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A/n this one is for @fan_girlin_life, she couldn't wait! So that mean two with in 20 minutes of each other haha. So you can thank Daila :)

Ok so enjoy!! 💋


I had just managed to fall asleep around 3 in the morning, and thats when Jason stumbled through the bedroom door. I look over and see his face red and his struggling to get his shirt off.

I sigh and get up to help him. I walk over and pull the shirt over his head. He turns to me and his eyes are black, not this again.

"What the hell are you doing!" he shouts in my face, the smell of liquor and weed hits my nose. I step back and regain my breath.

"I'm trying to help you" I say calmly, I don't want to wake Mel up by all the yelling.

"Well I don't need your help!" he shouts. He steps closer and pushes me, I land on the bed and get back up.

"Jason, calm down and just go to sleep" I say leading him to the bed. He turns and lifts his hand up to punch me, but I block it and knee his in the stomach and he drops to the ground.

I take both of his hand and put them behind his back. i walk over to my nightstand and pull out some handcuffs ( dont ask why ;)) and cuffed his hands together.

I walk him downstairs and across the road to the gang house. I'm still in my PJs, which is short shorts and a tank top. I bang on the door and wait until someone answers. After a minute Ryan opens the door with a gun pointing at me. I rolled my eyes and gave Jason over to Ryan.

"Take care of him for the night, ill be back in the morning" I tell him. He looks at Jason, who is passed out on the floor.

"Why?" he says looking down at Jason. I rub my eyes and put my hand on my hip.

"I'll tell you in the morning" I say before walking back across the street, going back to my house. I go upstairs and check in Mel, who is sleeping, and I walk back into my room and try to sleep while I can.


I woke up at 9 in the morning to crying over to baby monitor. I sigh and get out of bed and over to Melanie's room, I pick her up out of her crib and I walk over to her changing table.

"Hi princess" I say kissing her little forehead. She giggled and I changed her into her outfit, it was a purple shirt that said 'Princess' on it and some little leggings.

"And guess what, today is the day we meet your babysitter!" I say clapping her little hands together. I pick her up and walk down to the kitchen to make her bottle.

After her bottle, I decided to go over and get Jason and thank Ryan for looking after him. I put Mel in her car seat, even though we are going over across the street, it is just easier to carry her. I grab the diaper bag and walk out the door.

I walk into the gang house and into the living room to see Jason sitting up rubbing his head. Ryan and Chandler come down the stairs.

"Hey Ryan, thanks for taking him last night" I told. I sat down on the couch next to Jason, he bends over and get Mel out of her seat and lightly hugs her.

"So, why did you kick me out last night?" Jason asks me while tickling Melanie. By this time, everyone is in the room, looking at either Mel or me.

"Well, you came home last night and you were so drunk and high that you couldn't take off your shirt. So I tired to help and when I did, you pushed me and I fall on the bed" when i say this, Jason looks at me with a shocked look.

"Then I tired getting you into bed, and thats when you tried to hit me. I blocked it and put the cuffs on you and brought you over here" I say looking around the room, everyone has a pissed off look on their face, probably mad at Jason for what he did.

"I pushes you and almost hit you?" Jason asks in a whisper. I nod then look at my nails.

"And before you left of the club you pushed me down on the ground in the living room after you started yelling at me" I continue. He gives Mel to Maegan and rubs the back of his neck.

"I'm so sorry Kelli, I will never do it again" Jason says hugging me. I hug back and I hear everyone say awe. I laugh and flip them off, they laugh and walk off.

"Well we have to go because the babysitter will be here in a couple minutes" I say standing up and taking Mel from Maegan and putting her in her seat.

"So any jobs for today?" Maegan asks helping me get everything ready. I look over at Jason who is putting his shoes on.

"Just practice shooting" He says before picking up the diaper bag. She nods and goes off to tells the others, we walk out the door and across the street. I look around and we are in the middle of no where, there are no other house, no cars on the street, it's a good place to have a gang house.

We enter our home and put everything down in the living room, Mel fell asleep in her seat, so I just left her there and went to make her a bottle for later. I was in the kitchen and I felt two arms snake around my waist.

"I'm sorry" Jason says into my neck. I laugh at the vibration that tickled me, I turn ad wrap my arms around his neck.

"It's ok, but know next time you do anything, i'll shoot you" I tell him. He laughs but when he sees I'm serious, he stops. I smile and kiss him, just then the doorbell goes off. We both sigh and walk to the door, we answer it to see a tall red head standing there with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Hazel, the babysitter" She says sticking her hand out to shake. I shake it then Jason does the same. I widen the door for her to come in, when she does I shut it behind her.

"So where's the little angle?" she says in a happy voice. I lead her to the living room where Mel is still sleeping.

"Here she is, she is still sleeping but in a while she should wake up" I tell Hazel while I sit on the couch, Jason sits next to me and Hazel sits in the chair across from me.

"So tell me about yourself Hazel" Jason says pulling me closer to him. I know that he hates that we have a babysitter, but he will have to get use to it. Hazel goes on to tell us about how she was a straight A student in high school, got involved with gangs when she was dating this guy. The guy that she is dating is in the gang that we are friends with.

She won't rat us out, which is amazing, and she is a really nice person. We tell her all about Melanie and everything about her. After that we talk for a while then she goes home, we will call her when we need her, which is also great. After she leaves I turn to Jason and look at him.

"So what do you think?" I ask him. He shrugs then picks up Melanie because she is crying. I hand him the bottle and he feeds her.

"She is nice, I guess she can look after my princess" he says kissing Mel's head. I smile and rub is shoulders, I kiss the back of his neck and watch him and Mel.

"Well it will help out a lot" I say sitting next to him. We watch tv and sit as a family.

A couple hours later, Jason and I put Melanie to bed together. After we know that she is sleeping for sure, we walk into our bed room and get ready. I putting my PJs on when Jason comes and picks me up and throws me on the bed.

"Jason what the hell?" I ask while laughing. He smiles and climbs on top of me, kissing down my neck, to my chest.

"Jason" I say pushing him off. He sighs and moves his face right next to mine. He gives me the puppy dog eyes and puffs out his lips, I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Quietly" I whisper. He laughs and gets to work.


Lol (gets to work) lol.

Hope you like it!!



Thanks for reading

-Bella 💋

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