"Ever Heard Of The Mikaelsons?"

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A shrill ringing tone of a mobile echoed through a large penthouse in the middle of New York, waking a Tiger shifter from her peaceful, dreamless slumber. Groaning, the redhead opened a single, tired golden eye to glare at the small device, promising murder.

Growling from the back of her throat, she grabbed it and grumbled, her voice low and husky, "Whoever this is better have a good fucking reason for waking me."

A thirsty chuckle answered her, 'Now is that any way to talk to your big brother?'

The woman grinned sleepily with delight, happy to ear the vampire's voice. And his smirk, "Damon."

'Hello, baby sister.'

"Hello, I've missed you," The redhead mumbled, rolling onto her back, running her fingers through her shortish, flame coloured hair.

"Of course you have. I'm me."

The shifter rolled her eyes with a snort, "How are you? Killed anyone recently?"


"Right," she closed her eyes and let out a deep breath before a smirk of her own spread across her face that screamed trouble, "how is the ever pleasant Mystic Falls?"

Her tone had always been raspy and humour, dark and dry. She cared very little about a lot of things. Maybe that's why she and her older brother along so well.

'Well...there's a baby werewolf hybrid running around, a vampire barbie, a Bennett witch and a doppelgänger. But the weather is wonderful.'

A soft laugh left the redhead's mouth, "So why call me, Damon? It can't be to just talk about the weather or some people you know."

'How do you know they're not my friends?'

Another smirk appeared on the shifter's face, "You don't have friends, brother."

The blue eyed vamp sighed dramatically, having missed his sister, 'You got me there, Temp,' but then in an annoying, whiny voice that only a pouting man child can ever do, 'I thought you were my friend.'

"I'm your sister, sweetheart. It's kinda an obligation to listen to your bullshit and say 'there there, everything will be just fine,'" a thought then crossed the Tiger's mind, "Stefan gotten over it yet?"

She practically felt him roll his eyes.

'He doesn't hate you, Temp.'

The shifter's eyebrow rose with disbelief before she rolled across her silk sheets and rose from her king sized bed. Completely nude.

'Maybe right now, Saint Stefan has his humanity off.'

"Idiot," the redhead scoffed and moved to hold the phone to her ear with her shoulder. She ran her hands up and down her body with a yawn. The shifter then grabbed her hairbrush and trudged across the carpet to her bathroom, "It's not my fault that darling, dearest Father liked me more than him."

'Yes, but Tesoro, dearest brother was so used to being the Golden Child. He was bound to hate the fourteen year old girl who was brought home,' Damon sighed like he was used to having this conversation.

It was true though, Stefan was unfair on the whole situation when Giuseppe Salvatore had come home with a young girl to care for after their mother had died.

"He was an asshole. Especially when he found out I was a bastard," The golden eyed, redhead muttered.



'Don't call yourself that. You shouldn't care that that idiot made a deal about it back then. I don't care. You're my baby sister. End of story.'

The tiger shifter studied her features, as she brushed her tangled curls. Her father always said she looked just like her mother. Honey gold eyes. High cheekbones and a straight, button nose. A light dusting of freckles on her tan skin. Thick lashes and styled eyebrows. A perfect smile and lush pink lips.

Her mother had been a beauty.

'Temp? Hey!'

"Wha-? Oh hey," The woman answered, snapping out of her thoughts.

'You in front of a mirror?' Her brother held an amused tone in his tone.

"Shut the fuck up," the red haired shifter refused to be embarrassed, "I'm gorgeous."

Damon's chuckle echoed through the mobile, 'Some things never change.'

"Yup," she replied with an even bigger grin and left the bathroom with a toothbrush in her mouth, walking over to the set of drawers holding her underwear, "Now tell me why you called, sweet brother o' mine," The shifter demanded, waving around her toothbrush.

'Well...' if there was anyone the vamp would always be truthful to, it was his sister. Yes, she was older than Stefan, but the Tiger would always be his baby sister. And he really didn't care that his brother had forced him to complete the transition.

The real reason Damon promised to make Stefan's eternal life miserable was that he'd forced their sister as well.

To him, Tempest Salvatore always came first.

'I was hoping you'd come to Mystic Falls to, you know, get a beer, meet the Scooby Gang, see what's new in town and-'

"Damon! Stop your fucking rambling and tell me your fucking problem so I can fucking fix it."

Her brother sighed, 'Okay, we may have gotten ourselves into a little situation here.'

"Situation?" Tempest deadpanned, with a small frown creasing her brow.

'Yeah, you know, an itsy bitsy problem,' The black haired vampire repeated, rubbing the back of his head.

The redhead ran her tongue over teeth, unamused before she sighed into the phone, "Why do you always gotta bring me into kinda crap?"

'I didn't with our last problem,' He pointed out, making the tiger shifter growl threateningly.

"Spit it out!!"

'You ever heard of the Mikaelsons?'

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