"I'll Have A Piece Of That."

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'I'm a Barbie Girl' played from the radio as Tempest practically sped down the streets of Mystic Falls. Not to the Grill. No. Somewhere that had better alcohol.

Bekah stared at her best friend, who seemed to decrease in age as she sang along, with a weird look on her face until the blonde groaned, "This song is stupid."

The Tiger gasped and grabbed her chest dramatically, feigning betrayal, "Don't you be shitting on Aqua, honey pie! I'll go all Bruce Lee on you pretty pretty ass."

The Mikaelson snickered, having missed the red haired Salvatore's humour, but she then looked confused, "Who's Bruce Lee?"

Tempest facepalmed then sighed, "I forgot. You've been dead for ninety years."

Rebekah nodded, her eyes glazing over. The second youngest Original turned back to her, "Who's this Teddy you were talking to on the phone?" She asked, curiously.

The redhead winced and scratched a small spot behind her ear, "I, uh, got a bit upset after losing you and stopping Mikael in the 1920s. When you left and, obviously when Klaus daggered you, he approached Stefan and I sunk my teeth into his arm. My brother got away, but... I don't think he even cared if your shitty excuse for a father had got me."

"You were there? And you faced off with Mikael?!" Rebekah whisper-yelled with her eyes wide open.

Nodding, Tempest bit her lip, "I was, yeah."

"You could've been killed!" Rebekah almost shrieked, looking at her best friend with terror written all over her face. Her father could have taken one on the few people she found previously this dark world. The blonde honestly didn't have a clue on what she would have done...

"So you shifted accidentally and like before when I met you, you couldn't shift back?"

"Yep. I was stuck for about sixty years until I see this guy with bright blue hair, walking through the forest and later, I found out he had actually been looking for me, so I get ready to pounce, thinking, 'Hey, dinner is served!' when he suddenly turns, looks me straight in the eye and roars right in my face."

The redhead glanced at the blonde for a second, who was absolutely transfixed with the Tiger's story, staring at her with her blue eyes wide.

"I was just so shocked and completely frozen then I was suddenly on the forest floor, human. Then he comes up to me, gives me a real cheeky grin and says, 'Hi, I'm Teddy. Nice to meet ya.'"

The Tiger smiled faintly, her brilliant golden orbs dulling as her mind grew lost in her memories, "Now he's one of my closest friends. We've done a lot together."

Rebekah's face turned soft, "I'm glad he was there for you when I wasn't."

Tempest nodded, "You gotta meet him."

The blonde nodded back, "I'd love too."


Their trip to the bar had accomplished nothing. Well, they were piss drunk, so there's that. Right then as they left the small establishment, cackling like a couple of old witches, they staggered away, leaning heavily against each other.

"...and then I ripped his balls off and shoved them down his throat and I said 'Want some nuts with that?'"

Rebekah laughed even harder before having to cross her legs tighter as she struggled to walk, "S-Stop it, T-Temper Tantrum!! I'm g-g-gonna wet myself!!" The blonde stuttered out.

Tempest simply snickered, or she tried to, as much as a drunk person could. It seemed like the Original Sister liked her blessed whiskey as well.

As they stumbled towards the Tiger Hybrid's car, the redhead caught sight of a certain metamorphmagus leaning on the side of her baby, with his arms crossed and a very unimpressed look on his face too.

The blonde whistled lowly, then slurred out, "Mmm mmm mmm. I'll have a piece of that, thank you very much."

The Salvatore tutted like a mother would to a child, "No no no, Bitchy Bekah. He's taken and right now he's our designated driver. It's like he has a sixth sense to when I'm completely sloshed."

The Mikaelson giggled behind her hand, "He's a cutie pie."

Tempest then whispered loudly in the Original's ear, "But he can be such a bitch!!"

Teddy scoffed and glared at the Hybrid, "Bite me, Pussy Cat."

The redhead pointed at him with a playful scowl, "Don't tempt me, Pretty Puppy."

He rolled his eyes, "Don't call me that."

The Salvatore blew a raspberry before grinning drunkenly at him, "Let's go take Bekah home, Teddy Bear, so she can get her beauty sleep before the ball. God knows she needs it."

Rebekah gasped dramatically, her hand covering her mouth and lightly slapped her best friend on the arm, "Rude!"


Teddy had dropped them both off at the Mikaelson Mansion, knowing that Tempest would indeed want to stay with her blonde best friend after being apart for so long. He was thoughtful like that.

The alcoholic influence had worn off a little bit, so they were actually able to see that Finn and Klaus were both snickering and smirking, while Kol was bent over at the waist, laughing his guts out. Elijah was glaring at him from the couch, his arms folded and his legs crossed.

If looks could kill, the youngest Mikaelson brother would be twelve feet under. Not six. Twelve

At exactly the same time, Tempest and Rebekah tilted their heads to the right, wondering what the hell was happening.

"Kol?" They both asked simultaneously, "What is happening?" It was getting a bit unnerving actually.

"Go on, brother. Show them what Kol did," Finn said, amusement flooding his voice. The suited Original huffed through his nose, before looking at the two women and opened his mouth.

What next happened would never compare to anything in the world.

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