"I Would Kill For Her."

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twenty three

Damon, the Winchesters and Klaus and Elijah were in the Salvatore boarding house, trying to figure out where the hell Tempest could be when the Hybrid tossed in carelessly, "Perhaps she is just trying to trick you? She'll come back eventually when she's had her fun."

"Do you even know who my sister is?" the oldest Salvatore snapped, who'd just had about enough of the shit that the Mikaelson was throwing about, "She isn't some stupid, blonde bimbo that you think will just climb into your bed just because you say you're mates," veins began to crawl down his cheeks, he was so angry.

Klaus's face fell in shock, "How-"

"Yeah. I know. When I found out my new sister was what she was, I made it my job to figure out everything so that when she needed me, I would be there. But that's not the point."

Sam and Dean watched Damon pour himself a glass of bourbon, then three more for them and Elijah who was also watching quietly, a thoughtful look on his face.

"I love my sister. I did then, I do now and I will forever. But Tempest Salvatore is also a cruel, vicious murderer who wouldn't bat an eye ripping out your heart. I once watched her dig out the eyes of a man with a corkscrew just because he insulted me. I would kill for her."

Kol and Finn finally walked through the doors of the boarding house. The youngest Mikaelson brother wore a frustrated face while the oldest remained emotionless, but his brothers could tell he was worried.

"I can't find anything, but I can feel the residue magic of Core Witches. So whatever's happened, whoever's taken her, they have something to do with it," Kol scratched the back of his neck

"I think Mother may also have a hand in this."

All heads turned to Finn, whose lips were now pursed, thoughts racing through his head.

The Winchesters could believe it. They were sent by Gabriel himself to kill the Wicked Bitch of the West.

Kol believed him. He remembered the young Tiger shifter from the village. Her small bloodied corpse that had powered their curse.

Elijah' face dipped to a grimace, also believing him. There just wasn't something right about their mother since she had come back from the Other side. She'd been acting strangely ever since the dinner with the Salvatores.

Damon looked murderous, thinking that if the oldest Mikaelson was right, then Elena definitely had something to do with whatever was about to happen.

Klaus... he was conflicted. The hybrid wanted to believe the best in his mother. That she was back so they could all be a family again. But he also couldn't deny the glances filled with disdain and fake smiles Esther had been giving them all, especially Tempest.

"Mother used the magical essence of a Tiger shifter from our village when we were human to boost her magic on the full moon of when we were changed into the Originals. The blood of a doppelgänger, the full moon and the raw power that only a Tiger can possess is all Mother would need to... kill us."

The Mikaelsons, other than Finn, looked startled by his words.

Esther would truly kill her own children?

"If She were to kill you all, then vampires of your sirelines would also die," Sam added from the couch, watching the creatures of the night talk amongst themselves, "Every single nightwalker vampire would be gone."

Dean looked at Damon, very upset. Apart from Benny, the Salvatore was probably the only vampire that he actually liked. But that bloke in the corner, Kol was it? He looked like he knew how to have a good time.

This new information had them all in shock.

"When is the next full moon?"

"Tomorrow night, I believe," Elijah answered Damon with a troubled look on his face.

Sam, the man with a plan, "We need to find out where she is and who took her. We already know why. Tempest will be the power behind this whole spell."

"What about Ted?" Damon suddenly asked.

All heads turned to him and Kol was the one to answer a question with a question, "Who's that?"

Dean rolled his eyes, "That son of a bitch? He's like a walking, talking mood ring. Gets a bit grumpy on full moons and has a magic stick."

Shaking his head, Sam then elaborated for the confused looking faces in the room, "His father was a bitten werewolf, his mother a metamorphmagus and they both had Magic Cores."

His brother turned to him, "How do you know that?"

The younger Winchester shrugged, "I asked him."

Klaus folded his arms, "Enough of this. If we were to confront Mother, she would tell us."

"Don't be so sure, brother. Should Finn be right, and he almost always is, Mother would not give us anything. Her goal is to terminate our species and she will not let this chance be taken from her." Elijah interjected, placing a hand on the Hybrid's shoulder who was slowly beginning to panic.

His mate was going to be used as a sacrifice.

Like hell was he gonna let that happen...

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