"Did You Sleep With My Sister?!"

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twenty two

...Quite some time ago...

Damon heard the quiet sniffles of his sister with his new heightened hearing and raced through the trees towards her.

It had been a decade since they'd been turned and Tempest had been distant like she was afraid of hurting both her brothers. He was worried. His baby sister was upset, miserable and he had no idea how to help her or what to do.

The older Salvatore found himself in the middle of a small village surrounded by nothing but a thick forest, the silence broken only by his sister's cries and the crackling of the flames burning around them.

She was kneeling down in the centre of dozens of dead, mutilated bodies, her dress torn and covered in blood. In her lap was a small child with its throat ripped out. Tempest's shoulders shook as her whimpers became soft sobs.

Two emotions slammed into Damon's mind.

Anger at their brother for forcing this onto her and panic for how his sister might react to... this.

His sweet sister had always been so kind to others, so willingly helpful and just a pure soul for anyone. But of course, that didn't stop her from making sure everyone knew she wasn't a pushover.

"Temp-" he tried but she interrupted him in a voice that he barely recognized, a combination of a growl and whimper,

"Stop. Don't come any closer," A shaky breath left then her mouth and her body hunched over even further as she cradled the young blood covered child to her chest, rocking it back and forth as if it were still alive.

Damon was the only one who knew how much she wanted children of her own.

"Hey... it's gonna be okay..." the older Salvatore murmured like he was talking to a startled animal, trying to calm her down and not wanting her to have something like a pain attack.

A grunt of severe pain rocked through her body, it was worse than all of her other shifts. A chilling rumble echoed out from her diaphragm, the tone deep and guttural. Her fast breathing fell into heavy panting.

Her older brother's ice blue eyes widened when Tempest turned her face slightly and he caught sight of the unbridled terror shining through the bloodstains on her faces. He moved to reach out to her, only to stop when her usual golden eyes flickered a bright silver and dark veins spread down her cheeks.

It scared him.

Her fear was pouring from her in waves and he couldn't do anything.

That scared him beyond belief.

"Damon," The Hybrid whimpered fearfully as she shakily climbed to her feet, almost crying out when pain struck her body like lightning, making her fall to her hands and knees.

Again, her brother went to move but she stopped him with a quiver of her head, Tempest's long red hair fluttering wildly.

He winced the shattering of bones met his ears, the howls of agony and wails of misery ripping his heart and soul to pieces. Another scream of anguish began to build in her throat until the redhead let out a savage roar, causing Damon to fall onto his back.

"Temp..." The Salvatore whispered with tears in his eyes as he stared at her. He watched in horror as his sister's body twisted and convulsed, shattered and cracked, leaving a massive Tiger in her place. Her blood coated maw pulled back to bare impressive fangs, snarling at him.

"Oh, God..."

A small shift of recognition, the tiniest sliver, flickered in her liquid silver eyes and before Damon could do anything, she spun around and sped for the trees, disappearing in the thick, heavy wilderness.

He didn't know, he wouldn't see her for another forty years...


As of right now...

Damon looked around the ballroom, through the crowds to find his sister.

She had told him that something hadn't felt right about tonight. That something was off or something was going to happen. Something not good.

He couldn't see any bright red hair or the purple that belonged to his new friend. A bad feeling was getting to him. Where the hell was his sister?

The older Salvatore turned to see through the crowd, Elijah and Klaus chatting at the entrance of a hallway. Anger flared in his chest and he went straight over towards them, until he was a few feet away then vamp sped forward, grabbing the younger Mikaelson by his jacket and slamming into the wall.

"Where is she?!" Damon growled viciously, veins crawling down his cheeks at the rage coursing through his body.

Unfazed, Klaus rose an eyebrow and Elijah followed closely, also unsurprised, "Who?"

The missing Salvatore's brother huffed angrily, "My Sister is gone and you know where she is. Now where. Is. She?"

Elijah furrowed his brow and Klaus's eyes widened before he too skimmed his baby blue orbs over the crowd, searching for a glimpse of his mate. He found nothing.

Damon spun on his heel and headed for the main doors to look outside, the two Mikaelsons right behind him. He swung them open and was about to speed towards the boarding house when the sight of a parked, black '67 Impala stopped him short. And more specifically the two getting out.


The shortest, but oldest, turned and grinned when he caught sight of the Salvatore, "Damon!"

They totally bro hugged when a sudden thought crossed the vampire's mind and a scowl erupted on his face. He grabbed the older Winchester by the collar of his jacket and lifted him up in the air, "Did you sleep with my sister?!"

Behind them, a certain hybrid growled as a sheepish smile appeared on the dirty blond's face, "No?"

"Oh, you son of a b-"

"Okay. Okay," Sam, ever the mediator, stepped forward with both his hands up, "I think we have more pressing issues at hand."

Damon dropped the hunter, who crumbled to a heap with a grunt, "How'd you know that?"

Dean stood and straightened out his jacket with an unimpressed face, "A friend of ours told us. So what is it?"

"Tempest is missing," Elijah finally spoke, making the Winchesters look at him and Klaus.

"And you two are?" The older brother asked, waving his hand.

"This is Niklaus, my brother and I am Elijah."

Sam twitched and elbowed Dean in the gut before he whispered, completely forgetting that the three vampires would hear him anyway, "The Mikaelsons..."

"Uhhhh," The older Winchester drawled then took a deep breath to steady his annoyance at certain Archangel, "Let's just... forget about you lot and focus on finding Red yeah? Our friend kinda owes her a lot."

Klaus folded his arms and eyeballed the two with scepticism, "And just who is this friend you keep talking about?"

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