"Pussy Mouthed Mother Fucker."

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Caroline rested her cheekbone on her knuckles, pushing the food around in her plate that Matt had come back with. She wasn't even paying attention to what was right in front of her.

"Why don't you want to be with him, babe?" The red haired Salvatore rasped, her head tilted to the left.

The blonde shook her head and sighed sadly, her shoulders drooping, "I don't want him to get hurt. And with us, with the Mikaelsons in town, it's, like, guaranteed that he'll get hurt, if not killed."

The Salvatore stuffed her lollipop in her mouth and took a gulp of bourbon before running her tongue over her top teeth then pointed at Caroline with the red sweet, "Maybe when all this Original crap is over, you and Cutie Pie can be together, eh?"

The younger vampire lit up with a bright smile, then stole a fry from Tempest's plate and popped it in her mouth.

The redhead suddenly slammed her knife into the table, embedding the blade deep into the wood right between the blonde's forefinger and thumb, "Care, honey, baby, cupcake, I love you, I really do and I really see us being a pair of badass bitches, but next time you steal my food..." The redhead then took the eating utensil out of the table and pointed it the blonde, "I'll break your neck and kick your sexy white ass six ways til Sunday."

Caroline gave her small smirk, a playful spark glimmering in her eyes.

In Tempest's mind, the baby vamp was looking way more relaxed and bubbled now than she was last night.

"Yah okay, babe?"

"What?" The blonde frowned slightly, confused.

"You look happier, sweetheart."

"I do?" It was more a question to herself than it was one to the redhead.

"Yeah," the Tiger dipped her head and stirred her bourbon with her lollipop, "So what's your shit with the doppelgänger?"

The girl sighed, her shoulders now curling in, "We were best friends. Her, me and Bonnie-"

"The witch?"

"More like bitch..." Caroline grumbled, making Tempest splutter with amusement.

The blonde shrugged, "Yeah her. And when Stefan showed up everything just seemed to spiral down from there. It was all about Elena. Everything, everything, was Elena! Elena this. Elena that. And when Damon suggested calling you, I was so excited. 'Cause I thought 'Hey! Someone whose head wasn't stuck up Elena's ass.' I wanted a friend who had absolutely nothing to do with her."

The red haired Salvatore grinned, "No worries there, honey. You got me all to yourself. When we were changed, I knew Katerina was alive and I knew my brothers would have gone after her. So I let them believe she was 'dead,'" The Tiger quoted with her fingers, "Anyways I had two moments when I just went wild, stuck with four legs because I couldn't think or feel anything human. I had to abandon my brothers so I wouldn't kill them. When I see her next, I'm gonna rip that bitch's throat out."

The blonde nodded, "Yeah, she's a bitch too. She turned me."

"Oof. I'm sorry, honey. But hey! Now we're sire sisters right?!" Tempest smirked, her arms spread wide open.

"Kind of. I mean Katherine killed me, but I had Damon's blood in my system."

That made the Tiger go wild. She actually roared a laugh... is that possible? The redhead launched herself at Caroline wrapped in a tight hug and shook her, "That means we're blood, bitch! Blood!!"

The blonde giggled and hugged her back.


"You know I think Stefan should be with you instead. We'll kill Elena, chop her up into itty bitty pieces, bury them in separate places and set you up with my baby brother," Then the redhead whispered, her eyes darting back and forth like a conspiracist, "No one will ever know."

Caroline watched Tempest rant on with a huge grin. The  Salvatore was now absolutely her favourite and was beyond happy that the redhead had waltzed into Mystic Fall.

"But if all else fails, Baby Cakes, you can always come with me outta this shit show when this mess is over," the redhead rasped.

The blonde's eyes widened, "You'd do that for me?"

The Tiger smirked, "Fuck yeah. Honey, I'm a great judge of character, at least I think so, and I think we'd get on like a house on fire. I'll take you to this place in Japan where they'll," the redhead cleared her throat then waggled her eyebrows, "Give you a massage."

The baby vamp's face went as bright red as this morning and Tempest roared with laughter.

"You're terrible," Caroline mumbled, burying her face into her hands.

"You know it, babe. And I'm all yours, remember?"

"What did I get myself into?" the blonde laughed quietly, shaking.

"Anything and Everything, honey. Too late to back out now."

The two had been walking back to Tempest's car when the shifter's phone went off. Caroline giggled at the text tone, it being the sound of a game when the little plumber dude with the red hat and overalls dies.

The redhead sighed dramatically and took a quick look at the annoying piece of technology.

"Ugh. Damon wants us home." Tempest grumbled with a pout.

The blonde pouted too, "What for?"

"No idea. Let's go."


"You want me to do what?!?!" Tempest glared at Damon with her mouth wide open.

"Get all dressed up and come with us to the Mikaelson Mansion for dinner," Stefan sighed with a bored tone, his arms folded as he leant against the wall.

"What the fuck for?!" She yelled at her brothers, her gravelly voice filled with anger.

"Oh, you know. Our existence, nothing important." The youngest Salvatore shrugged, again sounding like he was a bored as fuck.

The redhead growled at him, a sound that inspired fear, but he looked at her blankly, "Go get dressed."

She looked at Damon who was staying out of it and when their eyes met, he simply shook her head, "Temp."

"You owe me a bottle of bourbon. Better be a fucking good brand too," Tempest grumbled, before looking back to Stefan, "Ass sucking, pussy mouthed mother fucker ."

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