Welcome Home

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We just landed in Texas, we got onto the flight the day after the zoo trip. Speaking of the zoo it was fun for the most part until Mel ran off and we couldn't find her for 30 minutes. But once we did find her Jason was so mad, he was cussing and yelling at both me and Mel, along with all the other people watching.

So anyway, we are back in Texas making our way home. Mel is in the back seat telling us about the money's and lions. Jason was talking back with her while I just looked out the window.

In my rearview mirror I saw a black van pull out of a gas station and it began to follow us. I watched it closely, it followed us for about half mile until a saw the passenger window roll down.

"Jason" i say while slowly reaching for my gun.

"I see" he says doing the same. Just then a gun is pointed at us from the passengers window. I turn to the backseat at look at Mel.

"Sweetie remember what mommy and daddy told you about car trouble" I ask her in a hurry. She nods and curls up in a small ball while covering her ears. I look at Jason and nod, he does the same and pulls over to the side of the road.

The van does the same, three men get out of the van the same time Jason and I do. I know you probably think I'm crazy walking over to these guys being 6 months pregnant but they are really starting to piss me off.

"Well well well, if it isn't the McCann's" one man says. He is tall with jet black hair and a jagged scar over his right eye.

"And if it isn't the three butt-buddies" I say with a smirk, Jason laughs from beside me.

"You might want to be careful there, I don't think you want your second unborn child to die by gunshot do you?" the man with the scar asks.

"Look I have better things to do then stand here and listen to you trying to scare me ok, what you do want" i ask getting more pissed off by the second. My feet already hurt from the pregnancy, then add walking all day yesterday on them, I'm just ready to kill someone.

"We have unfinished business with you to, turns out that you two killed my brother after he did one of the biggest massmurders in the history of the gang world" The man says. It took me only a second to realize what he was talking about. Anger boiled in my veins.

"You stupid son of a bitch! He got what he deserved!" I yell taking a step forward. Jason holds me back, I look at him. I see him put on his non emotion face but I can see the pain in his eyes.

I close my eyes as the pictures of our old died gang runs through my head. Justin, Mark, Grace even Bre. The reason why we moved to Canada to escape the bloody events.

"No he didn't! He was just doing his job, and I'm here to do mine" he say. I turn and point my gun at him, and he does the same to me.

"Go ahead and do it, I'm sure your little girl that watching you right now from the inside of the car with really love seeing her mommy kill someone" he says with a sick smile on his face. I don't dare look back, knowing that it could be a trap.

"We will finish this tonight, 8 p.m., the old Wilson's warehouse. Don't think about bringing your gang or the baby get it" The man says. I smirk and look right into his eyes.

"Same for you, because I'm sure that little Bryan won't want someone coming to his home and killing his mother and three sisters will he?" i ask him. I was speaking of his son Bryan and the rest of his family. A dark shade comes over his eyes as he takes a step forward. The two guys that were with him hold him back.

"You better watch you stupid bitch McCann before she gets herself in trouble" He says trying to fight the other guys off. Jason just gives him a cold laugh and says.

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