Old Times

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A/n: thanks to everyone that is reading!! over 100 reads and its only chapter 7!!! I love you all!


It's been a week since we hired Hazel and she has been amazing. She came over and watched her while Jason and I went to dinner one night. She is so good with Melanie and thats all that matters.

Right now Hazel was watching Mel because we are going to have a gang meeting, and I hate when Mel is around any gang stuff.

"Ok, we will see you tonight, if you need anything you have mine and Jason's number. Help yourself to anything in the fridge." I tell Hazel before giving Melanie a kiss. Jason does the same and we walk out of the house and over to the gang house. We enter and everyone is already waiting for us to get the meeting started.

"Ok so tonight's target is Bradley Cooper, and its not the movie star, it is a pig of a man that owes us money and drugs so we are going to get it" Jason starts, he looks over at me and nods. I start to tell everyone the plan.

"Ok so the plan is, for all of us to go to his house and get in. I know that there will be bodyguards all around the house, so I want Chandler and Jason to take all of them out. Once we get in, Maegan and I will detract him while Alfredo and Ryan get all the money and drugs" i say. They all nod, understanding their jobs.

"What about me?" Chaz asks while he stuffs another donut into his mouth. I laugh and answer him.

"Eat all of his food, he wouldn't need it any more" I say with a laugh. Chaz jumps up and down, causing us all to laugh.

"Ok so we ready?" Jason ask. We nod and grab our guns, and everything we will need. I grab my gun and look at it, it is the one that Boss gave me when I first started the gang. I smile then tuck it into my waist band.

We all pile into the van as Chandler starts to drive to the guys house. It took an hour to drive there so the guys talked about guns and Maegan and I talked about that almost all guys are jerks.

We finally arrive at his house and everyone gets to work. Jason and Chandler take out all of the bodyguards with their guns that don't make any noise, so the guy won't know we are here. Alfredo and Ryan sneak into a window that leads to the basement and when to get the money.

"Ready?" i whisper to Maegan. She nods and we walk into the house, into the living room where the guy is sitting.

"What that hell! Who are you?!" the man shouts. He stands up but I push in back down on the couch.

"Your friends sent us, they said that you were really stressed, so we came to take care if you" I whisper into his ear. He sighs and smiles, Maegan goes around to the back of the couch and rubs his shoulders. I look up to see Jason outside of the window watching us just in case anything goes wrong. I know he hates when I do these kind of jobs, but so do it.

I take off my jacket, leaving me in my shorts and a tank. The man smiles and pulls me into his lap, so I'm straddling him. I start kissing down his neck, trying not to puke in my mouth while I'm doing it.

"Lets have some fun" Maegan says, she walks around so she is beside me and sit on the couch. The man starts rubbing his hand up and down her legs, and then mine. Ok I can't take this any longer, I look over at Maegan and gave her the sign to distract him. While she does it, i pull out my gun.

Maegan gets up so she doesn't get any blood on her, I do the same and point the gun at his heart. One shot to the heart, one to the head. I put my gun away and high five Maegan, we walk out side and there is Jason and Chandler. Jason hugs and kisses me and Chandler high gives me.

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