"What's A Bruise Or Two, Hmm?"

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twenty four

It was getting late. And the realization seemed to settle in on everyone as the day drew to a close.

They wouldn't be able to do anything until sunset tomorrow.

The Mikaelsons had decided to crash at the Salvatore Boarding house, not wanting to be anywhere near their mansion for their mother might still be there.

The Winchesters stayed as well, not really being allowed to leave by Damon's word. And they didn't really have anywhere else to be.

Klaus was in the sitting room, unable to sleep and itching to kill someone. Anyone. Since finding his mate in the wild, golden eyed Salvatore, he'd had a sense of warmth in his soul and the emptiness of his heart was filled. But now he felt nothing, except an irritating, tingling sensation under his skin that made him want to claw at his body.

The Mikaelson hated it. It was driving him insane. The need to slaughter someone for no apparent reason was returning.

Just being around the fiery redhead, Klaus could tell his mate was a creature of chaos. And though her name was of a horrific storm, he couldn't help but feel at peace when she was near.

She was the one person, the only one, who could understand what it was like to be a half breed bastard, with no one else who would even fathom the hardships they endure.

Elijah might console him in his own way, but he just didn't get it.

It seemed that Damon was the only other one might understand after everything he's done for Tempest. She was lucky to have him, even though Stefan had only now stepped up to be the brother she deserved.

The Hybrid sighed as he slumped in his seat, rubbing his face with both hands before staring at the tumbler of bourbon sitting in from of him.

Damon was right. His mate would not simply fall into his bed because of their fate to be together. And from what he's heard from Tempest's younger brother, after two times that she had become human again, the Tiger would not be herself for a while afterwards.

The older Salvatore had described her as cruel and vicious with no respect for anyone. She'd kill in the blink of an eye just because someone had looked at her in a way she didn't like.

"Almost like a ripper," Damon had mumbled.


A dirty, white haired man grunted as he pulled an unconscious redhead across the ground, straining his weak and withered muscles. His time in Azkaban had done a number on him, the Dementors having ripped apart his mind then sewing it back together, only to do it over and over again.

He dropped the Tiger Hybrid on the solid hardwood floor in a small basement that had been magicked to be untraceable.

"Be careful with her, Malfoy. She must be undamaged for the ritual."

"Yes, but what's a bruise or two, hmm?" He practically growled back, his voice gravelly with disuse or from screaming, he couldn't remember. His dulled silver eyed gaze turned to the comatose, grey haired boy beside the Tiger and he delivered a swift kick into the metamorphmagus's ribs.

"Malfoy!" Esther Mikaelson screeched at him.

He sneered at her and his thoughts trailed off to his son. His traitorous son, fornicating with that mudblood. This would be his revenge on that Potter for what he had done to Draco.

His supposed heir was dead to him now. And for that, he would be the cause of Potter's godson's death.

Oh, sweet justice.


Harry Potter felt an odd twinge his mind. Like something was wrong, but he just couldn't put his finger on it. He looked at his slumbering wife beside him, his white haired, mind boggling prophetess.

His Luna.

She rolled over to find him awake and their eyes met, alert emerald green and sleepy silvery blue colliding in a gaze of worry and confusion.

"What's the matter, Harry?" She asked in her airy, dreamlike voice.

The raven haired man shook his head slightly, "I'm not sure, Lu," he took her small hand lightly kissed her palm, "But something definitely isn't right."

Luna smiled slightly though, and the sweet curve of her pouty pink lips relaxed him, "Don't worry Hare Bear. Everything will turn out all right in the end."


Tempest...couldn't see. She couldn't hear. She couldn't... didn't... feel alive. Like she was trapped deep underwater, floating in darkness with no light, no air or any place to go.

What was this?

Where is everyone?

Where is she?

Panic was overwhelming her and she could feel her Tiger shifting in her mind, aching to appear in a rage and tear apart whoever had done this to her. To sink into her mental state and relinquish herself to the feral, animalistic need to be free.

She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so scared-

No. She could. But only twice. Both times where she had shifted only moments before.


A storm was coming... and its name was Tempest.

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