Date Night

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I stare at him in disbelief, I can't believe that this is happening, this was suppose to go away once we moved to Canada.

"W-what why are they coming for us?" I ask him. He shakes his head and hugs me.

"I don't know, but no one is going to go anywhere near my two loves" he says kissing me. I nod and kiss him again.

"You need to get a shower, you stink" i say with a laugh. He laughs and kisses once more before going upstairs to take a shower. I walk over to Melanie and picked her up.

"Don't worry, mommy is going to keep you safe" i tell her before kissing her head and lightly hug her. She smiles and goos, i laugh and tickle her.


I was ironing my hair, getting ready for my date with Jason, Tess and Ray already came and took Mel, so it was just me and Jason. I straightened my dress and walked over to my closet and grabbed my shoes.

"Hey babe, you look amazing" Jason says from behind me. I turn and smile, he looks so good in suites.

"You too" I tell him. He pops his imagery collar and laughs. I roll my eyes and put my shoes on. Once I'm done I grab my clutch and walk over to Jason. He grabs my hand and kisses it, I smile and follow him down the stairs.

We got to the car and we pulled out, I look over at Tess and Ray's house and sighed, Jason rubbed my hand and told me everything was going to be ok.

"I know, but I have never left her before" I say still looking out the window. He kisses my hand and continue driving. We finally arrive at the restaurant and took our seats.

"I'm so happy we are doing this" Jason says, I nod and take a sip of my water.

"Don't worry about her ok, she will be just fine with them" he tells me while rubbing my hand.

"I know they will but I'm also worried about that gang, what if they get Mel, wh-" he cut me off before I could finish.

"Kelli, they are not going to find her, ok and if they do I will kill each of them personally, and I don't even want to know what momma bear will do" He tells me. I laugh at the end, he's right I don't even know what I would do if they hurt Mel, all i know is that it won't be pretty.

"Ok, so what happened today?" i ask him just as the waiter came over and gave us our food.

"Well I just went out of a walk, and i was walking past this person's house, they had there tv so loud that I could hear the news. So I went and tried to find the gang before they got any closer, and i took them out but they fought back" he say.

"Well, I'm glad you are trying to protect your family, but you can't just walk out like that when your mad, if you keep doing that, it will show Mel that its ok to leave and never face your problems" I tell him. He nods and takes a bit of his food, I sigh and eat my food as well.

After an hour of eating and taking, we finally left to go get Mel. We drove to Tess and Ray house and parked out front.

"What if they saw the news, and they find out who we really are" I says with a worried voice. Jason sighs and shrugs.

"I don't know Kelli, I don't know" he says before he gets out of the car. I just hope that they don't watch the news. I get out of the car and walk beside Jason to the front door. We knock and after a couple seconds the door opens to show a smiling Ray.

"Hey Jason, Kelli how are you doing, come in" he says with a happy voice. We smile and follow him into the living room where Tess and Mel are playing. I run over to Mel and pick her up lightly hugged her.

"I missed you so much" I say kissing all over her face. She giggle, which causes everyone in the room to laugh. Jason came up behind me and kisses Mel on the head. We sat down on the couch next to Ray ad Tess. They turned on the tv and was flipping through the channels.

'Killer Jason Mc-' the new reporter began to say, but i took the remote away from Tess and change it before they could hear the rest.

"God i hate the new, it's the worst" I say with a laugh. Tess tries to take the remote back, but it's hard because I have Mel in my arms.

"But I love the news" Mark says. I rolled my eyes and hide the remote from them.

"But it's so full of lies and its sad that people believe all the lies and rumors" Jason says. I nod, he is right.

"Well it's my house and my tv, give me the remote" Tess says sticking her hand out for it. I sigh and hand her it.

"Thank you" she says, she turns back to the new and luckily they are talking about the new zoo that is coming to town. I sigh in relief and look over at Jason, he sighs to and then winks.

After 15 minutes of talking, Jason and I take Mel home. We pull into the driveway, which is right next door. We got out and walked into the door, I toke Mel upstairs because she was getting tried. Since Tess fed her she doesn't need anything to eat, I changed her diaper and put her in her PJs.

"Goodnight sweetie" i say kissing her head. I lay her in her crib and cover her. I turn on the nightlight and walk out of the room, into mine. I see Jason already laying in bed in just is boxers, I strip down to my bra and underwear and put one of Jason's shirts on. I crawl into bed next to Jason and cuddle into his chest.

"Hey babe, can we, you know" he says running his hand up and down my body. I laugh, knowing what he wants.

"Ok, but we have to be quite" I whisper to him, he nods and crawls on top of me. This is going to be fun.


If you miss the old Kelli and Jason, just wait because they are coming soon.



Thanks for reading

-Bella 💋

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