"Something's Gonna Happen To Me."

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Nobody was home when Tempest got back to the Salvatore Boarding House.

Which was fine by her, because she was fucking pissed.

That arrogant, alluring, disrespectful, hot, insolent, walking piece of sex on a stick!!

The tiger would rip anyone's throat out before she would admit that the asshole who is Niklaus Mikaelson...

Made her the most horniest bitch she ever knew.

Oh, holy God, she wanted to rip his clothes off the second he smirked at her and take him like the animal she is.

And him being a werewolf? A hybrid werewolf?

That would make it all the more interesting.

Her thoughts were skinny dipping into the filthy, dirty part of her mind and before she realised it, Tempest was in front of her bedroom door.

Swinging it open, the tiger's eyes widened with awe at the gorgeous lavender dress spread out on her king sized bed.

A halter top dress, that bared most of her back and revealed the soft delicate skin between her impressive breasts. It pinched at the waist before flaring out to hit the floor. A slit up the thigh bared her tan sexy leg.

Laid out next to it was an assortment of gold jewellery, that would accentuate her gold eyes

Footsteps coming towards her bedroom made the redhead turn around to see her best friend leaning smugly against the door frame.

"You know Uncle Blaise would kill me if I didn't dress you up like the 'Goddess of the Love' he proclaims you to be," Teddy smirked.

"That man is a wild one."

The wizard squeezed his eyes shut, "i do not need that image in my head thank you."

"Lord Blaise Zabini was more than happy to welcome two redheads into his bed. Me and Lady Ginny Zabini rocked his world."

A groan of disgust left his scrunched up face, "I regret introducing you three."


Teddy was face down on her bed as Tempest put in her gold, chandelier earrings. Both were listening to Damon, Stefan and Elena... Fuck that whore... arguing over if she was going the ball tonight. They were totes against it.

She was too. But for different reasons. Her brothers would want her to protect the doppletrash. That means the Tiger couldn't get shitfaced tonight like she had planned to, so she doesn't have to think about wearing this fucking dress.

But... It is gorgeous...

All of a sudden, this creepy feeling trickled down her spine, like ice shards. Tempest had only felt this once before, and what happened after wasn't exactly pleasant.

"Hey, Ted?" The redhead's tone was unusually soft.

Immediately, the metamorphmagus looked up, "What's wrong?"

Tempest shook her head, her face downcast, staring at the carpeted floor, "Nothing. I was just gonna ask you to wait downstairs for me. Actually, can you send up Damon, too?"

Teddy's eyes narrowed a little, but nodded with a 'sure' and out the door, he went.


Tempest was getting a bit jittery now and it was getting worse. She felt like something was bad gonna happen tonight. Could sense it. Her spidey senses, or whatever the hell that's called. She fucking hates spiders.

Damon knocked on her door and she jumped with a squeak, making the oldest Salvatore frown. He could see that look in her eyes. Had seen it before. Right before the church was on fire and the three of them were shot, all those years ago.

"Hey, girly. What's happening?" Damon said slowly, knowing that right now, Tempest was not in the right frame of mind.

She looked kinda scared and rushed over to him, holding him as close as she could with her face buried in his shoulder, "We gotta slip Teddy some blood. Something's gonna happen to him, I know it and it's not gonna be good, Damon, it's not."

This was not his sister.

The Tiger he knew was hot and fiery, taking nobody's shit, quick to lash out at anybody who fucked with her or her family. The Sister he knew, would knock a person to the ground just for looking at her wrong.

Damon didn't recognize her like this.

He took a step backwards to study her face, his large hands holding her arms, tightly to comfort her. She was shivering, with tears beginning to pool in her eyes, hunched over and looking terrified. Damon pulled him back into an embrace.

"Something's gonna happen to me, Teddy and the Mikaelsons," The redhead whispered into his collar, "And its bad Dae, I know it. It's real bad."

The blue-eyed Salvatore tightened his arms around her and gently rocked her side to side, not really caring about the Mikaelsons, "Nothings gonna happen to you, okay? Or Ted. Nothing. I won't allow it."


"No," The Older Salvatore stated firmly, his lips pressed to her hair, "Nothing is going to happen to you, Tempest. I swear it."


Teddy was waiting in the sitting room when Damon came back downstairs. He stood up with a concerned look on his face, "She okay?"

"Yeah. She's good. Just a little tired, that's all," The blue-eyed vampire shrugged. He gestured for the witch to sit back down and walked over to the small bar, before lining up four shot glasses, making the metamorphmagus raise an eyebrow.

"For good luck, mate," Damon explained, filling them each to the top, but discretely filled the four with some of his and Tempest's blood from a little vial in his coat pocket. Teddy shrugged and standing again to reach for them. One by one, each of the glasses was emptied.

"Perfect. We should get going soon. Pretty sure the party's already started. So we have to arrive fashionably late."

The blue-haired witch snorted and rolled his eyes, before pausing to see Tempest walking down the stairs. Stefan and Elena had suddenly arrived and they, too, watched the Salvatore Sister. Her two brothers looked on with awe at the Tiger Hybrid, the pride they felt unimaginable.

They knew that they'd have to keep a lot of men away from her, especially tonight.

Teddy was amazed and a little smug to see his handy work put to good use. Yes, Tempest was the perfect doll when she wanted to be. And those were very, very rare times.

Elena had a hateful glint in her eyes, jealous of the redhead's natural beauty and grace. Not to mention that the stupid Tiger had both her brothers' attention. Oh no, that wouldn't do at all.

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