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Hey guys :)

So I made this note so I can talk to you guys, I want to know what you truly think and I really want EVERYONE that reads this story to help out ok!

Ok so first thing, like I have said before this story is coming to an end :(, or is it?

1) I want to know if you guys want me to maybe make a book 3 or something because I know you guys don't want it to end and either do I. So if you want maybe a book 3 or just keep this one going, let me know.

2) Also, like always I need ideas. Small ones will be ok. I have a some little ones and what not but still.

3) if there is anything you want to see happen in the story, like new character, new members, anything.

Just let me know and please, please, please comment or message me! This is very important for the story, haha jk but it is important.

Thanks for reading
-Bella 💋

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