"I Have A Jar Of Unicorn Blood."

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A few years ago...

"Teddy, where are we going?"

"Dad felt a flare of power 'round here and 'cause I was in the area-"

"Sorry 'bout that..." The tiger shifter sunk into the front seat she was sitting on in the beat up Chevy Volt that he owned. She pulled the oversized, gold and red hoodie tighter to her body, the one that the blue haired wizard had given to her as a peace offering. The redhead found it soothing, especially since it smelled like him and there was a lion emblem stitched on it.

Tempest Salvatore, who had only been on two legs for a few months, was feeling a bit twitchy and ready to run. Not to mention really emotional.

But this strange blue haired young man, who called himself Teddy, had helped her and was being kind to her.


Was he going to want a favour later on? Expect her to act on his every whim? Did he need her to do something?

What did he want?

"No worries, Sylvester. You t'ought you taw a tweety bird."

"...the fuck, Ted?"

"What? I know you thought that blond guy was your brother. He looked broody enough," The wizard grinned.


The first thing Teddy had done after enabling her to walk on two legs again was to sit her in front of a TV in this weird tent thing that he owned. But it was huge on the inside compared to the outside, 'A gift from his father's best friend,' he had said and shown her the joys of the Looney Tunes.

She compared herself to Taz...alot.

"'Cause you're a puddie tat."

They drove on in silence for an hour before the metamorph-something or whatever he said he was, slowed the car and Tempest could see on the side of the seemingly abandoned highway, the ruins of what looked like a hotel.

"Is that...?"

"I think so."

Ted stopped the car after carefully veering off the road. He slowly got out of the Chevy Volt, the Tiger Hybrid following soon after, timidly like a newborn kitten. She trailed behind him as they walked into the smoking remains of the building.

"Kinda looks like something exploded in here, dunnit?" The man swung his arm around Tempest's shoulder, his hold loose so she didn't think he was trying to trap her in.

She didn't answer, finding comfort in the stranger's...could she even call him a stranger anymore...relaxed embrace.

Something made her turn her head.

And it was then that the redhead caught sight of a man on the ground, burnt markings etched into the dirt surrounding him. From what she could hear, there was a slow, failing heartbeat.


The wizard followed her gaze and he rose an eyebrow. Still holding her, he guided them both over to the dying body. It was then that the hybrid recognized that the markings were, in fact, wings.

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