New Place Same Life

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I woke up in to a chill in the air, I'm still not use to this cold weather since I have lived in California all my life. I open my eyes to see that I was alone, I get up and walk to the bathroom and did my thing.

I walked out of the bedroom and went to the room beside ours, which was Melanie's room. I opened the door to see Jason feeding her, his hair all messed up and his eyes heavy from lack of sleep. I smile at him being such a great father, who would have thought that Americans most wanted criminal was a perfect father.

"Hey" I whisper to him. He looks up and smiles.

"Hey" he says as I walk closer to them. I look down at my beautiful princess sleeping in his arms.

"How long has she been asleep?" I ask standing next to them, Jason yawns and whispers a response back.

"Well she was crying so I made her the bottle, and she feel back asleep, so after she is done with this I think you have until 8" he laughs at the last part. I look at the clock on the wall and see that it is 3 in the morning.

"Here let me take her, you go get some rest" I say, he nods and carefully stands up, handing her to me. She moves a little, but then goes back to how is was. I take Jason's seat in the rocking chair and began to rock.

"I love you baby momma" Jason says with a laugh, He kisses my head, I'm glad at even 3 in the morning he still thinks he's funny.

"I love you to baby daddy" I joke with him back. He smiles and kisses my lips before walking out of the door, going into our room. I look down at the sleeping baby in my arms and smile. She reminds me so much of Jason, his eyes, his smiles, everything.

Once she is done with her bottle, I gently put her head on my shoulder and began to burp her. It takes a couple minutes because she is still young, but she finally gets one out. I stand up and lay her in her crib, I cover her with her blanket and kiss her head.

"Goodnight Princess" I whisper to her. I walk out the door, but not before I put the baby monitor beside she crib, I have the other one in my nightstand. I leave the door cracked, so i can hear her that way too. I open my door and look at my amazing husband sleeping. I smile and walk over to the bed, getting in and cuddling to Jason's side. Almost like instinct, he wraps his strong arms tightly around me, almost like so no one can take me. I kiss his crown tattoo on his chest and fall back asleep.


I woke up in the morning to the smell of pancakes and bacon, I sit up and get up of bed, going to the bathroom and took a shower.

After my shower was over and my air was dried, I got dresses and when down stairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Jason shirtless cooking breakfast. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his back.

"Hey handsome" I say, trying to look over his shoulder, but he was to tall.

"Hey beautiful" he says turning around kissing me.

"Where Mel?" I ask taking a piece of bacon that was on a plate.

"Hey that was mine" he says with a fake pout. I laugh and finish the piece.

"What yours in mine, whats mine is yours" I tell him with a laugh. He playfully rolls his eyes and turns back to the pancakes.

"She's in the living room" he finally says. I kiss his back and walk off to the living room to see Mel Latin on her back on her blanket, playing with her toys.

"Hey beautiful" I say tickling her, she kicks her legs and smile. I pick her up and play with her on the couch.

After a couple minutes Jason comes in with a plate of bacon and pancakes. I lay Mel back down on her blanket and take my plate from Jason.

"So I was thinking, maybe we should let Tess and Ray look after Mel tonight and we can go on a date." Jason say before taking a sip of his milk.

"Well they are always saying how they would love to babysit her" I say. Jason nods and then finishes his plate.

"I thought it would be nice because we haven't been out since she was born and I miss you" he says kissing me. I smile and put my plate down on the coffee table.

"I know Jay and I'm sorry, its just with Mel she needs us" I tell him. He nods and hugs me tighter.

"I just feel bad for not telling them the truth, I mean they are our friends and we are hiding something big from them" I tell him siting up. He sighs and runs his hands through his hair.

"Kelli, we need to forget about it ok, that's what we came here for, to forget the past and have a new start." He says with anger in his voice. I just pick Mel back up and hold her, she starts whining so I go make her a bottle.

"I'm going out" I hear Jason say before he walked out the back door. He does this sometimes, he goes and leaves when he gets mad. That must be nice, to leave when thins get tough and never have to stay and face the music. I finish making the bottle and give it to her.

I walk back over to the couch and hold her while she eats. I grab the remote and turn on the tv, I flip through the channels and stop at the news.

"Toronto Canada's deadliest gang is making their way to Stratford, the reasons are unknown, but they have left a path of destruction behind them. Rumor has has the ruthless killers, Jason McCann and Kelli Hall have moved to Canada after their whole gang was murdered. McCann and Hall have not been seen but that good. As for the gang heading this way, please stay in doors and if you see any one from this gang, call the police, please stay safe"

I stare at the tv, still letting all the information sink in. I was so out of it, I didn't realized Mel was done with her bottle. I started to burp her and after she was done i put her back on the blanket. I got my phone and called Jason, after the third time I called him, he answered.

"Hello?" he says in an out of breath way, I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"Jason, is everything ok?" I ask him. I hear a few grunts and some cussing.

"Umm yea everything is fine, i have to call y-" he was cut off by the sound of a gun shot in the background. Oh god no.

"Jason, JASON?!" I yell into the phone, I hope he wasn't the one that was shot.

"I'm here Kelli, I'm fine" he says after a minute. Anger fills me from my head to my toes.

"What the hells Jason! Where are you, you bett-"I was cut off by the line going dead. Oh hell no, he did not just hang up on me!!

I tried calling back but he never answered. Im so mad right now, Jason promised that all the gang stuff would be left back in California and that this will be different! I heard the front door open and Jason stumbles into the kitchen, I walk in there to see him all bloody and torn clothes.

"Care to explain?" I ask while looking at him head to toe. He looks up at me and i see a huge cut on his forehead.

"I'm sorry Kelli" he says walking to me. I back away from him.

"No, you promised me this would be different, for Melanie, she shouldn't have to deal with life, we shouldn't have to!" I yell, but I need to stay calm, I don't want to scare Mel.

"I know what I said ok, but people were chasing me and I had to do something" he says wiping the blood away from his face. I grab a rag and put some water on it and clean the cut.

"Well did you kill them all?" I ask him. He nods but then sighs.

"But there is more coming, just for us"


It's Back!!!!!

First chapter in book 2!! I hope you guys like it.

ShoutOut to @fan_girlin_life, she is my best friend :)

P.S. this one is for @fan_girlin_life because she can't wait any longer!



Thanks for reading


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