Day of Drama

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I pulled into the driveway and look at the house, music blared from the house, all the lights were on and people dancing from inside. I sighed to myself and got out of the car, I turned and looked at the gang house, all of the lights were off, so that meant they were here.

I tried open the front door but it was stuck. I pushed harder and harder until I got it open, when I do I look behind the door to see what was blocking it and it was a NAKED passed out Chaz. I roll my eyes and walk into the living room. Ryan and Chandler had two girls each on their laps, the girls were half naked.

I looked over at Jason, who was smoking and drinking in the corner. I walked over to the radio and turned it off, everyone's eyes landed on me. I was about to speak up but Alfredo came into the room. He opened his mouth to speak but only puke came out and it went all over my carpet.

"Everyone out now" I say trying to keep my cool. I was so angry that Jason would do something like that to me. The girls get off over Chandler and Ryan and pull them to the door. Alfredo walked over and picks up Chaz and walks out the door. I sigh and walked upstairs to check on Mel since she wasn't down here.

I walk into her room to see Maegan holding my crying baby. I walk over to them and take Mel from her and kiss her head.

"Thank you so much" I tell Maegan. She shrugs and sighs.

"I didn't know it was going to get that loud so I came up here so she wouldn't be scared" Maegan tells me. I sigh and rock Melanie, after 15 minutes she finally calms down and goes back to sleep. Maegan already left and I put Mel in her crib and walk down the steps.

I walk down to see Jason still smoking in the corner. I walk over to him and grab the joint from his hand, I throw it on the ground and stomp on it. Jason stands up and pushes me, but I regain my footing and walk closer to him.

"What the hell is your problem?!" he yells in my face. I try to hush him because I don't want to wake Mel.

"I'm the problem?! You are the one that had a party with girls, drugs and alcohol with you seven month old crying her head off upstairs" I say. He rolls his bloodshot eyes and then looks right at me.

"Well maybe it you didn't leave all the time and actually stayed her with me then I wouldn't have to have parties!" He yells in my face. His eyes turn black, but I didn't back down.

"I'm sorry I was working and not getting high! Im doing what i have to do to Mel and to be a reasonable parent, unlike you" I say. He pushes me and I fall down on the ground, ok that's it. I stand up and walk up to my room, I grab my suitcase and put some clothes in it. I grab two duffle bags, one for money and one for everything for Melanie.

After packing everything I walk into Mel's room and change her, then put her in her seat. Im done with Jason always pushing me and being a bad husband. I grab everything and walk down the stairs, Jason is laying on the couch and I hurry out the door.

I buckle Mel into the car and put all of the bags into the at as well. I tun around and see Jason. I jump backwards because I wasn't expecting him. He lifts his hand and punches me in the face, I fall to the ground and hold my face. I get up and run to the drivers side get into the car and pull away.

Blood rushes down my face, covering my eyes. It was hard to see but I had to get away from Jason, it's not ok that he pushes me all of the time and hitting me, if this keeps going, who knows what he will do to Mel.

After an hour of driving, I stopped at a hospital for my eye, I get Mel and my purse out and walk into the ER. A nurse comes up to me and puts me in a room, I feed Mel with one hand and I have a towel in my other hand, handing it to my eye. A little bit later the nurse came in and cleaned me up, she said I didn't have to get stitches.

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