"Calm Your Tits, You Son Of A Bitch."

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twenty six

Dean and Sam had stayed at the Boarding house before, therefore they already had a room to themselves that Damon had made up to have two king sized beds, side by side. And even with so much space on the mattresses, the brothers still slept on the edges of their beds, closest to one another.

Sometimes, only sometimes, did the older Salvatore wish that he had such a close relationship with Stefan. Only sometimes.

The sun had barely begun to rise when the youngest Winchester shot up with an idea. A slim one. But it was better than nothing. Sam practically jumped from his bed, Dean jolting awake at the sudden movement and he watched his brother speed out of the room, waking just about everyone in the house.

Finn and Kol had settled in two other guest rooms, claiming them as their own.

Klaus had finally plunged in the depths of dreamless sleep on the sofa in the main sitting room and Elijah had done the same in the armchair by the fireplace, refusing to leave his brother in such a miserable state.

And Caroline and Rebekah were curled up on Tempest's bed with the younger vampire being the big spoon... don't tell anyone.

The tall Winchester knocked rapidly on Kol's door, who answered about two minutes later, opening the creaky door and blinking away the sleep still addling his mind.

"Wha'?" His voice thick with slumber.

"I've thought of a way we might be able to find Teddy and Tempest-"

"What!?" A voice roared from downstairs, then a rush of wind and suddenly right in front of Sam was a certain Mikaelson with his hybrid face on full display.

Then Dean appeared out of nowhere and shoved Klaus away from his brother with a dangerous scowl of his own, "Calm your tits, you son of a bitch and just listen, Sam knows what he's doing."

Elijah was suddenly beside his brother, a hand on the blond's shoulder.

Kol was looking between the two pairs of brothers facing off against each other and thinking nothing of it because he was still half asleep. He sighed heavily and scrubbed his face with his hand.

The youngest Mikaelson brother looked back to the youngest Winchester, "What are you thinking?"

Sam nodded at his acknowledgement, "You said you felt the presence of a Core Witch?"

Kol nodded, "It was fairly weak, to be honest, but yeah, I'm pretty sure I did."

"Then perhaps a stronger Core Witch would be able to trace it to wherever Tempest and Teddy are being kept."

Dean and the two older Mikaelsons watched, completely lost, as their younger brothers conversed over something they had no clue over.

"But why did his magic feel so weak when I sensed it?" Kol scratched behind his ear, the thought still confusing him.

Core magic always had a thrilling, powerful surge right into the bloodstream.

Like sticking your face out of a window in a moving car.

Like jumping straight into an ice cold lake in the middle of winter.

The younger Winchester ran a hand down his face, "The trace of his magic would be weak because he'd either suffered massive trauma or he'd been disowned by his family. Presuming it's a he, of course."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Time out," Dean put his hands up into a T and turned to his brother, "How the hell do you know all this?"

"Jess..." Sam took a deep breath, "had a younger cousin."


"Lady Malfoy?"

"Oh, dear Hermione, I've told you. You are Lady Malfoy and I want you to call me Narcissa, please," the older witch smiled, taking the younger's hands in her own.

She smiled back and squeezed the aged fingers gently in her palms, "My late cousin's old boyfriend is in a bit of trouble and I'm sorry to say I can't apparate internationally. He's in Virginia, America."

Narcissa nodded with a thoughtful expression, "Can I ask why you need me to go in your place?"

A shy smile spread across Hermione's face as she withdrew her hands and placed them on her stomach, making the older witch gasp in delight, "Oh my God-!"

"Shh! Shh!" the brunette's fingers flew to her mouth before her eyes shot around to make sure no one else had heard. Then Hermione looked up at her mother in law with an impish grin, "Draco doesn't know yet."

Tears of happiness were beginning to pool in Narcissa's eyes, "I'll go, but we must go clothes shopping and I need to be there when you do tell him."

Hermione's grin widened, "Of course. Sam is in Mystic Falls, at Salvatore Boarding House."

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