"Must Be In My Other Bra."

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The shrieks of a howler monkey spewed from Elijah's mouth and for a moment both Rebekah and Tempest froze. Then it was like an eruption from a volcano, the drunken laughter that bordered on madness filled the large hall coming from the two girls.

They had to hold each other, the clenching in their stomachs making them bend over. Their seemingly insane giggles brought forth the laughter from the other brothers, as Elijah folded his arms and scowled.

Kol, as he tried to catch his breath, said, "I thought, our brother, needed, a bit of, laughter in his life."

Finn was the first to calm down, taking to deep breaths and shaking his head, "Oh brother, how I've missed your humour."

The youngest Mikaelson brother grinned impishly and shrugged. He then stood, "Come, Lijah. Let's not embarrass you any further."

Elijah scowled again but followed Kol anyway.

Rebekah looked between Klaus and her best friend, noticing now, the looks they had been sharing. She strode forward and the oldest Original's arm, "I want to show you the town, Finn. Let's go."

He let out a small huff of amusement and the two left, leaving the two hybrids alone.

Now Tempest was never one to blush and become a little school girl, gushing over a boy. But there was something between them and she had no idea what. Maybe he knew, being a thousand years old, he was bound to know something.


Klaus slowly approached her until they were inches apart, him towering over with his ocean blue eyes staring down into her liquid gold ones. He glanced down for a second at her lips then met her eyes again, "Hello, Tempest. Lovely to see you again."

The Tiger hummed, suddenly shy by the intensity of his gaze. She nodded slightly biting her lip before she murmured, "I think the last time we were this close, you had me by the throat, ready to rip it out."

He gave her a devilish smirk, "If you were someone else maybe. But you? No. I can't kill you."

"And why is that, Nik?" Tempest questioned, her eyes narrowing, finally finding that fire in herself.

"It's a surprise."

"I don't like surprises. Tell me."

Klaus shook his head, amusement dancing across his handsome face. His eyes flickered over her features and her cute glare.

"You know those moments when you suddenly want to smash someone's face through a wall?" Her sudden change of topic made him frown.

"Sometimes, yes."

"Well, my sweet apple pie, I'm feeling it right now," Tempest practically growled.

The Original hybrid's frown deepened at his soul mate's words, "Are you, are you threatening me?"

"I don't know, am I?" She taunted, her eyes beginning to a silvery colour as her inner beast threatened to attack him.

The Wolf, too, had to hold himself back, feeling not anger but frustration. The heat she projecting was... irresistible to him.

Subconsciously, the Tiger knew he was her mate and the way she was acting was to impress him, to draw him in. To how she would act against a threat and how well she could protect her children.

Every shifter knew that. But from what her brother had mentioned, Tempest's mother had died during birth, so she would know nothing about mates and such.

His attention was suddenly broken when the redhead suddenly pulled back her hand and punched him in the jaw, the loud crack almost echoing through the room.

Klaus stumbled back, clutching his now bruised face with an expression of disbelief, "Did, did you just punch me?"

The Tiger gave him a look that screamed, 'were you born stupid?'

"No," Tempest drawled out, her gorgeous face holding the promise of pain and misery, "I tickled you."

She spun around and marched towards the front door. The Mikaelson quickly snapped out of it and raced after her, "Where are you going?"

The redhead didn't stop but she did turn her head, her golden eyes bright with anger, "I'm going home, thank you very much."

The hybrid huffed and grabbed her elbow, spinning her around to face him, "At least give me your number."

Tempest tsked her teeth before the tiniest smirk settled on her face. She then slowly trailed her hands down her lusciously curved figure, squeezing her breasts slightly, sliding down her narrow waist and gripping the flare of her wide hips.

Klaus watched her little show with his teeth clenched, his heated gaze on her goddess like body.

The redhead bit her lip, her gold eyes dark with sensuality and lust then moved her hands to her back pockets, and back up to her breasts.

The Wolf hybrid barely managed to hold in his growl of possession when Tempest reached into her shirt, actually touching herself. She smirked at his reaction before her hands fell to her sides and she shrugged.

"Sorry. No number today. Must be in my other bra."

The Tiger hybrid spun back around, walked to the door with a dangerous swing in her step and just as she opened it, Tempest looked at Klaus, "Take care now, bye bye then."

And she was gone.

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