"You Wanna Deal With Teeth And Claws."

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twenty one

Two men drove along a stretch of road, the sky turning dark as the sun fell, signalling the end of yet another day.

The hum of the '67 Chevy Impala filled the empty forest, whilst Black Sabbath filled the car.

Hunters they were. A pair of brothers, a bit bloodied and a bit bruised from dealing with a recent werewolf attack. Son of a bitch put up a good fight, but they still put him down.

Relief had settled over the two, a job well done with another monster dead and a small town saved. A simple easy job.

Suddenly, there was the loud ruffle of feathers from the fluttering wings.

Both men yelped, the one driving the car, Dean quickly jolted the car left after swerving, to then glare at the winged intruder who only smirked back at him.

"Wassup Deano?"

"Gabriel," the other brother, Sam, sighed, "What do you want?"

The mischievous Archangel feigned a hurt expression, his bottom lip pouted, "Why do you always assume I want something, Sammy?"

"Cause you winged douchebags always want something," Dean grumbled, hands tightening on the wheel.

Gabriel sighed loudly and shrugged, "True. But this is important and it's more of a need than a want."

"And you can't do it why?" Sam asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Daddio doesn't want me to get involved."

"But isn't telling us to do something, interfering?"

"No way, Little Winchester. I'm just guiding you in the direction of a one-thousand-year-old witch that needs to take a serious dirt nap. That's all."

"Okay," Dean nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing up a bit, "That we can do."

"But don't touch the vampires or the Hybrid."

If either of the brothers had been drinking, they would have spat it out like a pair of fire hydrants.

Sam was shocked frozen and Dean was about to pull over to start tearing the Archangel a new one when Gabriel then added suggestively, "Tempest will be there."

The oldest Winchester's eyebrow quirked as he struggled to hold in a smirk.

"Red'll be there, huh?" Ooo, was she a wild one. Best sex he'd ever had.

"But you ain't gonna be getting any while you're there, Deano. Unless of course, you wanna deal with teeth and claws."

This time, the Winchester's wicked smirk stretched wide across his face, unable to control the filthy thoughts coursing through his mind, "Wouldn't be new..."

Sam snapped his head around, eyes wide and mouth open, wearing the look of a deer caught in headlights.

"Ooo," Gabe grinned, leaning against the front seat on his forearms, "Give us the deets."

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