually more family inclined than wolves," Dean added, quietly, "She won't be in total control of herself."

Elijah and Kol shared a glance then looked to their hybrid brother, while Finn clenched his jaw.

Damon suddenly took in a deep breath and hoping she could still hear him, whispered, "C'mon Temp... It's gonna be okay... Come back to us. C'mon."


She was hyperventilating, struggling to breathe and getting all the while pissed. Rage, pain, heartbreak, was just pulsing through her body and the Tiger felt like she was on fire once more, the heat becoming more and more unbearable.

Tempest knew what was happening. It had happened before. Twice now. And she couldn't stop it. A dark growl started echoing out from her chest as backs veins began to creep down her cheeks, eyes flickering between gold and silver.

The sudden sound of her nickname did nothing as her mind continued to grow out of control, falling into the depths of her animalistic being.


"What's happening?" Finn demanded, looking to the younger Winchester. So far, the young hunter had had most of the information, but it was the blond Salvatore that answered before the Winchester.

"She's shifting," Stefan whispered, face crumbling, "This'll be shift number three. And we don't know if she'll be able to come back from this."

"Third times the charm right?" Damon spat, anger beginning to drown his panic, her looking even worse than the first two times.


The growl became a vicious snarl, before turning into a gut wrenching roar, that made them step back and all of them heard the Tiger Salvatore's bones begin to shift and break.

Then an eruption of red hot fire exploded from her body, its vicious flames consuming her...

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