"Gooey Mess Of Blood And Guts."

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"You know now we're gonna be extra late right?" Teddy mumbled, before popping his lips from the straw of his coke. His hand on the wheel then spun it and he expertly swung the car around, the wheels screeching against the tarmac, leaving burn marks.

Tempest giggled as both wobbled in their seats, "Who cares, Ted?"

The metamorphmagus rolled his eyes but a tiny amused smirk lingered on his face, shaking his head when the redhead shoved a curly fry in her mouth, "Can I have one of those? I paid for them."



"I will rip your fucking arm off."

"But I-"

"Dude. You know how I am about my food." She narrowed her eyes. She sighed and rolled her golden orbs, "Next time we get something, I'll pay. Got it?"

Teddy rolled his multicoloured eyes before he muttered, "Yeah, right."

"I know. I'm weird," Tempest grumbled through her full mouth.

"Nope, you're insane."

"Yeah, that too."


Teddy stood tall as he led Tempest towards the doors of the Mikaelson Mansion, his hair a lovely shade of purple, matching his best friend's dress and his suit matching her fire red curls.

"I can't believe I'm actually attending this. I look like a fucking clown," The Tiger huffed, struggling not to run her hands through her styled hair. She looked up at her friend, who was smirking.

"T, you look beautiful. You're dressed for the gods," He then bumped his shoulder against her's, "And of course it's all my handiwork, so I'll take credit for that."

Tempest tsked her teeth and rolled her eyes.

"All the girls are gonna be jealous of you, love. Because you are," Teddy took her hand and placed it on his arm as he grinned, "On my arm."

This time the Tiger snorted and the doors opened for them. The duo walked in like royalty as the crowd parted for them, attracting the attention from everyone. Including the Mikaelsons on the stairs.

Almost immediately, Caroline was by her side.

"Wanna make a scene?" The redhead murmured as she snagged a glass from one of the waiters and downed the champagne as Teddy walked off to find Damon.

"What?!" Her head snapped around to look at the grinning Tiger, "Why?"

"Because i just got here and I'm already bored out of my goddamn ass. I wanna stir the pot a bit. I crave excitement."

Caroline stared at Tempest wondering what the hell her friend was up to, "Alright... Let's stir the pot..."

"Awesome," The redhead wrapped one arm around the blonde's waist and the other across her shoulder blades. The vampire made a small squeak when the Salvatore Hybrid suddenly dipped her and roughly pressed their lips together.

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